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Dear CCP : Margin trading skill - it needs checkbox to enable or disable for buy orders

Raffen Relikt
#21 - 2012-04-05 12:10:57 UTC
you want the option to turn off one of your skills?

personally I would rather see the option to manually add isk to the market escrow and that the market escrow gets emptied before it goes looking in your wallet.
Aina Sasaki
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2012-04-05 22:51:21 UTC
Margin Trading is awesome. It allows me to put up buy orders worth far more than i'd normally be able to put up. So long as I continue to sell what items I buy, i'll never run out of ISK because of Margin Trading. :)

- Rei

V Enterprises
#23 - 2012-04-05 23:06:09 UTC
Not to long ago I bought 19 plexes at 49.99m per unit rather than 499m. Didn't even get hatemail, I was slightly dissapointed. I've also been on the other side of that mistake a few times for a couple bil though so I know how easy it is to make when tired/intoxicated/distracted, etc.
Flios Bror
Persnickety Pilots
#24 - 2012-04-06 22:25:43 UTC
The only really annoying thing with margin trading (for me): it is not visible in game if someone has used margin trading with a corp buy-order.
#25 - 2012-04-07 19:01:37 UTC
I, for one, cannot get enough of it.
Me loves it something fierce.
Although I find it interesting that there are people out there who don't.

The Cryptic Arch - Always Building

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2012-04-10 22:40:42 UTC
I'd be for a check box to apply or not apply this skill. There are places where it's useful and times that you'd rather not use that effect.
Ben Bernank
The Goldman Sachs
#27 - 2012-04-11 10:40:06 UTC
I'm against this.... simply because the skill is clearly beneficial, like any other skills. Should we have a check box to disable other skills too? I think not, just don't train the skill.

Don't leave your wallet empty and you'll enjoy the full benifits of the skill. I can't think of why it would ever be preferable to place buy orders without it. Don't place a buy order which would way overextend your wallet, unless of course that's what you're trying to do.
#28 - 2012-04-11 11:43:24 UTC
Lol .. judging from the replies, I'd say there's quite a few folks who's too lazy to read and understand the gist of the OP.
Hopefully CCP doesn't fall into that trap, but I'm not holding my breath.
The Scope
#29 - 2012-04-11 11:55:16 UTC
Sturmwolke wrote:
Dear CCP,

Please put a checkbox to enable/disable "Margin Trading" when I'm buying stuffs.
This is getting annoying as I've got to bloody remember not to move around funds between wallets, less the buy order fails.

Yours sincerely,

How could to forget that you have large buy order obligations and more the funds in the first place? Sounds like sloppy isk management to me.

Subrahmaya Chandrasekhar
#30 - 2012-05-11 16:28:09 UTC
Having learned my first programming language in 1973, and having been a programmer for many of the years since then, I would have to say that I would have to be out of my mind to enable a feature such as margin trading with no way for the user to toggle it on and off.
That is just incredibly thoughtless, sorry to say.
Thankfully, CCP always thinks things through, and I'm sure they will soon realize their mistake and correct it.
Ben Bernank
The Goldman Sachs
#31 - 2012-05-11 17:28:01 UTC
Anyone who needs a checkbox to keep track of their isk for them really shouldn't be trading. Oh no, I'll buy too many things CCP help me!

Sometimes I want to pay more taxes and fees. We should add check boxes to those skills too. Why stop there? We can make all the skills disableable!
Lauren Hellfury
Super Happy Awesome Fun Times
#32 - 2012-05-12 23:19:35 UTC
A checkbox would be very handy in certain circumstances. The first that springs to mind would be for those orders that you know will fill and are your basic bread and butter versus those where you are taking a bit of a punt. It would allow you to prioritise certain orders over others.

For those corps using a wallet division to trade from for multiple people (for whatever reason) it would also be handy since you won't know how much of what remains in the wallet is needed to cover others market orders that have used the margin trading skill. Or more precisely, you don't know how short you could be running that wallet.

Help rid New Eden of T2 BPOs: ** **The Full Pocket Aggro blog: **Now showing: **Margin Trading Scams

Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#33 - 2012-05-14 23:52:20 UTC
The margin trading skill is the most destructive skill in EVE. It is totally bending the economy towards older and higher skilled and higher liquid players. The fact that it made it to the design table is a terrible oversight imho..

Getting rid of it entirely would be the best thing to happen for the EVE economy. You want credit rating and leverage use metagame mechanics and get loans, and shift the risk onto actual real players..

While they are at it removing the limit on market orders and contracts would help a lot to, and improving the general UI on market and contracts. We did not need inventory UI upgrade, we needed it everywhere else..

These old flaws to EVE economy mechanics is some terrible perma docked pandas protection act.

While on that note nerf the hell out of the npc corp strawman trading, by adding the same hike on taxation as was done on mission running. Simply add a default +1.5% transaction tax.

Drab Cane
Carbenadium Industries
#34 - 2012-05-15 05:32:16 UTC
Caleb Ayrania wrote:
The margin trading skill is the most destructive skill in EVE. It is totally bending the economy towards older and higher skilled and higher liquid players. The fact that it made it to the design table is a terrible oversight imho.

Really? Older and higher skilled players? It takes 30 days or less to train Margin Trading to V from nothing (including prereqs), and total skill cost is less than the cost of a battlecruiser.

As for players with 'higher liquidity' having an advantage, you have a point. I'm sure that there are plenty of players that have felt it was completely unfair when they get outgunned by another player with superior skills and better weapons. And yet, the game (and its players) manages to survive and fight another day.

Caleb, I respect that you really enjoy the economic simulation that is the EVE market, but really. The game, at its core, is about flying and blowing up internet spaceships.

Skill training is a deep part of EVE gameplay. I'm glad there is a tradeoff between training trade skills vs. ship skills vs. weapon skills, etc. It make life ( and character development) much more interesting.
Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#35 - 2012-05-15 18:51:12 UTC
Drab Cane wrote:
Caleb Ayrania wrote:
The margin trading skill is the most destructive skill in EVE. It is totally bending the economy towards older and higher skilled and higher liquid players. The fact that it made it to the design table is a terrible oversight imho.

Really? Older and higher skilled players? It takes 30 days or less to train Margin Trading to V from nothing (including prereqs), and total skill cost is less than the cost of a battlecruiser.

As for players with 'higher liquidity' having an advantage, you have a point. I'm sure that there are plenty of players that have felt it was completely unfair when they get outgunned by another player with superior skills and better weapons. And yet, the game (and its players) manages to survive and fight another day.

Caleb, I respect that you really enjoy the economic simulation that is the EVE market, but really. The game, at its core, is about flying and blowing up internet spaceships.

Skill training is a deep part of EVE gameplay. I'm glad there is a tradeoff between training trade skills vs. ship skills vs. weapon skills, etc. It make life ( and character development) much more interesting.

I was def not saying there should not be trade skills, I merely pointed out that imho that one skill is really a bad idea. It might be fast to train, but its a bit akin to thermodynamics and infomorph it takes a while to find it and figure out what it does. Sadly the way EVE players have decided to use this skill is make it a scamming tool. Its one thing that it is balance breaking, but when its also a scam tool I would have either fixed it or removed it, if I was on the ccp side of the table.

The idea of margin trading, and geared investment is really great. It should however be linked directly to something like you current faction standing, and only work where you had good standing. Thus reflecting credit rating. Which brings the Caldari centric F***-up.. It would really be useful if we could get the scc neutral trade corp to actually be the trade corp in EVE. This would be the corp you should grind missions for, and there should be stations for hub trade in each faction. Ideally CCP could just make one station SCC in each of the current populated hubs and add mission agents to this. Then add the derivates from the relevant faction npc corps, like the banking corps and shipping corps.

The next step would be switching the public to internal "upside down" policy around, so corp orders and corp contracts would highly benefit the players. The last tweak would be boosting/fixing the npc faction standing calculations in corps, so big entities did not suffer by having many and new members. These issues have been around for so many years, that people arent even paying them attention anymore.

Yes EVE is pew pew space ships. That is among the main goals, but if I just wanted pew pew, or twitchy shooting stuff, I think EVE is the wrong game. The aspects that makes EVE unique is exactly the economy and the p2p ecology. The cirlce of life. This pseudo realism needs a bit of long over due tweaks, that will hugely improve the game experience. Lucky that some related features are slowly creeping into the game come this inferno patch. Not all, but some is better then none.

Drab Cane
Carbenadium Industries
#36 - 2012-05-15 20:35:57 UTC
Caleb, interesting ideas, all of them.

If I read CCP's gameplay strategy correctly, their big priorities are 1) get players into player corps, and 2) get players out of high-sec.

Keeping new players 'safe' in the high-sec 'kiddie pool' is important for bringing new players into the game, but keeping high-sec carebear activities 'safe' for experienced players doesn't seem to be a priority.

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