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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Hello, a few questions

Tywin Remington
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-05-08 00:13:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Tywin Remington
Hello, and thanks for reading.

I'm happy to say I'm now a full fledged member of EVE online. I have ran the trial several times over the years, but it never really caught me as much as it does now, for whatever reason.

My trial last night ran out, and I bought the game! (and only just now figued out how to post on the forums! Didn't know you had to be logged into EVE to do so...)

Aside from a few issues with the tutorial agents having a time limit on them(which were resolved quickly by the GMS!), as I do not have -tons- of time to log in and play, I am enjoying every space-filled minute thouroughly.

As far as beginning skills go, I have been following Louis(sp?) Epic newbie skill guilde located here: (Although I admit, I am following it loosely, but enjoy the passive bonuses the skills grant that he advises)

With my game purchase(commissioned officers edition) came a cerebral accelator, I have not redeemed it yet, here's why;

I will be going for several weeks in a couple days, but plan to train a very lengthy skill so when I return it will be finished, and mytime will not be wasted. (Energy Management Level V)

I chose to purchase the game now because I recall reading somewhere that trial accounts are auto-deleted after 7 days of inactivity, and I did not want that.
I am about halfwy through the Caldari tutorial agents, and hope to complete them before I leave.

Anywho, enough jibber-jabber.
How long will my redeemable item(s) stay.. redeemable?
Is there any way to find out what a mission is about without having to delay it or being forced to decline?
I had some issues with creating my character. I enjoyed the look and backstory of the Caldari, but thouroughly loved the 'feel' of the Minmitar.
As such, how do I find capitals/homeworlds/hubs on the world.. ahem. Galaxy Map? Are these listed and if so, where can I find them? (I'm thinking about going as an industry character, but my skills aren't focused yet. I have heard this is ill advised)
Also, should one go and complete other faction Tutorial missions? Are there benefits in that they prepare you to fly said factions ships?
How do I leave the state war academy? (I heard this is strongly advised)
Or will there be negative effects if I chose to leave before finishing the career agents?
Is there a less tedious(and option happy) way to setting the overview map that shows objects/ships/stargates in your system?
The cerebral accelrator grants some bonuses to time trained for skills and attributes(as a factor of the aforementions). It said it experied after 35 days, does this mean the cerebral accelrator bonuses, or are these bonuses applied when I 'activated' my account?

Again thanks for reading, any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
Proposition Thirteen
#2 - 2012-05-08 00:58:33 UTC
I would get the implant redeemed and in....

The only drawback to this implant is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after a while; as such, it will cease to function for pilots who have been registered for more than 35 days.


Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#3 - 2012-05-08 02:00:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Tau Cabalander
I probably missed a bunch, as you have a lot of of questions that are answered in many different places, even EVElopedia. I also tend to ramble a bit as there is so much to tell.

General EVE Guide ("the manual"): (FREE!)

Mission Reports:

NPC Agents:

Maps: (PDF, trade hubs are circled in red)

Major Trade Hubs (by size):

1. Caldari: The Forge / Jita IV Moon 4, Caldari Navy Assembly Plant
2. Amarr: Domain / Amarr VIII (Oris), Emperor Family Academy
3. Minmatar: Heimatar / Rens VI Moon 8, Brutor Tribe Treasury
4. Gallente: Sinq Laison / Dodixie IX Moon 20, Federation Navy Assembly Plant

There are minor trade hubs in every region, often mission hubs. There is also typically a secondary trade hub per region, and it is usually also a mission hub. These can often be found by looking at the starmap population statistic.

Skill Planning:
Ship Fitting:

There are standings penalties for destroying faction-owned ships and structures, but these missions can optionally be declined. However, then you won't get valuable faction dog-tag drops, except from the odd mercenary. Storyline missions are offered every 16 missions of the same level for the same faction, and also change your standings.

However, if you only do storyline missions and decline faction missions and faction storylines, your standings will stop dropping at -5 (or -2 with Diplomacy 5 trained).

Until you know what you want to do, I recommend declining all missions with a player faction icon in the briefing. You can decline a mission once every 4 hours, so using multiple agents (possibly for different NPC corps) is handy.

When your standing drops to -5 the faction police will shoot at you when you are in their territory. They are tankable in larger ships, and can be evaded. However, you can also avoid them by travelling in a pod or shuttle (unarmed so ignored).

You can join any player corp from the corp info and clicking on the "Apply to Join" button. You cannot join NPC corps, but are put into a default one if you ever leave a player corp. Once you leave the starter corp, you can never return.

You can choose to do missions for any NPC corp. Most people prefer agents in the security division (combat), and hence navy corps are popular as they have a lot of these agents. However, other corps have security division agents too.

You can always do tutorial missions, even if you leave the NPC starter corp. You can also repeat them every 3 months. Career Agents. GM's will reset tutorial missions if you have problems and file a petition.

You can pilot any ship in EVE if you learn the required skills. There are no ship affecting benefits from your race, bloodline, or which NPC corp you choose to work for. Only your skills matter.

Take a look at Louis's epic Overview Settings and Louis's epic skill guide

Other useful Chribba Sites:

TIP: Have a question? Use the forum search, looking for posts by me (click on the advanced search). I post a LOT. You can also EVE-mail me in-game or via EVEGate if you can't find an answer to your questions.
Oraac Ensor
#4 - 2012-05-08 04:06:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Oraac Ensor
Tau Cabalander wrote:
You can always do tutorial missions, even if you leave the NPC starter corp. You can also repeat them every 3 months. Career Agents.

I stand to be corrected, but I'm pretty sure the career tutorials can be done only once each. There are 12 sets (3 for each race) and anyone can do all of them, but when you've done all 12 you don't get any more goes.
#5 - 2012-05-08 07:19:41 UTC
First, about Cerebral Accelerator:

You can redeem it at once. You then get that item into game and you need to decide whether you want to use it or sell it.

The bonus it gives only lasts until your account is 35 days old, and since you have already played at least 14 days you only have maybe 20 days left. So if you want to use it, do that soon. Cerebral Accelerator gives you 4.5 more skillpoints per minute, which is about 130,000 skillpoints during 20 days.

But you can also sell it on contracts for about 130-150 million ISK (current price). The bonus it gives for learning speed isn't that big, so I would recommend selling it instead.

So which is more important for you: 130,000 skillpoints (about 2-3 days worth of training) or 130-150 million ISK.

Cerebral Accelerator can't be sold on market, so to sell it you need to learn to use contracts. I'm not going to cover that here, but there is no hurry to do that since you can just keep the item until you are going to sell it. Even after 35 days it can still be used by someone else who has newer account even if you can't use it on your account.

New to EVE? Don't forget to read: The Manual * The Wiki * The Career Options * and everything else

Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#6 - 2012-05-08 07:45:28 UTC
Oraac Ensor wrote:
Tau Cabalander wrote:
You can always do tutorial missions, even if you leave the NPC starter corp. You can also repeat them every 3 months. Career Agents.

I stand to be corrected, but I'm pretty sure the career tutorials can be done only once each. There are 12 sets (3 for each race) and anyone can do all of them, but when you've done all 12 you don't get any more goes.

I could have sworn I read a CCP post where they were going to make all the tutorials repeatable, just like the epic arcs.

I'll try to dig up the posting if it does indeed exist.
#7 - 2012-05-08 07:45:58 UTC  |  Edited by: malaire
And then to your questions...

> ... trial accounts are auto-deleted after 7 days of inactivity, and I did not want that.

Not true, so far CCP has never deleted any account, not even after years of inactivity. Still officially they only promise to keep inactive accounts for 6 months.

> How long will my redeemable item(s) stay.. redeemable?

I'm not sure, might be indefinitely for Cerebral Accelerator.

> Is there any way to find out what a mission is about without having to delay it or being forced to decline?

Once you know mission name you can go to to get more information. That doesn't list tutorial missions so for those just google mission name.

However reading mission information to get mission name does start the 7 day timer during which you must accept the mission if you want it, or offer will expire. You are never forced to decline mission since you can just let the mission offer expire if you don't want it.

> As such, how do I find capitals/homeworlds/hubs on the world.. ahem. Galaxy Map? Are these listed and if so, where can I find them? (I'm thinking about going as an industry character, but my skills aren't focused yet. I have heard this is ill advised)

Open map and go to World Map Control Panel -> Star Map -> Stars -> Statistics -> Average Pilots in space in the last 30 minutes. This will show solarsystems which have most players, and those are usually hubs.

Or just memorize main trade hubs: Jita, Amarr, Rens, Dodixie.

> Also, should one go and complete other faction Tutorial missions? Are there benefits in that they prepare you to fly said factions ships?

"Weapon of Choice" in advanced military tutorial differs a bit depending on faction, but other than that they are practically same for each faction. Main reason to do them would be to just get more rewards.

> How do I leave the state war academy? (I heard this is strongly advised)

You can only leave NPC corporation by joining player corporation (recommended) or factional warfare (I don't recommend for new player)

> Or will there be negative effects if I chose to leave before finishing the career agents?

Nothing related to career agents. However there are both positive and negative effects in both NPC corporations and player corporations.

> Is there a less tedious(and option happy) way to setting the overview map that shows objects/ships/stargates in your system?

Overview is really long topic which I prefer not to touch. Ugh

New to EVE? Don't forget to read: The Manual * The Wiki * The Career Options * and everything else

#8 - 2012-05-08 08:05:30 UTC
Tau Cabalander wrote:
Oraac Ensor wrote:
Tau Cabalander wrote:
You can always do tutorial missions, even if you leave the NPC starter corp. You can also repeat them every 3 months. Career Agents.

I stand to be corrected, but I'm pretty sure the career tutorials can be done only once each. There are 12 sets (3 for each race) and anyone can do all of them, but when you've done all 12 you don't get any more goes.

I could have sworn I read a CCP post where they were going to make all the tutorials repeatable, just like the epic arcs.

I'll try to dig up the posting if it does indeed exist.

I just visited career agent system where I did all missions in last december, and they were NOT available to be done again.

I've heard that they would be repeatable every 3 months, but at least for my alt this is not happening.

New to EVE? Don't forget to read: The Manual * The Wiki * The Career Options * and everything else

Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#9 - 2012-05-08 08:08:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Tau Cabalander
malaire wrote:
I just visited career agent system where I did all missions in last december, and they were NOT available to be done again.

I've heard that they would be repeatable every 3 months, but at least for my alt this is not happening.

I've not found the post by a CCP dev I'm looking for yet. It could be a figment of my imagination.

Your test results are good enough for me, for now.


EDIT: All I can confirm so far: tutorials are repeatable at any time, career funnels are one-time, the SoE epic arc is considered to be the repeatable Aura-guided NPE (new player experience).
Lyric Lahnder
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#10 - 2012-05-08 14:10:53 UTC
You can cross train to fly any races ship regardless of your standing toward there faction. As long as you have have the isk you can even fly there faction variants.

Even If I had terrible minmitar standings I could still purchase a republic fleet fire tail, or stabber fleet issue in jita.

Bad faction standings only means that there higher level agents will be off limits to you and there faction police will try to catch you and kill you if you enter there domain. But thats really ****** standing.

Noir. and Noir Academy are recruiting apply at I Noir Academy: 60 days old must be able to fly at least one tech II frigate. I Noir. Recruits: 4:1 k/d ratio and can fly tech II cruisers.

Tywin Remington
Caldari State
#11 - 2012-05-12 04:35:32 UTC
Thanks for the quick and awesome replies guys/gals!
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2012-05-12 20:19:15 UTC  |  Edited by: karaky
Do new referred accounts still receive a Cerebral Accelerator? The only information I can find is here which clearly states the offer is over. As you covered it in this topic I assumed one still received these but I'm not sure.

EDIT*: I can't redeem the Cerebral Accelerator as of now. It may be because it says "Your friend upgraded on 12 May 2012 using a non-eligible payment." in my past invites tab.
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#13 - 2012-05-12 23:51:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Mara Rinn
karaky wrote:
Do new referred accounts still receive a Cerebral Accelerator?

No, that offer has long since expired.

karaky wrote:
EDIT*: I can't redeem the Cerebral Accelerator as of now. It may be because it says "Your friend upgraded on 12 May 2012 using a non-eligible payment." in my past invites tab.

Yup, your friend should have subscribed using one of the methods specifically listed in the offer. If you believe that a valid method was used, submit a petition and see if the GMs will sort it out for you.
#14 - 2012-05-13 06:33:54 UTC
karaky wrote:
Do new referred accounts still receive a Cerebral Accelerator?
As you covered it in this topic I assumed one still received these but I'm not sure.

OP mentioned "commissioned officers edition" which is special boxed edition of EVE and comes with Cerebral Accelerator. This has nothing to do with the referral bonus you mentioned.

New to EVE? Don't forget to read: The Manual * The Wiki * The Career Options * and everything else