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Custom ship skins: A personal opinion on implementation.

Karn Dulake
#21 - 2012-05-05 03:08:19 UTC
Deise Koraka wrote:
Karn Dulake wrote:
Also, anything can be suicide ganked.

And it would take very little work to make your vision happen and I didn't read your post so I didn't see the part about limiting the design choices to in house CCP designers. Also I'm trolling

I fixed your post.

True story
I dont normally troll, but when i do i do it on General Discussion.
Deise Koraka
Caldari Investigations and Forensics
#22 - 2012-05-05 03:10:10 UTC
Torneach wrote:

Why should these cosmetic things be any different?

Because the whole point of the NeX store was so CCP could make more money on EvE, and spaceship related customization would be the best way to do it, not t-shirts and fake eyes.

*glances at my profile pic* Hmm...just ignore that image.

I am a carebear, and I support High Sec ganking and PvP. Just please, don't blow up my Hulk*. **<3 **

*Mackinaw as of Inferno 1.2

#23 - 2012-05-05 03:14:52 UTC
Deise Koraka wrote:
Because the whole point of the NeX store was so CCP could make more money on EvE, and spaceship related customization would be the best way to do it, not t-shirts and fake eyes.

*glances at my profile pic* Hmm...just ignore that image.

Well, this thread isn't really about the purposeof the NeX store, so I won't push it and derail it any further.

Back on track, I like your ideas for all the possible cosmetic changes for ships. However, there would need to be some sort of protection against performance degradation. I'd imagine the client/server having to process all kinds of variations on the base models would be rather unfortunate for performance.
Deise Koraka
Caldari Investigations and Forensics
#24 - 2012-05-05 03:23:04 UTC
Torneach wrote:

Back on track, I like your ideas for all the possible cosmetic changes for ships. However, there would need to be some sort of protection against performance degradation. I'd imagine the client/server having to process all kinds of variations on the base models would be rather unfortunate for performance.

Yeah, honestly I think it would have to be done from a limited selection of texture packs, so there wouldn't be too many variants as far as random combinations go.
Easy mode would be to include all the current in game NPC variants for your ship hull as purchasable options, with just a few Limited edition skins popping up here and there.


Classic Serpentis Pack for all Gallente ships: Matte Black Paint, Toxic Green Running Lights, Serpentis Decal
Blood Raider Pack for all Amarr ships: Blood Spatter Paint, Raider Decal, Dark Gold Trim and Running Lights

I am a carebear, and I support High Sec ganking and PvP. Just please, don't blow up my Hulk*. **<3 **

*Mackinaw as of Inferno 1.2

Phiad Aurilen
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#25 - 2012-05-05 03:59:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Phiad Aurilen
I was thinking about this a month or two back. I thought it would be great if we had a system to paint our ships that was in a was similar to say Forza. What I thought was :-

That the system would have a base set of decals that could be stretched, squashed, rotated etc.

These decals would be placed onto a layer maybe mirrored to be simmetrical. (Go faster stripes FTW!)

There would only be maybe 6 layers on a ship. (Not saying this is all i want... I could use a 100 if given a chance Lol )

A slight variation on base ship texture Colour for added effect are more costly in isk.

After thinking about these things it occured to me that it wouldn't be too hard for such a system to exist. The code for the decal placements & colours which is transmitted to CCP at time of undocking would be tiny as the assets are all in our clients.

The LOD over distance would mask detail & give time for those far away from the new decal augmented ship to load the data.

Jumping into system would give enough time for the locals in system / in sight of gate / station to recieve decal layer data.

Charge 100mill isk per paint job template. Charge 10mill to put that template back onto your new ship.

An isk sink methinks & something to do during station games Big smile
Deise Koraka
Caldari Investigations and Forensics
#26 - 2012-05-05 04:07:37 UTC
Torneach wrote:

Well, this thread isn't really about the purposeof the NeX store, so I won't push it and derail it any further.

What was the NeX store for, besides making CCP more cash?

I am a carebear, and I support High Sec ganking and PvP. Just please, don't blow up my Hulk*. **<3 **

*Mackinaw as of Inferno 1.2

Remistor Callaway
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2012-05-05 13:38:41 UTC
Deise Koraka wrote:
Remistor Callaway wrote:
Custom engines trails: NO. They are already a race "signature". A Minmatar ship with blue trails makes no sense.

If you customize your Minmitar ship with blue running lights and a primarily black paint job, why would red/orange trails make any sense?

A black Minmatar ship with orange trails would be awsome. As for the lights, I think that what you want to fly is a kind of ricer. Ships are not 99' Honda Civics with neons under the body.
Testerxnot Sheepherder
Get Isk or Die Mining
#28 - 2012-05-05 13:40:11 UTC
Yes, the game itself is fine, let's pimp the graphics.
Aleksander Erkkinen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#29 - 2012-05-05 14:39:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Aleksander Erkkinen
Actually if anything they should use paint jobs as an isk sink. There is nothing better than disposable cosmetics to remove currency from a game, since people will pay so considerably for it (even $$$).

The price should vary as:
  • Each hull category costs more than the last, so pimping a frigate is relatively cheap but that gold plated titan is really going to hurt your wallet.
  • Tech level increases costs dramatically.
  • Color popularity/desireability increases costs exponentially (gold plating is possible, but at such a premium that it becomes the new monocle - pimp my riders get to bling, and when you pop a gold plated ship gankers get to squee).

It should, of course, be completely and irrevocably destroyed when a ship pops.

This breaks absolutely no mechanics. This nerfs nothing. This is available to everyone. There is no real reason for controversy. This is an isk sink that can be adjusted without far reaching ramifications. Its something players clearly want (and can ignore completely if they don't). I see it as win/win for players and CCP alike.

Edit: formatting.
Boston Bradley
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2012-05-05 14:42:01 UTC
Horrible Idea.

Easily Abused.

Also, another rage invasion from GoonBad would occur.
Joran Dravius
#31 - 2012-05-05 14:43:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Joran Dravius
Believe it or not this actually was implemented. It was removed shortly before I joined beta from what I understand. I did see some old screenshots of it on the beta forum though. Not sure why it was removed.

Deise Koraka wrote:
Make the price for them painless, so people keep coming back for more. 10,000 1 dollar sales are better than 100 20 dollar sales.

This shouldn't cost real money. If it does then it shouldn't be droppable just like the avatar clothes or people who PvP a lot will be paying more for space paint than their phone bill.

Aleksander Erkkinen wrote:
that gold plated titan is really going to hurt your wallet.

Only because it's a titan. I'm amarrian. All my ships are already gold plated. Cool

Boston Bradley wrote:
Horrible Idea.

Easily Abused.

Also, another rage invasion from GoonBad would occur.

How could a paint job possibly be abused?
Deise Koraka
Caldari Investigations and Forensics
#32 - 2012-05-05 21:22:22 UTC
Testerxnot Sheepherder wrote:
Yes, the game itself is fine, let's pimp the graphics.

Yet another person not getting that the art department and the game balance / game play mechanic departments are separate entities.

I am a carebear, and I support High Sec ganking and PvP. Just please, don't blow up my Hulk*. **<3 **

*Mackinaw as of Inferno 1.2

Deise Koraka
Caldari Investigations and Forensics
#33 - 2012-05-05 21:26:04 UTC
Remistor Callaway wrote:

A black Minmatar ship with orange trails would be awsome. As for the lights, I think that what you want to fly is a kind of ricer. Ships are not 99' Honda Civics with neons under the body.

So what I'm seeing from you is, your idea of "custom skins" would be slightly different shades of the existing races color palettes.

Amarr: Gold, Dark gold, Light gold, Gold gold

Minmitar: Brown, Rust, Rusty Brown, Dark Brown

etc etc

Every ship already has running lights, nothing would be added. Stop trolling.

I am a carebear, and I support High Sec ganking and PvP. Just please, don't blow up my Hulk*. **<3 **

*Mackinaw as of Inferno 1.2

Barengar Grayborne
Short Bus Enterprises
#34 - 2012-05-05 21:49:36 UTC
Deise Koraka wrote:
How I'd like to see it implemented:

b: Give each race a limited color palette, probably selectable from within the current playable variants and NPC variants to stay true to the current art style.

I don't agree with a limited color palette based on race of the ship. We aren't "soldiers" we are capsuleers. Restricting the color palette practically squashes the idea all together since the point of being able to paint your ship is creative freedom. If I want a gold-plated Machariel I should be able to have it dang it!

An ISK based system would keep everyone happy as the NEX is a joke and we all know it (Yeah I've got an eyeball implant and navy shirt/pants/boots...that I paid ISK for). As previous posters have said this game needs a real money sink and people will blow tons of ISK to change their paint job over and over again whether they are just getting tired of it or keep getting blown up.

This game isn't this race versus this race, it is this corp versus this corp. If there is a corp out there that wants hello kitty pink ships then let them have it, the explosion will look the same when it gets ganked by people...

For the sake of the systems. For the sake of yourself. Vote Hobo Beard.

Deise Koraka
Caldari Investigations and Forensics
#35 - 2012-05-05 22:46:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Deise Koraka
Barengar Grayborne wrote:

This game isn't this race versus this race, it is this corp versus this corp. If there is a corp out there that wants hello kitty pink ships then let them have it, the explosion will look the same when it gets ganked by people...

CCP and anyone with even a modicum of taste would never allow this to happen.
Paint and pattern styles need to stay within their racial and/or factional design.

I am a carebear, and I support High Sec ganking and PvP. Just please, don't blow up my Hulk*. **<3 **

*Mackinaw as of Inferno 1.2

Barengar Grayborne
Short Bus Enterprises
#36 - 2012-05-05 23:08:57 UTC
Deise Koraka wrote:
Barengar Grayborne wrote:

This game isn't this race versus this race, it is this corp versus this corp. If there is a corp out there that wants hello kitty pink ships then let them have it, the explosion will look the same when it gets ganked by people...

CCP and anyone with even a modicum of taste would never allow this to happen.
Paint and pattern styles need to stay within their racial and or factional design.

At this point it isn't about what an individual player wants or what CCP wants to see for ship colors and what not. It is about that creative freedom. You mention being able to use iconic color templates like Guristas and the like but why not be allowed to create our own. It IS that freedom that makes EvE history...

Obviously in the end what CCP gives us is what we get but I for one would give a flying f*** if somebody wanted to paint their ship whether they paint pink or paint it like a bumble bee. It doesn't effect my play and it just adds more variety to the already bland ship colors anyways. Look at what they are doing to Amarr ships. Glittery gold is out and dull bronze is in...

For the sake of the systems. For the sake of yourself. Vote Hobo Beard.

Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#37 - 2012-05-05 23:30:14 UTC
Torneach wrote:
Deise Koraka wrote:
Torneach wrote:
Can we just kill the NeX store already and move all the junk in there to player production through industry?

EvE Log: Captain Lameass:

Today I spent my time on EvE mining Tritainium to manufacture T-Shirts. It was ttly badass.
EvE 4evah bros, peace out.

Yay for straw men!

Put some sunglasses on the next one, please. Cool

I think the point was how ludicrous it is to manufacture T-Shirts from Tritanium. Considering minerals and resources in game are mostly related to the manufacture of space ship parts and stations, I can't think of a reason why that wouldn't be a good argument. On the other hand, it's perfectly reasonable to expect PI to produce some of the required materials, and to an extenti t maybe/sorta does. A lot better than making fuel out of Robot Parts anyway.

So.. to disagree with the OP or not to disagree with the OP; that is the question.

Generally speaking, I'm going to agree as I never noticed a mention of NEX or PLEX, but I didn't read it all anyway. However, I too went "wtf" when I noticed the custom exhaust headers; actually that's as far as I got. Shall we have Neon LEDs too? "Pimp my Ride?"

Okay, I get customizing ships and changing paint schemes to a certain degree, but this is getting a bit ludicrous. I'd say offer a combination of options from NEX and General market and availability through player interaction.

Custom ship design schemes can be sold on NEX, (I really don't have an issue with that), that can then be either sold on the market in game or used to produce ships using that design for Contract sale. Obviously, Custom-Custom is not going to work with the regular market. Any ship repackaged will have to revert to its regular form.

In-game customization can be available on Custom designs and regular skins and provide a good NPC ISK sink. This will allow players to change the tint of Custom designs or colors of regular skins to one degree or another. Changing exhaust trails is a bit silly, unless you think swapping the engines with something that produces purple smoke is still going to result in you being able to fly the ship.

You could also offer Faction and other NPC ship skins through LP to bring another option into it. FW players and missioners could get their own ship skins specific to the respective factions through this. Imagine a Rifter flying around with Caldari colors for example?

Effectively, no matter how you get it or from where, a Design sheme for a specific ship type would be a 'BPO' or 'BPC' that you could use many times or once respectively. You could sell them, trade them through Contract, or use them for manufacture. Potentially, if added to the ship manufacturing queue they could even make the process faster and more cost effective.

Nothing wrong with the idea, and to ease the implementation, these design could be made available initially, (or ever for that matter), for use with specific ships that are consistently popular and well-liked by the game population. Rifter for example, or even a Drake or Hurricane.

This would limit the number of 'Custom' skins that would have to be created and make it sort of like the legacy of custom cars. Only very specific models have ever been consistently customized to any great degree. There are cars; and there are The Cars. I don't mean the late 70's rock band either.
T'amber Anomandari Demaleon
#38 - 2012-05-06 05:43:03 UTC  |  Edited by: T'amber Anomandari Demaleon
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#39 - 2012-05-06 11:40:20 UTC
At least put corp decals on ships Smile

You only realise you life has been a waste of time, when you wake up dead.

Hulkageddon Orphanage
#40 - 2012-05-06 11:41:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Miilla
Custom ship skins eh, isn't this what triggered the NEX fiasco?

And after they deployed out NEX, here you all are back again, square one, asking for customisation again, and CCP want to MONETISE that demand.

Which is it? Do you want NEX or not? Sounds like you do, but you don't want to pay for it.

Well, if you want custom stuff, you are going to pay for it. NO if's no Buts. NEX is back in vogue again.

More NEX items incomming, and maybe ship skins, so that means,,, MICROPAYMENTS.

Didn't take long to come back to this old thing again.

I vote we rename the next Expansion for Eve. Eve: Galaxies.