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Disciples of Ston

Blue Canary
Watch This
#261 - 2012-03-28 18:20:33 UTC
Ah, a new strawman.
How delightful.

Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise.

Rodj Blake
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#262 - 2012-03-30 12:12:00 UTC
Tahrmal Nalthkh wrote:
The IGS forum is not where official communications should take place. I have neither time nor inclination to "play in the IGS sandbox" with you.

I for one welcome this change of policy and look forward to many hours browsing a STON-free IGS.

Dolce et decorum est pro Imperium mori

Tahrmal Nalthkh
Disciples of Ston
#263 - 2012-04-04 17:08:23 UTC
Brief public summary of DSTON policy changes:

1. Administration shall remain under the Development office including approval of roles, corporate access, etc.
2. The Board of regeants of the Academic Center shall appoint the CEO and maintain Administrative oversight.
3. Official Policy Summaries shall be communicated publicly on this thread.
4. Other Corporate activity will be communicated in this thread.
5. No other threads will be opened by members of DSTON without approval from the Development Office.
6. Bowman and May Cotton, along with Halfred and Bell Greenhand shall assume administration of all Matriculation Centers run by DSTON.
7. All concerns, questions or inquiries may be addressed to me personally.

Note: Any responses that require my attention should be sent by EVE mail to Tahrmal Nalthkh and not on this thread. I will give no official responses here, only short policy and procedural updates appropriate for public information.

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh,
Provost, DSTON Academic Learning Center

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh CEO, DSTON Rescue Pilot

Katrina Oniseki
Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#264 - 2012-04-04 18:46:07 UTC
Tahrmal Nalthkh wrote:

5. No other threads will be opened by members of DSTON without approval from the Development Office.

Maybe the new management is worth something after all.

Katrina Oniseki

Tahrmal Nalthkh
Disciples of Ston
#265 - 2012-04-13 14:01:44 UTC
The following a concise report of recent transfers followed by a new program announcement.

102 criminal slave traders were processed into our detention center in Korama from temporary facilities in Amarr space and from our Centers in Dresi and Aharalel, In addition 54 criminal militants were also processed. Detention Center inmate census: 245 Criminal Slave Traders, 79 Terrorists.

1574 rescued men, women, and children were transered from temp facilities to Dresi Center #2 yesterday and today.

Program Announcement:

The Development Office of the Disciples of Ston together with the Cottons, Greenhands, and Mr. Momaki have worked hard to plan and create a new program. Today we announce that 50 criminal slave traders will be entering a Restitution and Rehabilitation program to hasten their re-entry into society as productive citizens. This will begin with vocational training here in Korama and then assignment to one of our Matriculation Centers to serve those they once enslaved.

Those who choose to enroll in this program will train in areas from as simple as janitorial work to becoming a crew member aboard a rescue vessel. The focus will be on making restitution for their crimes of the past. After a period of service, the enrollees will then become hired and paid employees of DSTON, eventually being able to leave and go where they wish or stay if they wish.

The Development office will evaluate each individual who enrolls in the program as to readiness for each step. The final say will be given by the Greenhands and Cottons.

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh CEO, DSTON Rescue Pilot

Rodj Blake
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#266 - 2012-04-13 15:06:16 UTC
Tahrmal Nalthkh wrote:

The IGS forum is not where official communications should take place. I have neither time nor inclination to "play in the IGS sandbox" with you.

Well, that lasted a long time.

Dolce et decorum est pro Imperium mori

Manwe Todako
Disciples of Ston
#267 - 2012-04-13 15:13:03 UTC
Rodj Blake wrote:
Tahrmal Nalthkh wrote:

The IGS forum is not where official communications should take place. I have neither time nor inclination to "play in the IGS sandbox" with you.

Well, that lasted a long time.

Are you really as dull as you seem? If you paid attention, you would note that Dr. Nalthkh clearly stated that communication refers to interaction, like what I am doing right now. Dr. Nalthkh made it clear that he would use this thread to "make announcements" regarding policy and program but would only communicated interactively through EVEmail. Clean the wax out of your ears, Blake.


Tahrmal Nalthkh
Disciples of Ston
#268 - 2012-04-25 21:45:41 UTC
The first twenty slavers to enroll in our rehabilitation program have been evaluated, have undergone initial training and have been assigned to our Center in Ealur to begin a work program there. Their jobs will involve assisting the Matriculation community there and they will come under the direct supervision of the Cottons and Greenhands. Most will be involved in facility maintenance, janitorial work and some educational assistance work. They will be paid for their work. After a period of time, they be evaluated and perhaps receive additional training. We expect another group to be assigned to one of our Centers in Dresi within a few weeks.

Questions regarding this program may be directed to me via evemail.

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh CEO, DSTON Rescue Pilot

Gamarr Altol
Amarr Empire
#269 - 2012-04-27 13:53:58 UTC
Tahrmal Nalthkh wrote:
The first twenty slavers to enroll in our rehabilitation program have been evaluated, have undergone initial training and have been assigned to our Center in Ealur to begin a work program there. Their jobs will involve assisting the Matriculation community there and they will come under the direct supervision of the Cottons and Greenhands. Most will be involved in facility maintenance, janitorial work and some educational assistance work. They will be paid for their work. After a period of time, they be evaluated and perhaps receive additional training. We expect another group to be assigned to one of our Centers in Dresi within a few weeks.

Questions regarding this program may be directed to me via evemail.

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh

I think what you meant to say is that the first 20 prisoners. I doubt that these slavers have voluntarily enrolled in your program. No doubt they were captured when you were rescuing abandonned slaves. Who has given you the authority to hold these individuals? To try them and assign them to what essentially is a penal colony??? Somehow I doubt that the slaves in the centres are going to treat the slavers in fair manner.

Release the slavers. Now.
Manwe Todako
Disciples of Ston
#270 - 2012-04-27 14:47:34 UTC
Gamarr Altol wrote:
Tahrmal Nalthkh wrote:
The first twenty slavers to enroll in our rehabilitation program have been evaluated, have undergone initial training and have been assigned to our Center in Ealur to begin a work program there. Their jobs will involve assisting the Matriculation community there and they will come under the direct supervision of the Cottons and Greenhands. Most will be involved in facility maintenance, janitorial work and some educational assistance work. They will be paid for their work. After a period of time, they be evaluated and perhaps receive additional training. We expect another group to be assigned to one of our Centers in Dresi within a few weeks.

Questions regarding this program may be directed to me via evemail.

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh

I think what you meant to say is that the first 20 prisoners. I doubt that these slavers have voluntarily enrolled in your program. No doubt they were captured when you were rescuing abandonned slaves. Who has given you the authority to hold these individuals? To try them and assign them to what essentially is a penal colony??? Somehow I doubt that the slaves in the centres are going to treat the slavers in fair manner.

Release the slavers. Now.

Surely you know what happens to Amarrian base-liners who "embarrass" the Empire by getting caught breaking the law. Most often they are summarily executed, or they are subjected to generational slavery. These slavers were rescued, as you say, while attempting to transport slaves for illegal sale outside of Amarrian space. Call them prisonesr if you like. If we were to return them to the Empire you could call them "dead" or "slave." The Disciples of Ston oppose the death penalty and we oppose slavery. Slavers are better treated with us than they would be if returned to the Amarr for "justice." Not one slaver we have rescued has requested to be returned to Amarr authorities. Hmm, I wonder why? Could it be that what they tell us of Amarrian "justice" is true; that execution and enslavement are the norm? The slavers we rescue see our operation first hand and as much as you would deny it, some want to make amends to those they once oppressed. That is what our rehabilitation program is about.


Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#271 - 2012-05-01 14:47:11 UTC

I have been out of the practice of writing reflective posts since devoting more time to rescue work, but reading the IGS reminds me of the need for all of us to be more reflective. Today's relfection is on the use of "ad hominem" "against the man" "against the woman" fallacies on the IGS.

I don't know if I have ever met anyone who has any convictions or strong feelings about their values who doesn't use some ad hominem from time to time. It is the most difficult of fallacies to avoid. Often it is used by force of habit, but sometimes it is used subtly, purposefully, and with great skill to great effect. Those with rhetorical training can use ad hominem without seeming to use it.

The skillful use of ad hominem does not require you to directly attack a person to discredit their argument. One can use indirect ad hominem to much greater effect and come out looking smart and quick and reasonable. Consider the following statements; one of them contains ad hominem the other does not.

"Ston's argument has some logical issues that I would like to address."
"I would like to expose the stupidity/silliness/non-sense (host of other terms) of Ston's argument."

If I don't want to come right out and call Ston an idiot or a silly dolt and thus be accused of ad hominem, I will use the pejorative of his arguments and thus cast the same pejorative upon him. This is the most common skilled use of ad hominem and some people are very skilled at its use. Indirect ad hominem is almost always more effective than direct ad hominem.

Is it possible to avoid ad hominem all together? Yes, but it is very difficult and requires a great amount of self-discipline. I've gone back through some of my own posts and found quite a bit of ad hominem both direct and indirect in my own arguments with others. Some was intentional, some was because I was being lazy or emotional at the time.

Now, before I conclude, I want to address a related fallacy that is even more difficult to detect and equal to if not greater in force than ad hominem. This would be the fallacy of "enim homo" or "for the man." Like ad hominem it focusses on the person rather than the argument. In this case it is used to cover a failed argument on the basis of a positive characterization of the person. Below is a typical example of the most common enim homo.

"Cousin Billy Bob is always right; he knows what he is talking about."

P.S. There is a bit of not-so-sly ad hominem in the example above as well, just for your enjoyment. Blink

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari
#272 - 2012-05-01 15:59:52 UTC  |  Edited by: ValentinaDLM
Thank you for the insight Ston, I cleverly avoid the whole issue though by just doing and saying what i feel is the right thing, regardless of it passes the "logic" of someone else. I have to say it simplifies things not to have to come up with archaic words to defend myself or attack others with.
Tahrmal Nalthkh
Disciples of Ston
#273 - 2012-05-02 12:53:55 UTC
DSTON Development Office Issues Uniform Policy Regarding War Declarations

The Corporation Disciples of Ston is a functionally pacifistic entity and seeks to maintain this functional pacifism to the greatest extent possible. Therefore, under the conditions of a war declaration against DSTON, all members currently active in rescue operations and active travel in the cluster shall leave the corporation and continue to operate under private contract to DSTON.

Currently, the Corporation House of Murder has declared war on DSTON. Ston Momaki and Manwe Todako have been instructed to resign all roles and prepare to leave the corporation for the duration of the war.

Any questions regarding this policy may be directed to the DSTON Development Office via evemail to
Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh
Provost, DSTON Academic Learning Center
CEO: Disciples of Ston

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh CEO, DSTON Rescue Pilot

Katrina Oniseki
Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#274 - 2012-05-02 12:57:33 UTC
It may be worth noting that CONCORD is revising legal war declarations. It may not be possible to effectively maintain this policy in the future.

Katrina Oniseki

Dilaro thagriin
#275 - 2012-05-02 13:16:45 UTC
While attempting these rescue operations is an applaudible act, i'm still not convinced that any of it is true.
Ston himself claimed to have rescued one group of can-bound lives when he spent the entire day running around in a capsule.
If he had not been caught lying one, i would perhaps believe that these slaves are truly free, but he has. That brings everything into question.

Go back to being a simple thief Ston. you were better at that.
Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#276 - 2012-05-04 13:24:28 UTC

DSTON celebrates its first birthday today. A little over a year ago I began a personal journey involving the study of capsuleer pilot behavior. I was disturbed by the violence and greed in our cluster and so I set out to confront it on a pilot by pilot basis. beginning primarily in the system of Piekura, I flipped cans of only pilots who remained in the system. I then engaged them in conversation about their attachment to things and ISK and about their predilection for gratuitous violence. I would often return their goods or give them away. I jotted my reflections on this forum and enjoyed the reactions and interactions it spawned.

A while later I met a pilot who had become dis-enamored by the rather valueless approach that mission agents took to their work. He was an Intaki, working for the Minmatar at the time. He left Minmatar space and began to roam about. We met in Piekura and struck up a conversation. At the time, I was training no skills as a protest to the Capsuleer training and educational system which says you must train in order to accumulate more and become more effectively violent. Edaine was training skills and had those necessary to start a Corporation. "How would you like to turn your protest into a Corporation?" After some thought, I agreed on the basis that I would have say over its vision, direction, and rules. He agreed as long as he got to choose the name.

I figured that this was going to be a practical joke of sorts. "Space Pansies for Peace Corporation?" "Insufferable Bleeding Hearts Corporation?" There were number of names to choose. Edaine choose a name designed to bring as much hassle on me as he could possibly generate. Thus was born, Disciples of Ston.

We did not remain the roaming hippy beatnik organization that we began to be. This was primarily do to Manwe Todako joining our organization. Manwe brought a more rationalistic idealism to our focus. Over time, we began to observe the problem of slavery as one that could not be ignored by our organization. When asked to assume the care of a large number of rescued slaves, we could not refuse. Nor could we hide from the ongoing need to help the enslaved and abandoned.

Idealist tend to make poor administrators. We lean toward extremism at times. Long story short, after our own self-created IGS Debacle, we agreed to hand over the administration of DSTON to the more stable hands of our Development Office.

Short history concluded:

Happy Anniversary Disciples of Ston.

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Manwe Todako
Disciples of Ston
#277 - 2012-05-04 17:53:19 UTC
I marked the occasion by running 21.1 km around the station promenade this morning as a reminder to myself of the victory of self-discipline over self-service. I am reminded that the Disciples of Ston exist to give avenue for the position, power and resources of the capsuleer to be a tool not of violence but of gentle service, not of acquisition but of giving.

Happy anniversary DSTON.


Katrina Oniseki
Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#278 - 2012-05-04 18:01:11 UTC
Happy Anniversary, DSTON.

Katrina Oniseki

Edaine Numenor
Numenor Benevolent Holdings
#279 - 2012-05-04 20:22:14 UTC
Thank you Ston Momaki for influencing my thinking in several areas.
Happy anniversary DSTON

Liberating slaves wherever, whenever, and however I can.

Mensha Khael Crow
House Murder
#280 - 2012-05-04 23:30:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Mensha Khael Crow
War retracted for personal reasons.

C0URT will only respond to agression for the duration it takes to Concord to process the relevant paperwork.

Seems you have some small favour with God. Do not waste it.

Our righteousness is evident in the failures of the heathen, God keep us from falling prey to their weaknesses.