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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Getting bored but really like this game

Gej 93
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-05-04 18:30:23 UTC
Been playing for just shy of a month now, got 1 mill skill points. Flying a cruiser with a relatively decent fit, got my drone skill to level 5 everything should be awesome. But I'm bored as soon as i sign on.

I'll give you a brief summary of what I've been doing so far:

Started the game and really liked the complex economy and the idea of making money from simply making smart business decisions. Did that for a while, got a decent industrial ship. Made about 100 mill, which might not seem like much but comparing it to my skills I could basically afford every ship I could fly 10 times over. Joined a couple of corps, didn't really feel like they were social enough or maybe it was just that I wasnt good enough to run the same missions but I was beyond the basic tutorial sessions they offered.

I'm bored of running missions alone, and because I've moved around my standings average with a few organisations instead of good with one so i can only run level 1s still.

Anyone else in the same position or any advice you can offer?
Kahega Amielden
#2 - 2012-05-04 18:53:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Kahega Amielden
Find a corp that isn't terrible doing something that you find interesting (there are many more things than missions, of course)

If the first thing that happened upon joining said new corp was them all running off to run missions by themselves, then said corp is terrible and you did well in leaving them.

Before you apply, talk to the people you will be flying with. Figure out what it is they do and, specifically, what it is you will be doing with them.
Zoe Athame
Don't Lose Your Way
#3 - 2012-05-04 18:57:41 UTC
Eve is a sandbox with many people in it. You can sit in the corner and play by yourself or go shoot the other kids with lasers.
The entertainment in EVE comes from your interactions with other players. Those interactions could be industrial schemes, acts of piracy, nullsec call to arms, consensual frigate duels or even poker games!

Many players of traditional MMOs see the epic EVE trailers and are convinced to try the game but are driven away because the game doesn't seem to lead anywhere. The theme that runs deep in every fun activity is that it won't happen to you unless you make it happen.

For example, the Hulkageddon event where hundreds of pilots are out suicide ganking defenseless miners for sport and prizes. It's one of those cool things gamers hear about that seem to happen in EVE all the time but when they get here all they see is empty space and prompty log off again because there aren't big flashy quest objectives leading them to Hulkageddon.

In order to enjoy EVE you have to want to enjoy it. EVE won't hold your hand, but that extra effort to integrate yourself into the universe is what makes it so much more enjoyable than any scripted game.
Kasdeya Vetis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2012-05-04 19:32:54 UTC
Zoe Athame wrote:
Eve is a sandbox with many people in it. You can sit in the corner and play by yourself or go shoot the other kids with lasers.
The entertainment in EVE comes from your interactions with other players. Those interactions could be industrial schemes, acts of piracy, nullsec call to arms, consensual frigate duels or even poker games!

Many players of traditional MMOs see the epic EVE trailers and are convinced to try the game but are driven away because the game doesn't seem to lead anywhere. The theme that runs deep in every fun activity is that it won't happen to you unless you make it happen.

For example, the Hulkageddon event where hundreds of pilots are out suicide ganking defenseless miners for sport and prizes. It's one of those cool things gamers hear about that seem to happen in EVE all the time but when they get here all they see is empty space and prompty log off again because there aren't big flashy quest objectives leading them to Hulkageddon.

In order to enjoy EVE you have to want to enjoy it. EVE won't hold your hand, but that extra effort to integrate yourself into the universe is what makes it so much more enjoyable than any scripted game.

CCP should put this on the spash page for the Eve website. Best description I've seen so far of this game.
Elsebeth Rhiannon
Electus Matari
#5 - 2012-05-04 20:16:09 UTC
Find a corporation that is social enough for you and does some fun things.

If they have a single clue, they should very well be able to take you with them to (pvp) combat, group missions, incursions etc. If they do not know how to make a rookie in a cruiser useful for those, or are unwilling to take you because you do not have the blingest ship, find another corporation
#6 - 2012-05-05 08:38:32 UTC
Gej 93 wrote:
I'm bored of running missions alone, and because I've moved around my standings average with a few organisations instead of good with one so i can only run level 1s still.

Small tip about this: Train few levels in "Connections" skill and you can run level 2 missions.

But level 2 missions will be just as boring as level 1's after you have skills to run them, so this wont fix your main issue.

New to EVE? Don't forget to read: The Manual * The Wiki * The Career Options * and everything else

Shovel Bros
#7 - 2012-05-05 15:06:24 UTC
I can't believe no one has linked this yet, check out this link for What to do in Eve.
Zoe Athame
Don't Lose Your Way
#8 - 2012-05-06 03:31:04 UTC
mxzf wrote:
I can't believe no one has linked this yet, check out this link for What to do in Eve.

I generally dislike that image because it's just another form of propaganda (like the eve trailers mentioned in my previous post) but i've never seen the site you linked before. I'm glad somebody actually added links and made the "activities" clickable. Now if only it was 100% complete!
Shovel Bros
#9 - 2012-05-06 05:06:17 UTC
It's not propaganda, it's an image that was made by a player (St Mio) to provide a simple and clean overview of the general activities in Eve. It doesn't make things happen for you, but it does give a quick overview for showing people what they can work towards if they choose to.
Pretzel Logic.
#10 - 2012-05-06 12:01:00 UTC
Find people that are fun to fly with. Eve is all about player interaction.


Lyric Lahnder
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#11 - 2012-05-07 13:48:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Lyric Lahnder
Train to fly your races interceptor and stealth bomber then apply to noir academy.

Is the Merc life the life for you?

We live every where and no where. You will see new eden blaze in all of its glory, and all of its horror...

Level 1's and 2's are missions meant to be blitzed so you can speed grind standings to lvl 3's and 4's where the cash is. Train Connections V Social V, Negotiations V.

100 mil for a 1mil sp character is pretty damn good well done.

Col beat me on the post. Sorry for the double team

Noir. and Noir Academy are recruiting apply at I Noir Academy: 60 days old must be able to fly at least one tech II frigate. I Noir. Recruits: 4:1 k/d ratio and can fly tech II cruisers.