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Lets Talk About Inferno’s [Questionable] New Wardec Mechanics

First post
Antisocial Malkavian
Antisocial Malkavians
#121 - 2012-05-04 00:32:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Antisocial Malkavian
I think Id like to see a way for the wardecced corp to win other than wait for the deccer to get bored.

At the onset this seems like a good thing, that is until you hear what the players in game have to say about it. So far I have heard more then once "welp, we will just have to bring more neut RR". Like it or hate it, the Neut RR game mechanic has been around for so long that players have forgotten how to do it any other way. They feel like they need it like a crutch, and they will not be giving it up so easily.

Know how I see this getting fixed? CCP's usual ham fisted technique.

Making it an exploit

Or like WoW, making the healer a target

They wanna make wars more meaningful keep the mercs idea and make it so that when a war starts you cant dock

And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#122 - 2012-05-04 00:48:45 UTC
Antisocial Malkavian wrote:
Know how I see this getting fixed? CCP's usual ham fisted technique.

Making it an exploit

Or like WoW, making the healer a target
It's being fixed as part of Crimewatch 2.0: aiding a pilot engaged in a war with a neutral character will flag that character as a “suspect” — iow, he'll be a free-for-all target for anyone in the system. I suppose that might be along the lines of the second version, but I have no idea how WoW works, so I can't decipher that comparison.

They wanna make wars more meaningful keep the mercs idea and make it so that when a war starts you cant dock
Lol That would really bring griefing to new levels.
#123 - 2012-05-04 08:59:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Aesheera
Tippia wrote:
It's being fixed as part of Crimewatch 2.0: aiding a pilot engaged in a war with a neutral character will flag that character as a “suspect” — iow, he'll be a free-for-all target for anyone in the system. I suppose that might be along the lines of the second version, but I have no idea how WoW works, so I can't decipher that comparison.

This will be a - imo - very proper solution if you ask me.
About time that neut rr gets dealt with.

You wanna field logi's? have them in your alliance or corp.
Assisting people at war when you as character should have no involvement in said affairs can use good punishment.

As far as the propsed new dec mechanics is concerned:

Arrow Increased dec fee? Fine, screw the stupid +member fee @ 500k.
Make deccing small corps more expensive and less appealing, make deccing semi big to big corps/alliances reasonable.

Arrow Unlimited allies? The ally system is good, but the possibility of a corp rallying everyone as they see fit without restriction is stupid. When you're a merc group or basic griefer gang, it's will be nearly impossible to get the job done since every killhungry HS PvP'r will be on that ally system like Oprah on a baked ham.
How CCP doesn't see this themselves is beyond me.

This will result in a massive increase of either:

Arrow Suicide gank-merc or griefer outfits to avoid the ally system all together by not deccing a target to begin with.

Arrow Mercs/Griefers bringing an obscene amount of RR to a fight with a ratio of likely 3 Logi's to 1 DPS ship.

It obviously isnt set in stone yet, but these are concerns that should be looked into.

EDIT: Also, statements in the OP are things I agree with back to front. And not simply because we fly under the same banner.

- I think my passion is misinterpreted as anger sometimes. And I don't think people are ready for the message that I'm delivering, and delivering with a sense of violent love.

Eternum Praetorian
#124 - 2012-05-04 11:37:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Eternum Praetorian
Bringing Guardians In Line With The Rest Of The Ships In EVE (AKA Nerfing Them)

Unlike my null sec counterparts, I will be taking into account Logistics ships important role in none Empire affairs. Because, well, its a sandbox and you should not nerf one play style strait to hell in an attempt to fix another play style. That's bad Makay?

Arrow Reduce the bonus a Guardian cap transfer rate to a degree where neuting them becomes more effective. ATM you need 5 heavy energy neutralizers just to drop a guardians capacitor to below 1:20, which is 20 sec more then the aggression timer at station or on a gate. Alternatively, you need a curse with at least 4 energy neutralizers to drop a guardians capacitor below 3:30 sec.

Make guardians slightly less cap resistant so neuting becomes more effective VS guardians in smaller numbers. Force guardian pilots to manage their cap intelligently, and interact with their established cap chain more. Giving capacitor to those who need it most, not just remote repair. They are cruiser size hulls after all.

I suspect that this alteration by itself would effectively bring Guardians in line with the rest of the ships in EVE. Guardians should be running cap stable at about 60%, not at + 100%, and as cruisers size hulls with high resistance to ECM, their Achilles heel should really be neuting. Neuting + 1min aggression would give us a viable countermeasure for guardian swarms, and since most bonused neuting ships are either paper thin, or insanely expensive (only to become more so if this were to go into effect) everything else would tend to balance itself out.

When this thread dies I will create a stand alone nerf logi thread, based upon this principle.

[center]The EVE Gateway Blog[/center] [center]One Of EVE Online's Ultimate Resources[/center]

Jessie-A Tassik
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#125 - 2012-05-04 12:46:41 UTC
Ronald Ray Gun wrote:
Excuse my ignorance but I thought there was a new system being implemented that means small corp will be able to call for aid via some sort of contract and the people who agree to help get a free war dec?

Maybe CCP are hoping that people who are looking for a fight will just look through the 'we are at war and need help' and go smush the weakest 'griefing' corp they can find. (I hate to use the term 'griefing' but you know what I mean)

Or maybe Goonswarm whined that their pets were in danger from this new *** mechanic, so DevGod made sure Goonswarm could still protect it's pets.
Kale Kold
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#126 - 2012-05-04 12:48:31 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
I did get a kick out of seeing an Abaddon with 5 RR Guardians get popped instantly by 40 Tornados. Ah, alphastrike-based doctrines.

lol! you lost 40 Tornados while killing 1 one Abaddon? PvP, you're doing it wrong! Lol

“Some people call me insane for the destruction I’ve caused, ...I believe I was just doing my duty!” -- Testimony submitted to Caldari Navy war crimes tribunal.

Jessie-A Tassik
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#127 - 2012-05-04 12:49:44 UTC
Gogela wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Now, normally, I'd say that a corp that is defenceless should be nuked into oblivion simply because they've made the bad choice of setting themselves up for a lose/lose situation — being defenceless means they're not actually ready to have a corp to begin with. However, this change opens up a new avenue for them: they can congregate in a massive decshielding alliance (hell, I'll offer my services just to profit from/break the system again, like I did with decshedding) and that means that the system is inherently broken right out the gate, in pretty much exactly the same way as it was broken before — the kind of breakage the change was intended to fix.

This ^

...and I agree that if they all the "defenseless" corps band together for protection that is fine. That's what they should be doing anyway... though I'd also argue that a defenseless alliance is just as dec-able and will be deced straight away... that's all normal and fine. It's the alt padding that's a problem. The bottom line is you can't have a corp and be defenseless. Anyone who predicated their existence on highsec invulnerability based themselves on a broken mechanic. If there's going to be an actual fix to the dec system reality is going to drop kick you in the sack, and I think there's a few isk to be made on that reality check. I just hope the dec change is actually a fix and not one that allows shielding by a different method. If you want a dec shield it should exist... it's called hiring or aligning with a PvP corp. That should be your only defense... not skirting war altogether.

So a police/military force is now a "broken mechanic".

All human history indicates you are functionally ********.
Aracimia Wolfe
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#128 - 2012-05-04 12:51:56 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Fannie Maes wrote:
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Basically, wait until the changes come out and then whine to CCP about how goons are wardeccing all the little corps.

Clearly, shooting wardecs is so fun the next time around, Jita will be full of blinking red people.
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
op is right, wardecs should be next to free, and impossible to welch out of.

We wouldn't mind, he might. We have FCs that love camping people into stations.

So I guess Goons do what they do for empire players benefit out of the kindness of their heart? Roll

No. Boat loves to troll people by camping them into stations. But he also loves trolling us with "stories" while we are camping.

No Boat camps the stations, boats dog tells the stories.

Kill it with Fire!

Jessie-A Tassik
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#129 - 2012-05-04 12:54:15 UTC
As for the new mechanics, you know the completely broken ones.

No way would CONCORD even protect the Goons after "burn Jita" or Hulkagadeon. They'd all have SEC Status -10 and Concord would go after them.

But DevGod has instead decided that CONCORD would love them and protect them above all others and make it cost billions and billions to shoot at them.

And Goons need that. Because the loss of a few Logi's sends them into hysterics. They aren't the "bold frontier gunfighter" they are the corporate suck up that runs to the boss whenever something the least bit unpleasant happens to them.
Doctor Ungabungas
#130 - 2012-05-04 14:02:51 UTC
Jessie-A Tassik wrote:
Or maybe Goonswarm whined that their pets were in danger from this new *** mechanic, so DevGod made sure Goonswarm could still protect it's pets.

I'm not sure what game you're playing, but in Eve Online: the game about spaceships our allies live in 0.0 with us and war decs aren't a thing that we think about. (Except when burning Jita obviously.)
Doctor Ungabungas
#131 - 2012-05-04 14:04:25 UTC
Kale Kold wrote:
Alavaria Fera wrote:
I did get a kick out of seeing an Abaddon with 5 RR Guardians get popped instantly by 40 Tornados. Ah, alphastrike-based doctrines.

lol! you lost 40 Tornados while killing 1 one Abaddon? PvP, you're doing it wrong! Lol

Number 1: That's terror.
Number 2: That's terror.
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#132 - 2012-05-04 14:42:33 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Soon, groups like 0rphanage and such will forget how fun it is to dec massive alliances in order to camp Jita.

Because massive alliances are defenseless and could never fight against something and terrible as a few tornadoes hiding behind the jita station.

Seriously, you goons have the numbers to roflstomp the orphanage over and over again. You don't, and instead complain about them picking off your hapless members wandering in and out of tradehubs during war. Yes, it's everyone else's fault!

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#133 - 2012-05-04 14:54:48 UTC
I completely agree with the first sentiment of the OP. The wardec cost structure is a joke. It would cost a 12-member corp billions to wardec the Goons, but it would cost the Goons tens of millions to wardec that corp. How does that at ALL make sense?

I do have some points of contention though:
Eternum Praetorian wrote:
Guardians need to be brought in line with the rest of the ships in EVE Online, just like Falcons were.

So nerf logi because you don't like them being used in station games. Nevermind that they're considered balanced EVERYWHERE else. It sounds to me like you're complaining that you can't figure out how to take down logi before they deaggress and dock/jump. Welcome to Eve, sometimes things don't go your way.
Eternum Praetorian wrote:
I do not know how many Megathrons it takes to kill 1 Guardians in a chain of 4-5, but I do know that they won't be catching them. If ECM is the intended countermeasure to this... then I can't help but wonder how many falcons you need to shut a chain like that down long enough to score even a single kill in 60 seconds.

You clearly lack imagination if you can't solve the simple problem of killing logis that have aggression.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Eternum Praetorian
#134 - 2012-05-04 15:40:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Eternum Praetorian
Well, my opinion differs from yours then. I do not feel that logistics and RR in general are perfectly balanced everywhere else. On top of that, how exactly will guardians being cap stable at about 60% instead of +100% change/kill your game play?

[center]The EVE Gateway Blog[/center] [center]One Of EVE Online's Ultimate Resources[/center]

Lady Hofstedar
#135 - 2012-05-04 15:51:18 UTC
Eternum Praetorian wrote:
Hi, now i cant war dec any corp anymore because id actually have to pay and make isk from the kills.......

no no no no noooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Get with it , simple as, u wanna war dec people, pay the right price, not 2mil per week to kill off masive corps who like to operate in high sec

eve risk vs reward

even then u dont get to destroy large mining corps because u dont like miners

Its like a wow player hacking blizzard and disbanding every top raiding guild on his server just so they can get more recruits

stupid no?

Your rant is just a *****, a ***** about how u must actually pay to war dec people.

Well good, brilliant, lets see a drop off in idiot griefers who thinks its funny to take out 150man pve corp cause u dont like the fact the ceo knows how to run a sucessful corp where as the most players you can get is 3-9 players who wanna be a big a **** as you ingame. Not to mention that none of the griefer corps can work together because you all act like morons

so pwn, owned, slammed, jizzed and twatted by ccp on u

ha? ha? ha?

am i being abig a **** as you yet or do i need more practice?
None ofthe Above
#136 - 2012-05-04 16:02:53 UTC
Fannie Maes wrote:
Akirei Scytale wrote:

Sorry but the url did not contain CCP so I did not click it.

I did; looks like legit TEST fleet doctrine to me.

The only end-game content in EVE Online is the crap that makes you rage quit.

Eternum Praetorian
#137 - 2012-05-04 16:03:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Eternum Praetorian
@Lady Hofstedar

Clearly you didn't read my actual post, else you would have noticed the part where I fear that these mechanics will buff the griefing of smaller starter organizations, while making larger and stronger establishments less desirable targets and creating near invulnerability in an already safe empire. CCP has somehow managed to get the whole thing ass backwards.

Why don't you put on your thinking cap
Read it again
Then get back to me, alright sweet pee?

[center]The EVE Gateway Blog[/center] [center]One Of EVE Online's Ultimate Resources[/center]

Lady Hofstedar
#138 - 2012-05-04 16:08:44 UTC
Eternum Praetorian wrote:
@Lady Hofstedar

Clearly you didn't read my actual post, else you would have noticed the part where I fear that these mechanics will buff the griefing of smaller starter organizations, while making larger and stronger establishments less desirable targets and creating near invulnerability in an already safe empire. CCP has somehow managed to get the whole thing ass backwards.

Why don't you put on your thinking cap
Read it again
Then get back to me, alright sweet pee?

Hello lover

It will actuall force or push smaller corps to joining alliances to protect them from griefer targets if yah sat down n thought about it :P

Which i am a fan of. griefers don't bother me. Null sec 4tw but yah, butthurt gallore on there rest

U sexy bastard you!
Lyric Lahnder
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#139 - 2012-05-04 16:22:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Lyric Lahnder
Every one loves to gamble. Risk vs Reward. War should be a gamble.

I support the idea of having defenders find ways to end the war, for instance if they do pay off a corp they cant be war decced for a while. It should scale though. Let say your money you ransom from another corp scales to the next time you can war dec them. The more isk, the longer time from when you can war dec them again. But also the down side of that is if the war ends at the end of war declaration and the defender doesn't pay up, you cant war dec them for the indicated time period..

Then it becomes more of a gamble. You really have to know you can hurt enough of your war target entity for your war dec to be worth it. In this situation you really got to be able to twist the knife to the point where the members are screaming for leadership to pay the damn bill and get it over with.

With this mechanic you would also have to be able to declare war longer then one week, corps can stay docked up for a week easy and not have it crimp there style isk wise.

Corp a decs Corp b: 3 Month long war, ransom is 10 Billion isk, 3 month retainer, 30% value of ransom payed to initiate un refundable.

Corp b: still standing at the end of war declaration, hasn't agree to pay.

Corp a: Cannot declare war again on corp b for 3 months.

Had corp B agreed to pay, they would have had 3 months of there lives back, and the war decers would have left with there initial investment plus 7 billion in profit.

If the cost of war decs is based off of what your trying to extort from the other corp for and not there membership size war deccing becomes more like playing texas hold em. Will they hold or fold? How well can you read the man across the table?

Also it might be a good Idea to have the cost of war decs increase depending on the number you have running. You want to initiate a bunch of war decs you will have to pay slightly more for each one after the first one.

Posted this else where thought I'd bring it up here as well.

Noir. and Noir Academy are recruiting apply at I Noir Academy: 60 days old must be able to fly at least one tech II frigate. I Noir. Recruits: 4:1 k/d ratio and can fly tech II cruisers.

Eternum Praetorian
#140 - 2012-05-04 16:32:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Eternum Praetorian
Lady Hofstedar wrote:
Eternum Praetorian wrote:
@Lady Hofstedar

Clearly you didn't read my actual post, else you would have noticed the part where I fear that these mechanics will buff the griefing of smaller starter organizations, while making larger and stronger establishments less desirable targets and creating near invulnerability in an already safe empire. CCP has somehow managed to get the whole thing ass backwards.

Why don't you put on your thinking cap
Read it again
Then get back to me, alright sweet pee?

Hello lover

It will actuall force or push smaller corps to joining alliances to protect them from griefer targets if yah sat down n thought about it :P

Which i am a fan of. griefers don't bother me. Null sec 4tw but yah, butthurt gallore on there rest

U sexy bastard you!

You seem pretty angry TBH.

No one should be forced to join larger alliance for "numbers" protection because of shoty game mechanics. And also **** your null sec and your brainless PVP styles. You seem overly angry about wardecs in empire that "supposedly" don't bother you.

Oh yea, I don't know if I mentioned this yet, but you seem pretty angry about something. Can't quite place it though.

[center]The EVE Gateway Blog[/center] [center]One Of EVE Online's Ultimate Resources[/center]