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Hulkageddon 5?

Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#181 - 2012-02-17 14:17:12 UTC
Trinity Xavier-Hope wrote:
Don't be too hard on them. They are probably bullied and picked on in real life and doing it to others in here, helps them recuperate. They wish their real lives were as important as their virtual ones ...

Naaah, none of us do.. All this excitement is too much for me.. I'm waiting for the next expansion where CCP will reveal their new eve profession: boring white IT guy with a lame job and a cat.

Wilma Shakespear
Quarks low Tax Corp
#182 - 2012-04-30 19:33:35 UTC
Those Smegheads seem to Ignore a big part of Eve were alot of 08 and 09 Space is thanks for that!!

I Mined the hole Day without looking over my shoulder!!

Sycho Pathic
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#183 - 2012-04-30 20:34:07 UTC
Conceptually stale.
Lost its' novelty value long ago.
It's like being Rickrolled now.
Eventually, it will be like saying, "Where's the beef" (Ask your parents).

#184 - 2012-04-30 20:50:12 UTC
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Weiland Taur wrote:
TuonelanOrja wrote:
Mittani saved EVE and now he is saving hulkageddon +1

How exactly did the Mittani save Eve?

By leading the most effective CSM in history.

Damming with faint praise defined. Lol
EVE Stig
#185 - 2012-04-30 21:27:06 UTC
K Suri wrote:
Picked up a warning while flying around that Hulkageddon 5 is on for 2012.

Anyone have any more to add?

Edit: Quote from some random dude.
xxxxx > just a warning for all MINERS out there, HULKAGGEDON 5 is happening in the beginning of 2012, so if you are not familair with it you should google it/contact me or you might SEE YOUR HULK BLOW UP IN HIGH SECURITY SPACE

link helicity boson in game, follow link in her sig. All the info you need

"Some say that he is actually dead, but the Grim Reaper is too afraid to tell him." "Some say he is the 3rd member of Daft Punk and he did the vocals of "Technologic" song. All we know is,he's called EVE Stig"!

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