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Corp recruitment warning

First post
Red 5onya
Vila Kapone
#21 - 2012-04-29 14:44:39 UTC
Drake Draconis wrote:
Red 5onya wrote:
lanyaie wrote:
Please use correct spelling, Without that I cannot take you serious.

Please also provide proof, You are basically implying that if I say:"Chribba robbed my corp and stole my stuff" everyone will believe me.

Tho...I doubt anyone no matter how much proof I will provide will believe.

Its fine, you dont have to believe me. Just go ahead and invite him to your corp. Its no skin off my nose lol

So lets see...

1: Your corp is stupid...because it has crappy security in its failure to do background checks and various common sense things.

2: The Management is stupid...because they grant roles too soon or foolishly.

3: And your stupid for posting here because EVERYONE knows doing so is just fuel for the fires of C&P

Oh and welcome to EVE....don't be surprised if more people show up to teach you the fine arts of EVE Online.

lol as it goes dude.. i been playing eve for around 7 years.
Lunkwill Khashour
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#22 - 2012-04-29 15:01:07 UTC
Red 5onya wrote:

lol as it goes dude.. i been playing eve for around 7 years.

Time has not treated you well it seems. Your corp management made mistakes, they paid for them. Case closed. Everything else has entertainment value only.
Zed Jackelope
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#23 - 2012-04-29 21:06:22 UTC
lanyaie wrote:
Please use correct spelling, Without that I cannot take you serious.

Please also provide proof, You are basically implying that if I say:"Chribba robbed my corp and stole my stuff" everyone will believe me.

Tho...I doubt anyone no matter how much proof I will provide will believe.

Wants correct spelling, doesn't care about proper punctuation.
Peri Simone
Black Rebel Rifter Club
The Devil's Tattoo
#24 - 2012-04-30 02:56:22 UTC
lanyaie wrote:
Please use correct spelling, Without that I cannot take you serious.

You mean "seriously".
Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#25 - 2012-04-30 03:14:50 UTC
Perhaps, instead of posting a whine thread about getting robbed, you should hire some mercs to get revenge?

Oh wait, you got robbed and have nothing left....

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

Flurk Hellbron
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#26 - 2012-04-30 03:41:38 UTC
I wanna be a corp SABATEUR to..................
Daemon Ceed
Ice Fire Warriors
#27 - 2012-04-30 03:43:15 UTC
Red 5onya wrote:

lol as it goes dude.. i been playing eve for around 7 years.

Ahahaha. This is pure gold. A full 7 years and you've obviously learned NOTHING about the very basics of EVE: trust no one...especially someone that has been in your corp for only 4 days with Starbase Config roles.

Looks like Darwin is still at work doing the Lord's business.
The Church of Awesome
#28 - 2012-04-30 04:55:24 UTC  |  Edited by: IbanezLaney
Sir Scarecrow wrote:
lanyaie wrote:
Please use correct spelling, Without that I cannot take you serious.

Please also provide proof, You are basically implying that if I say:"Chribba robbed my corp and stole my stuff" everyone will believe me.

Tho...I doubt anyone no matter how much proof I will provide will believe.

Maybe not everyone is like you, that only speaks one language.

You one language speakers have to start accept that there are people out there that speak 2,3 in some cases 4-5 languages or more while English not being their native language. With such replies, such as yours, you make yourself look like a dumb waste of space in society. Not everyone here is American, British or walking up side down, the sooner you guys start realizing this, the sooner you stop making a complete ignorant fool out of yourselves.

Spot on dude.
I have commented on this backward behavior before.
The intolerance on these forums toward people who speak English as a 2nd-3rd language is disgusting.

If the language barrier causes you problems and you can't work out what people trying to say - get off your fat McDonalds filled arse, leave you insular country and don't return home until you learn to understand.
Tigris Liono
Konrakas Forged
Solyaris Chtonium
#29 - 2012-04-30 07:49:41 UTC
IbanezLaney wrote:
Sir Scarecrow wrote:
lanyaie wrote:
Please use correct spelling, Without that I cannot take you serious.

Please also provide proof, You are basically implying that if I say:"Chribba robbed my corp and stole my stuff" everyone will believe me.

Tho...I doubt anyone no matter how much proof I will provide will believe.

Maybe not everyone is like you, that only speaks one language.

You one language speakers have to start accept that there are people out there that speak 2,3 in some cases 4-5 languages or more while English not being their native language. With such replies, such as yours, you make yourself look like a dumb waste of space in society. Not everyone here is American, British or walking up side down, the sooner you guys start realizing this, the sooner you stop making a complete ignorant fool out of yourselves.

Spot on dude.
I have commented on this backward behavior before.
The intolerance on these forums toward people who speak English as a 2nd-3rd language is disgusting.

If the language barrier causes you problems and you can't work out what people trying to say - get off your fat McDonalds filled arse, leave you insular country and don't return home until you learn to understand.

While I'm all for the uneducated masses to get out there and learn more about the world they live in, I believe the problem lies in asking for correct spelling and/or grammar while being unable or unwilling to use it themselves. The double standard doesn't make sense.

Similarly, the comment about 'intolerance' and then saying an entire nationality has 'fat McDonalds filled asses' just makes you sound hypocritical.

And to the OP: Roles should be earned, like a promotion, not given away like food samples at your local [insert medium supermarket chain that gives away food samples here]
Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#30 - 2012-05-01 23:41:44 UTC
Damn I have a few people to reply to

1. I could not care less about all those ******* dots

2. English is not my first language either

3. I did not mean "seriously"

4. I'll certainly invite him to my corporation, as we have nothing to steal for a new member I doubt he will be able to do any damage.


People who put passwords on char bazaar Eveboards are the worst.

Red 5onya
Vila Kapone
#31 - 2012-05-02 16:07:19 UTC
Drake Draconis wrote:
Red 5onya wrote:
lanyaie wrote:
Please use correct spelling, Without that I cannot take you serious.

Please also provide proof, You are basically implying that if I say:"Chribba robbed my corp and stole my stuff" everyone will believe me.

Tho...I doubt anyone no matter how much proof I will provide will believe.

Its fine, you dont have to believe me. Just go ahead and invite him to your corp. Its no skin off my nose lol

So lets see...

1: Your corp is stupid...because it has crappy security in its failure to do background checks and various common sense things.

2: The Management is stupid...because they grant roles too soon or foolishly.

3: And your stupid for posting here because EVERYONE knows doing so is just fuel for the fires of C&P

Oh and welcome to EVE....don't be surprised if more people show up to teach you the fine arts of EVE Online.

You can troll me all you want. My reason for posting on here, in case you arent bright enough to realise is so that if somebody does a search for this guy Duke Hitari or his alts (as listed above) as a check whether or not to recruit him (as we did before we invited him to corp) they will see straight away that he is prone to the tendencies of corporation theft.
Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#32 - 2012-05-03 01:08:17 UTC
Red 5onya wrote:
Hi guys, just to let you know - Duke Hitari, AKA Xayder, AKA Gregory Issacs is a known CORP SABATEUR.

He joined our corp and he decided to offline our pos tower, start shooting it and steal some ships.

DO NOT invite him to your corp unless you want the same thing to happen to you...

Cheers, Red


This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

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