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evealopalous Keyloggers?

First post
Eep Eep
Gallente Federation
#61 - 2012-04-27 19:49:19 UTC
Tauren Tom wrote:
You insult so many people in this thread, insult corporations saying we don't do for our members what your "lottery" site does for them. I've done nothing but attempt to maintain my tolerance of your brash and self-righteous attitude thus far. I have held my temper in reserve and not simply resorted to "trolling". Many of us have worked hard to establish the corporations and friendly relations we have with other players. My corp mates work as a team every day to make sure we strive for something better and maintain what we have. I try to make sure I match their efforts including a corporation SRP which is payed directly from my own wallet to replace any ships lost by my mates in fights. I buy plex from CCP and GTC through Shattered Crystal to afford to do this. I rat and mine as much as need be to keep enough extra isk in my own wallet and to help fund the corporation wallet so that none of our members need to pay into the alliance SRP and we do not need to bill our members a "fee" to be in our corporation while we pay dues to our alliance.

Yes, I take insult to how you speak about my corporation and my mates.

Referring to other posters as kids while your "supporters" merely spam the thread with referral links rather than aid your argument isn't helping matters.

Truth hurts Tom. I did make more isk for him.
Eep Eep
Gallente Federation
#62 - 2012-04-27 20:22:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Eep Eep
BTW Tauren Tom,
Please quote where I insulted you and how it is an insult.
It will be interesting to see how many words you have put in my insult.

And you think you are not insulting me?
You and guy that created this post are in the same corp.

Team up against me all you want =] This is going to be a bit of a tougher wall.
Drake Draconis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#63 - 2012-04-27 20:25:04 UTC
Eep Eep wrote:
BTW Tauren Tom,
Please quote where I insulted you and how it is an insult.
It will be interesting to see how many words you have put in my insult.

And you think you are not insulting me?
You and guy that created this post are in the same corp.

Team up against me all you want =] This is going to be a bit of a tougher wall.

Might I suggest clicking the Edit button to prevent double posting?LolRoll

================ STOP THE EVEMAIL SPAM!

Eep Eep
Gallente Federation
#64 - 2012-04-27 20:29:26 UTC
Drake Draconis wrote:
Eep Eep wrote:
BTW Tauren Tom,
Please quote where I insulted you and how it is an insult.
It will be interesting to see how many words you have put in my insult.

And you think you are not insulting me?
You and guy that created this post are in the same corp.

Team up against me all you want =] This is going to be a bit of a tougher wall.

Might I suggest clicking the Edit button to prevent double posting?LolRoll

I wanted to make sure he got the flag for a new post in case he saw the previous one and ignored it P
Faith Patrouette
Careless Carebears Inc.
#65 - 2012-04-27 20:32:14 UTC
Faith Patrouette wrote:
Eep Eep wrote:
So you guys are saying that the spam makes the site annoying?
while you took your chance here to change this thread into a free advertisement thread,
you played it wrong and you come off as fairly arrogant at the least.
So potential new customers looking into the thread and reading it may be tempted to look elsewhere because of this.

I like this comment. Not childish at all.
Advertising is what the users of eve are doing. If it is getting spammed, only thing I can do is create limitations which would be unfair.

You may have liked this advise, you did not however get the gist of it.
If you are running, advertising and managing a service that needs to be an outstanding one because the market already has many of the same services, with yearlong reputations, train yourself in managing your public appearance.
You are not only making matters worse by insulting, you also opened another thread (thus spam)

Pretty much, by doing this, you are losing credibility and you are pretty much trolling yourself.
Eep Eep
Gallente Federation
#66 - 2012-04-27 20:34:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Eep Eep
Faith Patrouette wrote:
Faith Patrouette wrote:
Eep Eep wrote:
So you guys are saying that the spam makes the site annoying?
while you took your chance here to change this thread into a free advertisement thread,
you played it wrong and you come off as fairly arrogant at the least.
So potential new customers looking into the thread and reading it may be tempted to look elsewhere because of this.

I like this comment. Not childish at all.
Advertising is what the users of eve are doing. If it is getting spammed, only thing I can do is create limitations which would be unfair.

You may have liked this advise, you did not however get the gist of it.
If you are running, advertising and managing a service that needs to be an outstanding one because the market already has many of the same services, with yearlong reputations, train yourself in managing your public appearance.
You are not only making matters worse by insulting, you also opened another thread (thus spam)

Pretty much, by doing this, you are losing credibility and you are pretty much trolling yourself.

I opened a thread related to recent trolls. Not spam.
If you are relating that to spam, what are you not relating to spam?
It makes me realize that you guys just hate EVEalopalous.
I guess you don't get the gist of it. Look at the bigger picture.

I am not trolling myself, I am defending myself.
I mean, this post is about a virus, and since it was proven to be lies about EVEalopalous, it became something about spam and hate to make up for the lies posted by Arrow Silver Dragonz. (lets see how mad Tom gets at this "insult" utilizing the truth)

Spam obviously must mean scam to you guys huh?

Free of viruses means that it must be the spam that makes it a scam.

Doesn't make much sense to me. You, like other people, just hate ads, and LOCAL is available to say whatever users want.
Tauren Tom
Order of the Silver Dragons
Silver Dragonz
#67 - 2012-04-27 21:11:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Tauren Tom
Actually, we are not in the same corporation though we are the same person. Hence why you haven't seen him post again in this thread. I clearly do not need to quote your prior post since doing so would only serve to promote a faulted point you are attempting to redirect upon. Just go back to page 3 upon which you state that my corporation could not do for Essence what you claim to be more than capable of doing.

To address your final statement, my temper is still well within check. It is rather hard to become enraged when you're merely trying to warn the rest of the community of potential issues.
In the grand scheme of things... You're all pubbies. So HTFU.   "It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses." - Elwood Blues
Order of the Silver Dragons
Silver Dragonz
#68 - 2012-04-27 21:14:26 UTC
we really need to make essence stay on somer blink, especially when he's gotten probably ~20b out of that :/
Eep Eep
Gallente Federation
#69 - 2012-04-27 21:21:57 UTC
Tauren Tom wrote:
Actually, we are not in the same corporation though we are the same person. Hence why you haven't seen him post again in this thread. I clearly do not need to quote your prior post since doing so would only serve to promote a faulted point you are attempting to redirect upon. Just go back to page 3 upon which you state that my corporation could not do for Essence what you claim to be more than capable of doing.

To address your final statement, my temper is still well within check. It is rather hard to become enraged when you're merely trying to warn the rest of the community of potential issues.

Seems like your tone changed to me.

So you're saying that the truth is an insult? I guess that can happen.
I probably did make more ISK for Essence than you did which is why he has been referring users.

Still nothing seems like an insult to me and the fact that you have to explain that your temper is in check means you have some sort of temper problem and I would definitely associate your post with lies.
Eep Eep
Gallente Federation
#70 - 2012-04-27 21:24:39 UTC
browniesftw wrote:
we really need to make essence stay on somer blink, especially when he's gotten probably ~20b out of that :/

I knew this had to be related to Somer Blink in some way. Thanks for the update! =]

Order of the Silver Dragons
Silver Dragonz
#71 - 2012-04-27 21:27:46 UTC  |  Edited by: browniesftw
Eep Eep wrote:
browniesftw wrote:
we really need to make essence stay on somer blink, especially when he's gotten probably ~20b out of that :/

I knew this had to be related to Somer Blink in some way. Thanks for the update! =]

yes, because that is a far superior lottery site
also, it seems you think the the reason you are in a corp is to have yourself gain isk, which is simply not true. i'd say 80% of people join corps based on people they know, also known as friends. you can EASILY get billions of isk if you aren't in a corp
Tauren Tom
Order of the Silver Dragons
Silver Dragonz
#72 - 2012-04-27 21:30:06 UTC
Eep Eep wrote:
Tauren Tom wrote:
Actually, we are not in the same corporation though we are the same person. Hence why you haven't seen him post again in this thread. I clearly do not need to quote your prior post since doing so would only serve to promote a faulted point you are attempting to redirect upon. Just go back to page 3 upon which you state that my corporation could not do for Essence what you claim to be more than capable of doing.

To address your final statement, my temper is still well within check. It is rather hard to become enraged when you're merely trying to warn the rest of the community of potential issues.

Seems like your tone changed to me.

So you're saying that the truth is an insult? I guess that can happen.
I probably did make more ISK for Essence than you did which is why he has been referring users.

Still nothing seems like an insult to me and the fact that you have to explain that your temper is in check means you have some sort of temper problem and I would definitely associate your post with lies.

The reason for my tone change is that I'm now sitting at home in front of my own computer instead of my work PC where I need to remain reserved about what is visible on my screen.
In the grand scheme of things... You're all pubbies. So HTFU.   "It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses." - Elwood Blues
Eep Eep
Gallente Federation
#73 - 2012-04-27 21:40:04 UTC
browniesftw wrote:
Eep Eep wrote:
browniesftw wrote:
we really need to make essence stay on somer blink, especially when he's gotten probably ~20b out of that :/

I knew this had to be related to Somer Blink in some way. Thanks for the update! =]

yes, because that is a far superior lottery site
also, it seems you think the the reason you are in a corp is to have yourself gain isk, which is simply not true. i'd say 80% of people join corps based on people they know, also known as friends. you can EASILY get billions of isk if you aren't in a corp

Superior in your opinion.
Eep Eep
Gallente Federation
#74 - 2012-04-27 21:41:16 UTC
Tauren Tom wrote:
Eep Eep wrote:
Tauren Tom wrote:
Actually, we are not in the same corporation though we are the same person. Hence why you haven't seen him post again in this thread. I clearly do not need to quote your prior post since doing so would only serve to promote a faulted point you are attempting to redirect upon. Just go back to page 3 upon which you state that my corporation could not do for Essence what you claim to be more than capable of doing.

To address your final statement, my temper is still well within check. It is rather hard to become enraged when you're merely trying to warn the rest of the community of potential issues.

Seems like your tone changed to me.

So you're saying that the truth is an insult? I guess that can happen.
I probably did make more ISK for Essence than you did which is why he has been referring users.

Still nothing seems like an insult to me and the fact that you have to explain that your temper is in check means you have some sort of temper problem and I would definitely associate your post with lies.

The reason for my tone change is that I'm now sitting at home in front of my own computer instead of my work PC where I need to remain reserved about what is visible on my screen.

Maybe now that you are out of work you can run your little "worm scan" again and post some proof.
You're a liar. Simple as that. Fly safe!
Free State Project
#75 - 2012-04-27 21:42:48 UTC
First of all, I want to say that Tatian'as is one of the most annoying spammers I have ever seen in Eve. When he enters local, he spams his message like 15 times in a row.

Second of all, I do not believe the people who are claiming there are keyloggers on the site. Avast hasn't given me any trouble about it, and all we have are a bunch of unsupported claims that it is bugged. I am willing to bet that the people making those claims are fans of other gambling sites, are annoyed by the spam and just want to hurt the site, or assume the site is a scam and are trying to scare off potential victims (or most likely some combination of the three).

I also don't think advertising a site in local is a bad thing. Blink certainly wouldn't have been as successful as it is without all of its advertisers, or at least it wouldn't have grown nearly as fast. Advertisement is important for any service when it is starting up.

Blink also offers incentives for advertisers who recruit new members. The difference is that Blink personally selects those members who are allowed to advertise, and if they abuse it by spamming too obnoxiously, the Blink staff can deal with them.

Unless Eep Eep plans on scamming for the sake of scamming, I see Evealopalous as being relatively low-risk, as it is pretty much guaranteed to be "too profitable to scam", as Blink is.

I like Blink, but Blink's cheapest lotteries cost 2m+ to enter. They are high-risk, high-reward. Most of the time you are paying 1/6 of the value of an item for a chance to win it, so it can be risky. Also, Blink is massive and stable, so even as a Blink fan I don't see the need to destroy every other gambling site that pops up, especially ones like Evealopalous, which go out of their way to NOT be another Blink clone. There is definitely room for both, and I plan on continuing to play both.

So I guess the only problem I have with the site is the spam. If Eep Eep can ban people like Tatian'as for abuse and keep the spammers under control, I think the site has potential.
CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#76 - 2012-04-27 22:28:26 UTC
Discussions about EULA violations or illegal activity or the lack of exactly such activities are not suitable content for Crime & Punishment.

Thread locked.

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer