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Win 7 64-bit Launcher/Updating - Resolved!

First post
CCP Cascade
#121 - 2012-04-27 10:08:35 UTC
Are you sure you're getting the same error as the OP?

When you double click eve.exe from the folder you installed it, can you tell me what happens and what the error is saying?

Associate Technical Producer - Core Technology Group

LePeche Peachy
Unleashed' Fury
The Initiative.
#122 - 2012-04-27 10:15:55 UTC
CCP Cascade wrote:
Are you sure you're getting the same error as the OP?

When you double click eve.exe from the folder you installed it, can you tell me what happens and what the error is saying?

Did what you asked. Check your Eve mail. Still errored.
CCP Cascade
#123 - 2012-04-27 11:26:31 UTC
Looking at your logs it looks like there is a config.ini file in your eve folder which seems to be breaking the Launcher. It might because the Launcher is unable to read/index the file.

There is no config.ini in the EVE install that I know of so it is most likely other software or you who has put it there.

Please do the following:

1. Make a copy of the config.ini file
2. Attach it in a bug report
3. Mark the title with "Launcher errors on config.ini - For CCP Mandrake"
4. Delete the file from your EVE client
5. Start the game using eve.exe again

Please let me know if this resolves your problem.

Associate Technical Producer - Core Technology Group

Norax Drake
Irrational Traveller's Aid Society
#124 - 2012-04-27 13:53:24 UTC
Well, add me to the list of people who can't get this thing to work now. I have run the repair tool, deleted the launcher folder, turned OFF firewalls, blah blah, blah. Looks like I got shafted for a subscription, and will have to find a different game.Sad
Juliana Stinger
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#125 - 2012-04-27 14:12:53 UTC
So how do i launch the game? i can't find this config.ini in eve folder, there's only common.ini
SilentDagger Scott
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#126 - 2012-04-27 15:48:05 UTC
Hey guys..

Seriously, why can i not post a decent length post without eve gate saying "we got ganked" ????

Here is my post in pastebin, hope it helps someone.


Simon Victor
The Hornet's Nest
#127 - 2012-04-27 20:33:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Simon Victor
Here I come, once again, to hopefully save the day... I decided to copy the launcher folder off of a Windows Vista x86 installation, and replace mine with it. Everything worked fine after replacing it.

I have uploaded said folder to EVE Files available HERE

Just delete the launcher folder in your EVE install folder, and replace it with the extracted launcher folder. It worked like a charm for me. CCP if you would like, I could upload the folder that exists after running the repair tool. It seems that the issue, for me anyway, is in the launcher folder, and is for some reason different on a Vista install than a Windows 7 x64 install.

If it doesn't work for you on the first try, delete the launcher folder again, run the repair tool and make sure it's successful, then delete the launcher folder again and replace it with the downloaded launcher folder. If that doesn't work then I'm out of ideas for now.

I hope this helps.


Actually, I just went ahead and uploaded the broken folder for CCP's sake. This is the result of a successful run on the repair tool, and a first-time run on the launcher in which it runs the launcher update. After that I attempt to run the launcher, and nothing happens. It's available for download HERE

Arguing with strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they inevitably turn out to be, or are indistinguishable from, self-righteous sixteen-year-olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.

JC Anderson
#128 - 2012-04-28 07:48:37 UTC
Didn't work for me but thanks man.

I'm going to uninstall and actually try to find and delete all references to eve in the registry before installing again. Will post here aftter.
JC Anderson
#129 - 2012-04-28 08:17:54 UTC  |  Edited by: JC Anderson
Alright here you go CCP - DETAILS

*Please note that this problem didn't start for me after the initial inferno patch. It's started after one of the smaller follow up patches.

When launching EVE - I get this launcher related error -> LAUNCHER ERROR

After which I run the repair tool, and it completes without a problem -> REPAIR TOOL RESULTS

I then try running eve again, and it updates the launcher -> PATCHING

Immediately, we are back to step 1 -> LAUNCHER ERROR

Note that I have also deleted the launcher folder as instructed to let the client install a fresh launcher. This doesn't change anything.

As others have mentioned, I CAN in fact run EVE directly through the executable in the BIN folder. Trying to run it correctly through the launcher however gives me the results you can see above.

EDIT : The second issue I was having seems to be corrected, but I still can't run the game through the launcher.
Binary Blade
The Hidden Stars
#130 - 2012-04-28 14:41:34 UTC
I Cant log into eve due to having the same issue. I suggest you guys refund our skillpoint since some of us unable to log into eve to add skill queue.
JC Anderson
#131 - 2012-05-02 10:21:19 UTC  |  Edited by: JC Anderson
So nothing new with this?

Edit: Problem is OP changed the thread title to resolved.

Doubt CCP will even look at it due to that. I've reposted my problem in the launcher issues and workaround sticky thread.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#132 - 2012-05-11 18:42:29 UTC
Hey. I have the same problem on Win7 x64, but on SiSi launcher. I can run Tranquility very fine.
I would like to have the succesfull launch on SiSi too...

PM me for any solve please... TY.
Akiriy Azuriko
Kybernauts Clade
#133 - 2012-05-22 10:42:57 UTC
for ESET users try to disable Protocol Filtering in Advanced setup menu, uncheck it and the repair will work

Thankyou <3 Big smile
Pyke Syndicate
Solyaris Chtonium
#134 - 2012-05-23 12:21:10 UTC
Yup, same as many others, I cannot run the launcher or the repair tool. But I can launch evefile.exe from the bin folder directly.

Nice job creating a launcher that actually keeps the game from launching, CCP Roll
#135 - 2012-05-23 12:35:48 UTC

open ExeFile.exe
Malik Doom
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#136 - 2012-05-23 12:42:45 UTC
CCP Cascade wrote:
Syhon Nightstalker wrote:
Having the same issue. Running Windows 7 64 bit. Repair tool (latest version) completes, but doesn't fix the launcher or the exe. I had a BSOD when I started the launcher the first time today (worked fine yesterday) and when I get back to windows I got the following error when starting the launcher or exe.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 36, in module
File "lib\initialization.pyc", line 133, in StartLauncher
File "lib\userSettings.pyc", line 67, in InitializeAndGetSettings
File "lib\userSettings.pyc", line 15, in __init__
File "lib\userSettings.pyc", line 40, in DeSerialize
File "yaml\__init__.pyc", line 69, in load
File "yaml\loader.pyc", line 34, in __init__
File "yaml\reader.pyc", line 85, in __init__
File "yaml\reader.pyc", line 135, in determine_encoding
File "yaml\reader.pyc", line 169, in update
File "yaml\reader.pyc", line 144, in check_printable
ReaderError: unacceptable character #x0000: special characters are not allowed
in "C:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE\launcher\cache\settings.yaml", position 0

EDIT: the total error is way longer, but can't post it here due to html restrictions.

EDIT: It seems to be a firewall problem since I can't even redownload the client after I deleted the existing one. I can't even download manually because the 'executable' file gets the same error as the automatic installer.
"An unknown error occured while downloading the installer payload."

EDIT: Uninstalling AVG anti-virus did not change anything.


Can you try to

1. Open the eve client directory,
2. Open the launcher subdirectory
3. Delete the cache folder.
4. Open this in a browser
5. Force refresh the page (CTRL+F5)
6. Start the Launcher again

Please let us know how that works.

I was haiving the same issue listed. This worked for me.
Moe Cislak
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#137 - 2012-07-27 07:39:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Moe Cislak
Hey guys I'm having issues with launching the game on my laptop, it works fine on my home computer.

When I launch the game, the screen flashes and I come back to Windows, I can hear the login page music and see the EVE tab but when I click on it my cursor diseapears and nothing else happens. The only way to get rid of the EVE tab is to ctrl+alt+del and kill the process.

I tried cleaning the cache, uninstalling + re-download the game, nothing works. I'm using AVG Antivirus so I cant uninstall it from my laptop. I'm on windows 7 btw.
Moe Cislak
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#138 - 2012-07-29 10:12:37 UTC
I'm bumping this, it still doesn't work. I have no idea how to fix it.
Byrrssa Crendraven
Anti - Social
#139 - 2012-07-29 22:41:30 UTC
Moe Cislak wrote:
Hey guys I'm having issues with launching the game on my laptop, it works fine on my home computer.

When I launch the game, the screen flashes and I come back to Windows, I can hear the login page music and see the EVE tab but when I click on it my cursor diseapears and nothing else happens. The only way to get rid of the EVE tab is to ctrl+alt+del and kill the process.

I tried cleaning the cache, uninstalling + re-download the game, nothing works. I'm using AVG Antivirus so I cant uninstall it from my laptop. I'm on windows 7 btw.

Hey Moe,

Sounds like you might want to try re-installing Direct X9 on your laptop. The easiest way would be to run the DirectXRedist.exe in the bin directory of the game. I think that will re-install it for ya.

Good luck!