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24th Of April Escalation - Incursion Review/Tips

Herr Ronin
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-04-26 15:36:43 UTC
24th Of April Escalation - Incursion Review

Afternoon or Evening depending when you are reading this, In this topic i will be talking about what has changed and how the Incursion world is finding this insane "Nerf" hammer, There has been a lot of topic's which has been started in this forum which lack the direction of a decent argument and turn into a tears.

So lets get this forum topic started.

Isk Per Hour Ratio

In the recent patch called "Escalation" you will already of noticed that the sites have changed dramaticly causing you to have a lower "Isk Per Hour Ratio" From talking to people and getting some feedback, Fleets across the diffrent Incursion communitys are earning more than others, Down to the fact of many things.

Arrow Better Fleet Comp
Arrow T2 Gun's
Arrow Better Skill's
Arrow The Fleet Commander's Effectiveness

There is many things that will effect your Isk Per Hour, For instance at ISN - Incursion Shiny Network, We are earning around 60-70 Million per hour in a Vanguard, Which is crazy considering what we used to earn, Which is 160 million a hour depending on the sites that spawn, How fast the fleet gets going and maintaining it, So including these factors it is still a insane drop in Isk Per Hour.

I will admit that a lot of tears will be shed in the coming weeks, I have been doing Incursions myself and our community is now looking into Assaults, They look promising, Not as good as we thought but its somthing.

Fleet Comp

A lot of fleets have been using short range dps in Vanguards, Like Blasters, Webs etc, The short range fleet comp for a Vanguard is not needed, With the current change it only just makes it a lot slower, Turning a 6-7 Minute OTA into 14 minutes, There is some Key tips that might help.

Vanguard OTA

Arrow Once You Have Warped In, Keep Three Tama's Tagged And Nuke All The Other Frig's ( Leave Eystur Rhomben's )
Arrow Have Long Range Battleships, This Enables You To Kill The Mara Quickly
Arrow You Will NEED A Four/Three Webbed Loki ( This Enables You To Kill The Frigs A Lot More Effectively, Even When They Get Into Orbit Range )
Arrow Vanguards Can Still be Done With Two 5/1 Basi's
Arrow Make Sure You Have a OGB ( If You Can Use The Skirmish Link For Webs, This Would Benefit The Loki )

Vanguard NMC

Arrow Once You Have Warped In, Nuke All Frigs Off The Field Then Move Onto The Cruiser's
Arrow This Site Can Still Be Done With Two Logi
Arrow All The Above Points For The OTA Are Needed For a NMC
Arrow NMC's And OTA's Can Be Done With The Same Fleet Comp Stated Above

Note: This is just to help out people or other community's who are still trying to do Incursions

Review Of Vanguards - From A Personal View

Personally i think that Vanguards have been "Nerfed" that much that there isn't much use in doing them, You can earn the same amount of Isk Per Hour as a good Level 4 Mission Runner, A lot of people have left Incursions and are now starting to do mining and other things to keep the wallet healthy.

I have been Fleet Commanding since Incarna came out, These are worse than what Incursions started of to be, That was bad enough before they buffed them, But if you still like to fleet up with the guys and have some fun on Teamspeak and troll each other, Then incursions are still a nice little passive Isk.

Assaults - Are They Worth It?

There has been a lot of talk about are Assaults any better? They are about 10-20 Million Isk Per Hour better than Vanguards with the correct fleet comp, This being said, If you are in a Incursion community this will be easier to maintain a Assault fleet, Due to the numbers a lot of people hate to maintain them.

Currently the community i am in are trying them to see how they are, I have been hearing good things, Due to our community is big it is easier to maintain the fleet, The site that they are currently trying to master are NCN, They look promising is you can find a way to "Blitz" them, Like i said it depends on the fleet comp, That is the Key.

EVE Online Community

I hope that CCP really look into how much they have Nerfed Incursions, They even said they a were going to Buff Assaults, Isn't Inferno all about the EVE Online Community? Firstly they lied to the community in making a false statement in a Dev Blog, That is a fantastic start to Inferno.

Assaults and Vanguards have been Nerfed twice if you would like to put it that way, For Instance.

Arrow They Have Increased The Time To Do Them
Arrow They Have Lowered The Payout Of Vanguards

If they just did one of these a lot of people would not find it a big bother, I can say that i could of accepted that, Due to them not looking into it correctly, They have destroyed somthing they were very keen about, Which is the Community.

Arrow Incursion Communitys Are Becoming Quiet
Arrow In A Public Fleet You Earn 30 Million per Hour

Can you say you are going to risk your ship in a public fleet that could maybe get ganked etc for 30 Million per hour, When you could earn more doing missions, This means no waiting lists or worrying if you are going to lose your ship.

Note: This is just me having a bit of a ramble and trying to give a bit of feedback, Hope you find it interesting or helpful.

Regards - Herr Ronin.

I'll Race You For A Amburhgear

Fronkfurter McSheebleton
Horse Feathers
#2 - 2012-04-26 22:18:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Fronkfurter McSheebleton
Something you didn't mention is the HQ nerf. NRF hasve about doubled in completion time, TPPH are still slow as ever, TCRC can still alpha logis...the hardest type of incursion site still has the lowest payout and it's lower than ever, and now needs even stricter fleet comp due to the sniper targets in NRFs. The highest payout you'll ever see in them now is about 60m/hr, possibly as high as 90m with a very skilled fleet blitzing TCRCs(!) and not breaking up(!!), but more realistically 30-40.

Highsec or no, this is an activity where a well tanked battleship will last less than ten seconds unless an entire team of logis is on the ball, requires 25-30 people to function and 35-40 to run at the best efficiency, and multiple people in various roles (MTACs, drone *****, LC, etc) who can perform their roles efficiently....and it typically makes less isk/hr than pressing f1 over and over killing mission rats.

The biggest change is, as noted, you now need to include sebo'd snipers capable of hitting at 150km in HQ fleets, where previously ranges rarely exceeded 80km or so.

thhief ghabmoef

Liliana Rahl
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#3 - 2012-04-26 22:28:50 UTC
Because there's not several threads already discussing this.
Herr Ronin
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2012-04-27 11:12:26 UTC
Liliana Rahl wrote:
Because there's not several threads already discussing this.

Indeed, There is only a handful that are worth reading, Thank you for taking the time in making me aware, Must of took you a lot of effort.

I'll Race You For A Amburhgear

Herr Ronin
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2012-04-27 11:13:05 UTC
Fronkfurter McSheebleton wrote:
Something you didn't mention is the HQ nerf. NRF hasve about doubled in completion time, TPPH are still slow as ever, TCRC can still alpha logis...the hardest type of incursion site still has the lowest payout and it's lower than ever, and now needs even stricter fleet comp due to the sniper targets in NRFs. The highest payout you'll ever see in them now is about 60m/hr, possibly as high as 90m with a very skilled fleet blitzing TCRCs(!) and not breaking up(!!), but more realistically 30-40.

Highsec or no, this is an activity where a well tanked battleship will last less than ten seconds unless an entire team of logis is on the ball, requires 25-30 people to function and 35-40 to run at the best efficiency, and multiple people in various roles (MTACs, drone *****, LC, etc) who can perform their roles efficiently....and it typically makes less isk/hr than pressing f1 over and over killing mission rats.

The biggest change is, as noted, you now need to include sebo'd snipers capable of hitting at 150km in HQ fleets, where previously ranges rarely exceeded 80km or so.

Wasn't aware that HQ's got Nerfed as well, They didn't state this in the Dev Blogs.

I'll Race You For A Amburhgear

Kara Books
Deal with IT.
#6 - 2012-04-27 14:19:38 UTC
very very sad seeing incursions go.

Feels like CCP is has punished people for something.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2012-04-27 14:41:43 UTC
I'm curious as to hear CCP's response on to why they changed it different to what they said they would do
Herr Ronin
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2012-04-27 16:02:34 UTC
Indeed, I mean Inferno is all about the community and the player base, if this is the case why are they lying to the community?

I'll Race You For A Amburhgear

Apolyon I
Shadow of ISW
#9 - 2012-04-27 17:38:35 UTC
finally someone learns and adapt instead of whining, I don't like ISN but respect for your effort to adapt
Alice Katsuko
Caldari State
#10 - 2012-04-27 20:18:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Alice Katsuko
Posted in the wrong thread.

Many thanks for the tips, Ronin.
Herr Ronin
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2012-05-05 22:11:39 UTC
Alice Katsuko wrote:
Posted in the wrong thread.

Many thanks for the tips, Ronin.

Haha, No worry's, The more information the better rite?

From the recent things i have been hearing from one of the main assault fleet commanders in ISN, Noble Ranger, Things look promising, So lets see if CCP update us with any awesome Info, I hope Soundwave reply's to the massive amount of things being said in his Thread.


I'll Race You For A Amburhgear

ISN Spy spizors
#12 - 2012-05-07 22:42:36 UTC
Herr Ronin wrote:
24th Of April Escalation - Incursion Review

Afternoon or Evening depending when you are reading this, In this topic i will be talking about what has changed and how the Incursion world is finding this insane "Nerf" hammer, There has been a lot of topic's which has been started in this forum which lack the direction of a decent argument and turn into a tears.

So lets get this forum topic started.

Isk Per Hour Ratio

In the recent patch called "Escalation" you will already of noticed that the sites have changed dramaticly causing you to have a lower "Isk Per Hour Ratio" From talking to people and getting some feedback, Fleets across the diffrent Incursion communitys are earning more than others, Down to the fact of many things.

Arrow Better Fleet Comp
Arrow T2 Gun's
Arrow Better Skill's
Arrow The Fleet Commander's Effectiveness

There is many things that will effect your Isk Per Hour, For instance at ISN - Incursion Shiny Network, We are earning around 60-70 Million per hour in a Vanguard, Which is crazy considering what we used to earn, Which is 160 million a hour depending on the sites that spawn, How fast the fleet gets going and maintaining it, So including these factors it is still a insane drop in Isk Per Hour.

I will admit that a lot of tears will be shed in the coming weeks, I have been doing Incursions myself and our community is now looking into Assaults, They look promising, Not as good as we thought but its somthing.

Fleet Comp

A lot of fleets have been using short range dps in Vanguards, Like Blasters, Webs etc, The short range fleet comp for a Vanguard is not needed, With the current change it only just makes it a lot slower, Turning a 6-7 Minute OTA into 14 minutes, There is some Key tips that might help.

Vanguard OTA

Arrow Once You Have Warped In, Keep Three Tama's Tagged And Nuke All The Other Frig's ( Leave Eystur Rhomben's )
Arrow Have Long Range Battleships, This Enables You To Kill The Mara Quickly
Arrow You Will NEED A Four/Three Webbed Loki ( This Enables You To Kill The Frigs A Lot More Effectively, Even When They Get Into Orbit Range )
Arrow Vanguards Can Still be Done With Two 5/1 Basi's
Arrow Make Sure You Have a OGB ( If You Can Use The Skirmish Link For Webs, This Would Benefit The Loki )

Vanguard NMC

Arrow Once You Have Warped In, Nuke All Frigs Off The Field Then Move Onto The Cruiser's
Arrow This Site Can Still Be Done With Two Logi
Arrow All The Above Points For The OTA Are Needed For a NMC
Arrow NMC's And OTA's Can Be Done With The Same Fleet Comp Stated Above

Note: This is just to help out people or other community's who are still trying to do Incursions

Review Of Vanguards - From A Personal View

Personally i think that Vanguards have been "Nerfed" that much that there isn't much use in doing them, You can earn the same amount of Isk Per Hour as a good Level 4 Mission Runner, A lot of people have left Incursions and are now starting to do mining and other things to keep the wallet healthy.

I have been Fleet Commanding since Incarna came out, These are worse than what Incursions started of to be, That was bad enough before they buffed them, But if you still like to fleet up with the guys and have some fun on Teamspeak and troll each other, Then incursions are still a nice little passive Isk.

Assaults - Are They Worth It?

There has been a lot of talk about are Assaults any better? They are about 10-20 Million Isk Per Hour better than Vanguards with the correct fleet comp, This being said, If you are in a Incursion community this will be easier to maintain a Assault fleet, Due to the numbers a lot of people hate to maintain them.

Currently the community i am in are trying them to see how they are, I have been hearing good things, Due to our community is big it is easier to maintain the fleet, The site that they are currently trying to master are NCN, They look promising is you can find a way to "Blitz" them, Like i said it depends on the fleet comp, That is the Key.

EVE Online Community

I hope that CCP really look into how much they have Nerfed Incursions, They even said they a were going to Buff Assaults, Isn't Inferno all about the EVE Online Community? Firstly they lied to the community in making a false statement in a Dev Blog, That is a fantastic start to Inferno.

Assaults and Vanguards have been Nerfed twice if you would like to put it that way, For Instance.

Arrow They Have Increased The Time To Do Them
Arrow They Have Lowered The Payout Of Vanguards

If they just did one of these a lot of people would not find it a big bother, I can say that i could of accepted that, Due to them not looking into it correctly, They have destroyed somthing they were very keen about, Which is the Community.

Arrow Incursion Communitys Are Becoming Quiet
Arrow In A Public Fleet You Earn 30 Million per Hour

Can you say you are going to risk your ship in a public fleet that could maybe get ganked etc for 30 Million per hour, When you could earn more doing missions, This means no waiting lists or worrying if you are going to lose your ship.

Note: This is just me having a bit of a ramble and trying to give a bit of feedback, Hope you find it interesting or helpful.

Regards - Herr Ronin.

ISN doesn't run vanguards, ISN currenlty only has 1 active FC, Noble Ranger who is holding the channel together with 100mil/hr ASSAULT fleets. You would know this if you weren't on the forums 24/7 ruining ISN's Name. What's next Me 1st? Gonna start a ship replacement fund?

You don't fly with ISN, you didn't even help theory craft the new assaults, Serge SC helped Noble.
Ur trash ronin
ISN Spy spizors
#13 - 2012-05-07 22:44:03 UTC
Liliana Rahl wrote:
Because there's not several threads already discussing this.

There arn't any threads that are this full of misinformation xD

Web loki are you serious? you havnt even been in the new site
Herr Ronin
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2012-05-08 09:43:11 UTC
ISN Spy spizors wrote:
Liliana Rahl wrote:
Because there's not several threads already discussing this.

There arn't any threads that are this full of misinformation xD

Web loki are you serious? you havnt even been in the new site

Haha! I love how mad you are, I am fully aware Noble is doing assaults, Why would i do something that i have no interest in, Further more, I am aware that Serge Helped, I talk to him on Skype on a daily base's about them.

We all know this already, Why are you even posting in our threads, Do you have a health problem, Can't you hack it that ISN is still alive, I will admit, Noble Ranger has been running fleets, There is a lot more to a community than running fleets, Shame you don't have the brain to think about what you type, Very constructive.

Thank you for the free bumb, But you seem the know that what you type is just making you look silly, Yes i am aware i am a troll and i like the forums, Now go run some Incursions and stop whining.


I'll Race You For A Amburhgear

Katy Ling
Crimnson Concept Flame
#15 - 2012-05-08 11:57:14 UTC
Herr Ronin wrote:
24th Of April Escalation - Incursion Review

Assaults and Vanguards have been Nerfed twice if you would like to put it that way, For Instance.

Arrow They Have Increased The Time To Do Them
Arrow They Have Lowered The Payout Of Vanguards

Regards - Herr Ronin.

in my view, they tripled nerfeed the incursion.

especially in OTA's it is required to either alpha or hack the site for the mara to be vulnerable.

3 issues can drag this site forever :

* lack of snipers
* a bug where the mara continues to get reped, even if the site got hacked
* the mara can run up to 111 km or more

currently, incursions are more demanding on people, skills and fittings and strategy, slower , boring and who ever says they'r not risky, they haven't done them.
Recidivists Incorporated
#16 - 2012-05-08 13:54:31 UTC
I literally cannot decide which is more annoying: People biatching about Incursions paying too much or people biatching about Incursions getting nerfed. Can we just go back to hating on mission runners and complaining that the stealth nerfed exploration drop rates in the latest patch?