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One suggestion to deter the Goon Organization from terrorizing Jita...

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Radax Glenn
Church of the Black Hand
#1 - 2012-04-24 23:12:31 UTC
Been thinking about the upcoming Goons “Jita Burning” campaign, and while I’m not really invested one way or the other, I would like to offer up a suggestion. Perhaps this belongs in a story or lore thread. Not sure really where to put this, so if it needs redirecting, don’t hesitate.

We have an organization that has threatened to terrorize a major market hub. While the governments in New Eden and Empire space do profit from Capsuleer activity, the bulk of the populace fears them. Wouldn’t your average “non-capsuleer” citizen or business person be apt to petition CONCORD or their Faction governments from these attacks? The target of these attacks is against Capsuleers but there will certainly be collateral damage that will affect the citizens of New Eden. In an RP sense, I think there may be some additional “blowback”, by the populace demanding further action by CONCORD.

I know a lot of Hi-Sec pilots that demand way too much action from CONCORD, and they aren’t really familiar enough with the game or the mechanics to demand such changes, but in an RP sense, I do think the bulk of non-Capsuleers in New Eden would demand action from their governments. We’re talking about a known terrorist organization which will plan and execute a major offensive, why wouldn’t there be extra consequences?

In a game mechanic sense, if Capsule pilots, are involved in coordinated assaults on Hi-Sec Empire assets, there should be steeper consequences. There is a sold argument that these coordinated attacks are designed to modify the economy. Whether that is good or bad, there will still be a tremendous amount of collateral damage.

What if, CONCORD had one very specific JOVIAN Battleship, one which would strike fear into the heart of even the most arrogant of Capsuleers? What if there were only one, and it could only be dispatched in a market hub? There would still be away for Goons interested in these illegal activities to play out their sociopathic fantasies. They would just have to be accept the steeper consequences.

Just a thought, but perhaps the Battleship might look like this:

Name: Lasiter
Class: Battleship
Developed: Jove Protectorate (Ancient)
Discovered by: CONCORD
Modular Side Band Distiller
Intercepts Capsuleer signal upon destruction
Focused Wide Band Signal Scrambler
Degrades clone information before activating fresh clone.
Mark IX Tactical Packet Virus
Destroys Implants in all Jump Clones installed prior to the CONCORD engagement.

Can only be dispatched in a 0.9 or 1.0 Security System

All pilots in System that have gone GCC will not be allowed docking rights for 10 minutes.
No Gates will function for GCC Pilots for 10 minutes.
Hi-Slots will not cycle or activate on Capsule based ships.
Ejection and Self-Destruction system will not function on Capsule based ships.
CONCORD will be able to destroy your ship, and your POD while the Lasiter is deployed!
If destroyed while GCC, and while Lasiter is deployed, your Character will lose 2,048,000 skill points.
All insurance policies issues on ships in use while GCC will be nullified.
All Jump Clones presently installed will have all implants destroyed.

Just a few thoughts, what do you think:
Too much, not enough?
Another stupid Care Bear idea?

CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#2 - 2012-04-24 23:13:34 UTC
Moved from General Discussion.

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer

Simi Kusoni
#3 - 2012-04-24 23:33:04 UTC
They should introduce this ship, then give it to goons to go ganking in. Provide them with one per trade hub, give it concord immunity for the lulz but it still goes GCC and can be shot by players.

Ship also drops candy and rainbows when it dies.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#4 - 2012-04-24 23:36:02 UTC
Radax Glenn wrote:

Another stupid Care Bear idea?

Herold Oldtimer
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2012-04-25 00:05:59 UTC
Last I heard, goons was going to bring love and candy for everyone in Jita.
Goonswarm Federation
#6 - 2012-04-25 00:31:25 UTC
How about a nice hot cup of Mk 19 Mod 0 Shut the **** up and die? I know an EVE faction that has access to such technology!
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#7 - 2012-04-25 00:43:31 UTC
Ganthrithor wrote:
How about a nice hot cup of Mk 19 Mod 0 Shut the **** up and die? I know an EVE faction that has access to such technology!

Alternative Enterprises
#8 - 2012-04-25 00:47:03 UTC
there are no goons....

its one day you should not it jita. Not end of the world. 4 hours into this unless mittens and sub leaders reign in the troops really well....a large part of their forces will have sec status issues real fast. they be will shoot on sight real quick. Not seeing this level of discipline, But hoping they pull it off this one time. Jita has always needed a cleansing,

besides....thye will probably spruce up the otherwsie tarded local chatter jita has. last I ran against goons way back....some local chat spammers with some high quality funny poasting.

Radax Glenn
Church of the Black Hand
#9 - 2012-04-25 00:50:19 UTC
Tech in system would only be one aspect for introducing a higher consequence.

The Battleship idea, with modules, may or may not function within the game mechanic, the main idea though, is how will the lore address a terrorist faction threatening a main market hub?

Perhaps a metric to offset the the amount of missions offered in a given 23 hour period to reallocate resources to combat greater influxes of Player Pirate Sects. Not sure how that would work, perhaps it wouldn't.

The Caldari Faction would certainly try and prevent the perception of them sitting idly by while innocent "non-Capsuleer's" will be killed because of a known attack.

It would be interesting to see how something like that could work. The challenge is to get Hi-Sec Capsuleers motivated to protect the HI-SEC systems. Everyone I've talked to in game seems to have the attitude, "so what, let Jita burn, I don't shop there."

With no Capsuleers to protect Jita, why wouldn't the Caldari government do something to protect it's citizens?
Shovel Bros
#10 - 2012-04-25 01:13:53 UTC  |  Edited by: mxzf
The point you're missing, OP, is that what the Goons' plan is COMPLETELY in keeping with the sandbox nature of Eve. Goons have just as much right to attack people in Jita as people have to attack them back; if someone really wants to do something about the Goon attack on Jita, they should counter-gank the Goons instead.

CCP stepping in and doing something about it, no matter how you justify it in the lore, takes away from the sandbox and would be a bad thing for the game as a whole.

Also, ironically, the announcement a month beforehand that this attack is planned has probably done more to stir up trouble than their actual attack will. The real question is if that was the intention or not. *tinfoil hat*
Questionable Acquisitions
#11 - 2012-04-25 01:32:46 UTC
.."I'm telling you I'm not really invested in this, but here's a new thread and long post showing otherwise..."
Radax Glenn
Church of the Black Hand
#12 - 2012-04-25 04:28:45 UTC
Xorv wrote:
.."I'm telling you I'm not really invested in this, but here's a new thread and long post showing otherwise..."

lulz. troll fail.
Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#13 - 2012-04-25 04:49:44 UTC
I think the Burn Jita and Hulkaggeddon are awesome player created events..

My only problem is the free first strike alpha, and the retardo insta appearance of concord..

The whole thing imho is the issue of time and prolonged fighting. We need to reconsider the incapacitated idea, that rears its head time and again..

Current game mechanics are sort of balanced, but the chance for players to counter respond, whether to other players or even towards concord is missing.

What if we upped the hull hitpoints across the boards. Adding incapacitation at levels as they are now, but giving a bit more time for surrounding players to engage and take part in the fights, and aggressors to potentially tuck tail and run?

The destruction ofc is good for the economy, but it is starting to look a bit like a lot of sniper and rocket launcher fragging from other games..

Seem as if real strategic fights all belong in null, and in empire everything is docking games and alpha fragging.

I would say escalate strength of hulls according to security class of systems, to sec number times current hull. In doing so reduce responding times of concord, and make it more gradual. Empire huggers kill pirate rats, and I think it would be interesting if we could reverse the roles and let pirate rat concord, and ofc the tear bringing carebears like myself..

Quade Warren
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2012-04-25 05:08:02 UTC
The Goons seem like they want to stir up a real fight.

It sounds like they gave everyone a month to band together into a temporary super alliance, declare war and annihilate all goons who enter Jita. Or maybe I'm just daydreaming of a nice, big fleet fight the likes of which highsec has never seen.

If a terrorist announces their intentions to make good on a threat and no one does anything about it... well, who is really to blame at that point?

Questionable Acquisitions
#15 - 2012-04-25 05:30:33 UTC
Quade Warren wrote:

If a terrorist announces their intentions to make good on a threat and no one does anything about it... well, who is really to blame at that point?

If you were remotely paying attention you'd know some High Sec players are doing something about it!

The make EVE into Space Wow crowd isn't going to do anything but cry on the forums pleading with CCP to.. well change EVE into space Wow. Fortunately not everyone in High Sec is like that.
Alternative Enterprises
#16 - 2012-04-25 05:39:07 UTC
Quade Warren wrote:
The Goons seem like they want to stir up a real fight.

It sounds like they gave everyone a month to band together into a temporary super alliance, declare war and annihilate all goons who enter Jita. Or maybe I'm just daydreaming of a nice, big fleet fight the likes of which highsec has never seen.

If a terrorist announces their intentions to make good on a threat and no one does anything about it... well, who is really to blame at that point?

the usual jita 4-4 nutswingers might surprise us. And it be nice if the "hardcore" 1man pos having carebear corps dec'ing crews showed up. Theey always whine about station games and no one wants to fight. Goons will oblige I am sure. Even be nice enough to give first shot and the kill rights looks like. So its on them to put their money where their mouth is imo.

May stick a trash alt in system for this. If goons is going for concord cascade with bulk shuttle kills and I am online....I'd be open to x'ing up in local for it. The videos of these cascades I have seen on youtube look cool....has to better live lol. If work and family lets me have free time that is...don't happen much of late :( .
Ice Fire Warriors
#17 - 2012-04-25 05:43:14 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Caleb Ayrania wrote:
What if we upped the hull hitpoints across the boards. Adding incapacitation at levels as they are now, but giving a bit more time for surrounding players to engage and take part in the fights, and aggressors to potentially tuck tail and run?

A couple years ago, people complained about how "short" fights were. So CCP decided to give all ships a 100% HP buff across the board. What happened was:

- you could now pack on stupid amounts of HP with buffer tanks.
- RR and logistics chains became scary powerful (because the odds of a ship surviving the initial and subsequent strikes was significantly increased).
- more people became needed to "alpha" targets and break through RR chains and/or prevent people from "turtling" through hostile situations.
- due to all of the above, active tanking fell out of favor for all but 1v1 situations.

And the end result was: everyone continued to die just as fast because people blobbed up more to compensate for the increased HP.

As for your "incapacitate" idea... while it appeals to me I don't think it would really work given how fast things die once their tank of choice has failed. And you can't give "more HP" to ships because it just increases the problems I described above.
Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#18 - 2012-04-25 06:01:42 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
Caleb Ayrania wrote:
What if we upped the hull hitpoints across the boards. Adding incapacitation at levels as they are now, but giving a bit more time for surrounding players to engage and take part in the fights, and aggressors to potentially tuck tail and run?

A couple years ago, people complained about how "short" fights were. So CCP decided to give all ships a 100% HP buff across the board. What happened was:

- you could now pack on stupid amounts of HP with buffer tanks.
- RR and logistics chains became scary powerful (because the odds of a ship surviving the initial and subsequent strikes was significantly increased).
- more people became needed to "alpha" targets and break through RR chains and/or prevent people from "turtling" through hostile situations.
- due to all of the above, active tanking fell out of favor for all but 1v1 situations.

And the end result was: everyone continued to die just as fast because people blobbed up more to compensate for the increased HP.

As for your "incapacitate" idea... while it appeals to me I don't think it would really work given how fast things die once their tank of choice has failed. And you can't give "more HP" to ships because it just increases the problems I described above.

The point was NOT to prolong fights. IT was to delay destruction, and slow down ganking. The target would still be helpless, but the surrounding and aftermath would be prolonged. For more to get in the fight and for CONCORD to not behave like some kamikaze wind cleaning up everything. The buff ccp brought was nothing like what I suggested, and the failure was exactly because of the reasons you mentioned. So to recap ships should go dead in the waters so to speak, and even start sinking (bleeding damage) This could be stopped and stemmed from reppers. This would not bring the ship back in action. Some mechanic for tugging the ship to dock would be needed. Basically a mod that could warp the same way the insta JF workaround/exploit is used. Just where its working as intended and would be anything but instant.. In systems with no stations I would say salvagers would be able to "recycle" raw materials a bit like mining, and the yield would be something like 50% or below minerals/materials, maybe a bit lower, but around same levels as really low yield refinery. This would make player wrecks an interesting resource. Maybe a neat balance after the drone region "mining" nerf. This would be the pvp variant to bring players into engaging each other and not parking a DOM and going out for dinner.
Radax Glenn
Church of the Black Hand
#19 - 2012-04-25 06:09:52 UTC
Caleb Ayrania wrote:
I think the Burn Jita and Hulkaggeddon are awesome player created events.

I agree with you in regards to Hulkageddon. It has a very elegant "sandbox" feel. It make sense as it culls bot miners, or at least keeps them off the grid for a time, and it also falls in line with the resource management side of the game. The idea of choking a supply of a resource is rather good for the EVE economy at times, especially if your a miner...and you play your cards right.
Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#20 - 2012-04-25 06:15:03 UTC
Radax Glenn wrote:
Caleb Ayrania wrote:
I think the Burn Jita and Hulkaggeddon are awesome player created events.

I agree with you in regards to Hulkageddon. It has a very elegant "sandbox" feel. It make sense as it culls bot miners, or at least keeps them off the grid for a time, and it also falls in line with the resource management side of the game. The idea of choking a supply of a resource is rather good for the EVE economy at times, especially if your a miner...and you play your cards right.

Right there you have a nice "Cui Bono"

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