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Character Bazaar

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

Private Sale

Deos Inter Sidera
#1 - 2012-04-22 00:37:56 UTC
Im selling > Purl

All CCp Rules in effect.
I pay transfer fee.

Char will be tranferred at the completion of training Mass Production V in approx 6 days", etc.
Wyfe Aggro
#2 - 2012-04-22 00:40:07 UTC
As per in-game conversation, I have agreed to purchase this character at the completion of training - for the sum of 4.6b ISK.

Thank you,

MDT / Wyfe Aggro.
Deos Inter Sidera
#3 - 2012-04-22 00:46:47 UTC
"Upon completion of training, and receipt of ISK and account information, I will post when CCP secure char transfer has been started."

Thank you.
Wyfe Aggro
#4 - 2012-04-28 20:53:39 UTC
I have verified training of Purl via eveboard, and sent account information and ISK to prepare for transfer.

Thank you so much for a flawless process so far, very friendly!
Deos Inter Sidera
#5 - 2012-04-28 20:58:37 UTC
Account and isk received and transfer completed on 4/28/2012. Thank you.