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Mining ops and payouts

Boundary Wardens
#1 - 2012-04-18 15:34:49 UTC
Kind of a repost from the market discussion forum as I am not sure which of these two threads it would be appropriate in.

Kind of a random question to you guys. I have a few friends I am getting into eve for the first time and they want to take a shot at the industry side, starting with mining as a group especially with the higher mineral prices these days. In the past when I have hosted group mining ops it has always been a pain to figure out exactly how to pay each person for their share of the mining. I was wondering if anyone who has done this before could share their methods for doing payouts or even how they manage their own group mining ops.
#2 - 2012-04-18 16:27:55 UTC
Enable loot logging.

Write it all down.

Get market info.

Crunch numbers in excel.
Spreadsheets are essential for EVE industry. Completely essential.

ETFU: Excel The **** Up.

Economic PVP

Boundary Wardens
#3 - 2012-04-18 17:34:23 UTC
Okay so that isn't any easier than what I had been doing but much better record keeping. Once I get the spreadsheet setup should work better just more paperwork...weee :D

Thanks for the feedback.
XS Tech
#4 - 2012-04-18 17:45:26 UTC
Personally, I use Dedaf's tool (it's around here somewhere), as it helps in figuring out the weird situations (e.g. miner 1 in a ret, 2 in a cov, and 3 in a Brutix*) that crop up all the time with "newer" mining people.

*"lol, wtf man?"

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Dark Nexxus
#5 - 2012-04-18 19:03:30 UTC
Divide total profit by number of players/ships.

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."
Caldari State
#6 - 2012-04-18 20:24:09 UTC
JVLP wrote:
Divide total profit by number of players/ships.

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

It's very thoughtful of you to decide who needs what.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#7 - 2012-04-18 20:34:19 UTC
Dersk wrote:
JVLP wrote:
Divide total profit by number of players/ships.

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

It's very thoughtful of you to decide who needs what.

In theory it's a good idea........
Kalea Hashur
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2012-04-18 20:36:28 UTC
I'm doing the hauling, so I have station containers set up with miners names in a hangar only I have access to. Each miner is using their own jetcan, and I can haul an entire can at once. So I drop the ore in their station container. Then I'll pay them for what they mined, since I have a set price for each mineral before it even gets mined.
Kalea Hashur
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2012-04-18 20:42:38 UTC
JVLP wrote:
Divide total profit by number of players/ships.

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

This It becomes problematic for small corps that might have pilots in mining frigates mining with people in cruisers and hulks.
Caha Evano
Victory of Samothrace
#10 - 2012-04-18 21:01:38 UTC
Kyros Xero
#11 - 2012-04-18 21:13:33 UTC
For our corp we are not picky about tracking things exactly. In our wormhole we just tally shares in the "Ore Pool" as people mine. Every 15 minutes of actively contributing (mining/hauling/protection/whatever) is 1 share, tracked in a forum thread. Then whenever we refine and sell the Ore Pool we distribute the ISK based on the accumulated shares.

We don't care what you're flying or what your m3/hr is to encourage people to join in. For our purposes, we also only count involvement per human, so ORCA alts and/or multiple mining accounts just help the group profit more as a whole.

The casual system works for us because we're a small group and generally all like each other Blink, so we don't have to worry about people attempting to "game" the system.
Immortis Vexx
Onyx Moon Industries
#12 - 2012-04-18 22:09:02 UTC
I've run small mining gangs before with various levels of miners in the group. Splitting profits can be quite a chore but as one other said, "Excel is your friend." This is absolutely true. The way I do it is set up some maths so that all I have to do is enter the total amt of ore collected and it spits out how many minerals that equals ( i use perfect refining for this step). If i am Orca supporting/hauling then subtract 10-12% (for our tenured miners). Noob miners don't get the hauling tax as they generally don't mine enough to warrant it. It is really easy to cut in the corp during that step if you want to. Below is the math I use to figure all this out

Total ore / batch rate = total batches * minerals per batch = ((total minerals * isk/mineral) *.88) = amount paid to miner

Once you have this set up on a spreadsheet you are able to quickly punch in the total ore and pay people by the jetcan. I am able to do this effectively for multiple people while running a couple miners myself.

UV Heavy Industries
#13 - 2012-04-18 22:25:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Orpheus2526
I have a simple way of ding things in UV Heavy. Each miner is resposable for his own ore/minerals. The corp buys both and prices are posted in the corp bulletins. Then when the miner whishes to sell to the corp they contract the ore/minerals to the corp at the prices posted x quantity and the corp accepts the contract. During group ops everyone gets an equal share so mineral/ore value is determined then payouts done.

simple and effecient
Boundary Wardens
#14 - 2012-04-19 13:05:31 UTC
Kalea Hashur wrote:
I'm doing the hauling, so I have station containers set up with miners names in a hangar only I have access to. Each miner is using their own jetcan, and I can haul an entire can at once. So I drop the ore in their station container. Then I'll pay them for what they mined, since I have a set price for each mineral before it even gets mined.

This is an interesting idea. Pretty much pay people exactly what they mined and if I feel I have to take a cut as the hauler I let them know I am taking a percentage of it off the top before we start. Other than that I think the easiest way to do it would be just split the isk made at the end of the day evenly. We are all very good friends who have played together for years so it shouldn't cause any friction. Probably helps that they are all in mining frigates/cruisers and Im the one using the mining barge and hauling with an alt so if I am not bothered they can't be :P
Marl Xun
Xun Armaments Corporation
#15 - 2012-04-19 16:48:01 UTC
There are proabably as many ways to do it as there are industrial players out there. :P

We like to be accurate but not *too* accurate. We work on a share over time system, where each participant gets paid a share depending on how long they were participating.

Were you there for the full duration of the op? Then you get a full share. You could only make it for half the op? Then you get half a share.

All the ore gets refined at the end of the operation and you have the choice to take your pay in minerals or isk.

All miners get paid the same regardless of the ship type (with the exception of Osprey pilots, who only get a half share, and frigate pilots who, if they choose to participate, don't get paid). Yes, this means the retriever pilot picks the pocket of the Hulk pilot, but the logic behind that is thus: Hulk pilots already own a Hulk, while Retriever pilots still need a Hulk. Therefore it's in everyone's best interests to kick a bit of extra isk to the Retriever pilots. The sooner they get a Hulk, the sooner everyone makes more money.
Sidrat Flush
#16 - 2012-04-21 07:26:12 UTC
Marl is correct, there are as many different ways out there than there are indi corps.

That said I'm using the opportunity to plug my industrial spreadsheet which has a corp mining sheet (one column for total units mined), and an indi op sheet (up to ten pilots I believe).

Station Cans are your best friend ever for indi ops.

Communication is the key and the process should be written down and available for new and indeed potential members to read and understand it. Although if you apply to an indi corp and don't know what their sharing scheme is if any then well ask before pressing apply.

Its time to stand up against the bad empire based CEO telling falsehoods about what new characters can accomplish and pushing them towards an in game experience of drudgery and loneliness keeping them in the shadow of ignorance for at nest their own profit at worse apathy towards all the experiences that Eve has to offer.

Dave stark
#17 - 2012-04-21 13:53:26 UTC
when i first started the game i found a post on the old forums about a public mining op. 2 guys with an orca and an itty V were basically "buying" jetcans full of ore.

fairly simple, the orca jumped in to a belt and turned on the mining bonuses, every one warped to the orca and started munching rocks and put them in their own jetcan labled with their name.
when the can was full the orca would tractor it to him and the itty V would warp in, scoop it up, and give isk to the player who's jet can it was.

crude, simple, and for a new player it was a god send.

who gained what?
well, for the miners they gained orca bonuses and they didn't have to haul any thing themselves. that was a HUGE plus for a new player like me without a 2nd account.

what was in it for them?
well, they were paying by the m3, (fixed price per can regardless of what ore was in it). they were paying below market price in terms of m3, so they got cheap minerals when they refined it all.

i could have got more isk/m3 mining solo, but due to orca bonuses and not having to haul... my isk/hour was higher. not to mention as a new player meeting new people was also a huge thing. the guys running the op also offered things like replacing t1 crystals if ours broke, and since they produced stuff with the minerals i got my first hulk for 130m (they were 200m at the time) which for a new player saving 70mil isk was also great.
Henry Haphorn
Killer Yankee
#18 - 2012-04-22 04:54:10 UTC
For estimating proper payouts, it's best to simply export the loot log into a text file (look at fleet options for this) which you can then copy into an excel spreadsheet and run the numbers. As others have said throughout the forum, payouts usually come in the form of either distributing the ore with the miners based on how much they mined so that they can sell it themselves or paying the ISK directly to the miners based on the units they mined.

Adapt or Die

Styth spiting
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2012-04-23 23:35:34 UTC
Thought I posted to this thread the other day. Guess it didn't stick.

I wanted to add that using the loot history to track mining is easy to exploit and should only be used if you have no other option.

For example. Player jet cans 10,001 ore. Player than takes 10,000 ore from jet can. Player finally puts 10,000 ore back in jetcan. According to the loot log, this player just looted 20,001 ore (when in fact it was only 10,001). This isn't so much of a problem if its just you and your friends, but when you have 10+ hulks at any one time and or run a mining op that goes on 10 - 20 hours and you have several billion isk worth of ore, it can be very easy for one or two members to exploit this.

If you plan to use the loot history prior to leaving the belt to dump at station save the loot log and clear it, and write down what amounts you are currently loading to station. This way you will have a log for each load brought to station and can compare to what the yield was. Once back in belt and boosting you can then compare what was in the orca vs what was reported in the loot history.