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EVE General Discussion

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Why isn't Eve more successful?

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#201 - 2012-04-17 21:06:39 UTC
No, they got rid of that as part of the pre-incursion patch that nuked learning skills. They figured that the fast training was only ever used to get the learning skills done anyway, so newbies would come out roughly the same at the end, only they could start from day one with decent attributes.

I'm misremembering then. I had it in my head that the accellerated learning for the first month or so was to compensate for the loss of learning skills... along with the new higher base attributes speeding things up anyway.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

The Scope
#202 - 2012-04-17 21:07:17 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
Now stop derailing the thread.

Anyone ever tell you that your Avatar looks like Odo from DS9?
#203 - 2012-04-17 21:07:44 UTC
YuuKnow wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
Now stop derailing the thread.

Anyone ever tell you that your Avatar looks like Odo from DS9?

No. He doesn't look like Odo.

Things are only impossible until they are not.

Rekon X
#204 - 2012-04-17 21:11:03 UTC
evereplicant wrote:
Matrix Operator wrote:
I don't get it. The most beautiful graphics in the industry, a great storyline with great lore, and the lure of space, and Eve only gets 300k subscribers even after 10 tens of work. Some company makes an MMOPG with dancing Elves and ponies and it peaks at 9mil subscribers...

It can't be that wizard/fantasy is more popular than space-sci-fi. Aren't Star Wars and Star Trek proof that space-fiction has the larger following (as opposed to say, Lord of the Rings). And if so, why would 9mil players play with Elves, but only 1/30th of that choose sexy spacegraphics.

I don't get it. Can someone explain it to me?

Heres my thoughts

1) Community, yes eve has some decent people but 99% of them have an attitude and just dont help and troll the forums. With the usual go back to Wow BS (boring) or if you dont like it leave crap.

2) Risk vs Reward - quite frankly for new players they can be instantly killed anywhere anytime, and if they have been grinding for months only to end up back to square 1 then its an instant put off.

3) Eve is a niche game, CCP refuse to change the game to make it mainstream, goodf or bad? depends... I mean i playued a stronghold kingdoms not so great online browser type game still in beta really and its grown to 500,000 players in just a year...eve has stayed stagnant.

4) Eve is not saturated, all the major alliances own everything, and for newer people its either be a pet or a renter and pay stupid amounts of isk. You think you will ever own a tech moon? never! Thats the problem people dont have a CHANCE to get any of this stuff...

One intelligent reply in a galaxy if ignorance.

I don't care what you think, if you ever think at all.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#205 - 2012-04-17 21:11:23 UTC
- PvE is lackluster and below any AAA title (expecially since the subscription is AAA grade). Like it or not, the majority of players are PvE oriented, a portion of them can be "converted" to PvP but they are not as many.

- It's possible to succeed with one subscription but to do WELL and in reasonable time you want to have 2-3. Expecially for scouting / industry / research etc.

- PvP has its own flavour but it's not mainstream. There's very little in terms of "interactivity", many PvPers like twitch games. EvE does not even come with a proper collision system, it's still stuck at 1990s "spheres". No sensible line of sight games. No internally supported ranking nor ability to form rated competitive PvP teams.
Of course having the above features in EvE could sound odd but it's what sells.

- Very little "personal" customization. Ships are all copy pasted, often times even going from T1 to T2 only changes some details into "golden" looks and little else. Most modern games give deep degrees of customization, in EvE you can't even set the color.

- EvE is much of a "clicker" game, even during combat. Clickers are sort of despised by classic PvP gamers.
EvE is much more "macro tactics" oriented, making it for a more aged customer base than the numerous possible players.

- EvE PvP is slow paced enough that you can "solo" 4-5 box a ship, RR alts and Falcon alt. This kind of "soloing" is quite despised by players accustomed at true 1 v 1 or many vs many where each of the many is a separate player.
Shea Valerien
House of Valerien
#206 - 2012-04-17 21:18:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Shea Valerien
As somebody who is fairly new to the game (my main account is about 45 days old), here are the reasons I think the game isn't more successful:

1) Not heavily advertised

2) Extremely steep learning curve (I spent hours and hours digesting information on the web.. a lot of people don't have that type of patience.. or they just spam the general help channel with questions and get angry when people don't respond to them.)

3) High-sec Griefing: You run into some griefers very early in the game and are told that nothing can be done about it (for example, I did the newbie quests, then ran the sisters of eve quests.. when I was doing the dagan quest, some guy tracked me down, killed dagan, looted it, and then tried to sell it to me for 100 million ISK - when I barely had 20 mil to my name). I had only been playing the game for about 2 weeks at that point, and if I didn't come from a fairly hardcore gaming background (e.g., if I was a younger gamer), I probably would've quit and never come back. I still can't continue that epic chain because the quest doesn't reset and you can't find Dagan's for sale. Eve encourages griefing, and most players don't like that. A lot of players like open and engaging PVP, but not griefing. If this game didn't allow griefing in high-sec, I would think that subscription numbers would be significantly higher than they are now. But at the same time, being free from worry about attack in high-sec would entirely change the concept of Eve (never safe from attack) and how it functions. I'd like to think there's a balance somewhere in there, but I haven't played long enough to come up with any great ideas. FWIW, I don't think high-sec griefing should be removed entirely.. but I just feel like there's something that could be done to restrict when/where it can be done and to be a little more forgiving for newer players or even carebears (who fill a necessary role in the game).

4) The inability to train more than one character on an account at a time. Just a money grab. And being able to train all three characters at once would allow newer players to achieve functionally useful skill templates earlier in time (e.g., I could train up a logi, a dps and an exploration character all at the same time and then switch between what I need).

5) Perceived gap between veterans and new players in terms of ability to be of value or to have any chance of winning in PVP. A fully trained PVP griefer in his destroyer who ninja salvages and loots in the hopes of being attacked by a lvl 2 mission running noob is going to wipe the noob regardless of the ship the noob is flying.

6) The UI - I tried to get a buddy of mine to join me in this game a few weeks ago. He's a big PVP'er in pretty much every game he's played and he's into the spreadsheet/calculation/market games as well, so I figured he'd love this game. Instead, he logged on for about 30 minutes and then emailed me that he was going to play LoL because the UI on this game was so horrible. I've tried to get him to give it more time, but haven't had any luck. Given that he would love this game if he got into it, it's pretty sad that potential customers like this are being chased away by a bad UI (I'm not sure why he disliked it so much.. it can be fairly unresponsive at times, though).
The Scope
#207 - 2012-04-17 21:19:55 UTC
masternerdguy wrote:
YuuKnow wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
Now stop derailing the thread.

Anyone ever tell you that your Avatar looks like Odo from DS9?

No. He doesn't look like Odo.

Yes he does. Odo with hair and wrinkles.ShockedCool
Ganja Clade
Shadow Cartel
#208 - 2012-04-17 21:24:46 UTC
Matrix Operator wrote:
I don't get it. Can someone explain it to me?

If you need it explained you are in danger of subbing to WoW. Re-educate yourself immediately.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#209 - 2012-04-17 21:28:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
YuuKnow wrote:
masternerdguy wrote:
YuuKnow wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
Now stop derailing the thread.

Anyone ever tell you that your Avatar looks like Odo from DS9?

No. He doesn't look like Odo.

Yes he does. Odo with hair and wrinkles.ShockedCool

So you are saying I actually look like René Auberjonois.

I can live with that, I've been told worse. Smile

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Serge Bastana
GWA Corp
#210 - 2012-04-17 21:33:34 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
Sigurd Sig Hansen wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:

And some people take drunken jokes too seriously. Blink

or not seriously enough given that he wasnt permabanned like Id expect to be if I tried to goad someone into suicide

Perhaps catch up on all of the retractions and revisions in the press before you ride that bandwagon too much further.

A mistake happened, a reasonable punishment was determined. If you aren't happy with it still, you really need to get over it.

I agree, he stepped over the line, it was dealt with, move on, We might actually see some good game play come out of the aftermath now.

I don't agree with what he did but it's done and dusted now as far as I can see.

WoW holds your hand until end game, and gives you a cookie whether you win or lose. EVE not only takes your cookie, but laughs at you for bringing one in the first place...

Rekon X
#211 - 2012-04-17 21:37:44 UTC
Welsige wrote:
Rekon X wrote:

You sit and watch an sp counter tick by so you can 'train'.

But thats what makes this game great.

You dont need to grind skills. "kill 10 of this, kill 20 of that, baam, master hunter achieved!...."

You just need to play.

If to play is to you grinding skills, then it certainly isnt a fun activity.

If your play is to pvp, pve and play the market, its wonderful.

But granted, early game sucks.

CCP could work a little the SP thing, giving ways to players accelerate it somewhat, like droped boosters in complexes working like faction items on a loot table. That would be interesting.

Yea, but Newegg has a preorder special on Diablo. I know I'll have more fun playing that than what I'm doing now.

I don't know what it's like later in this game, cause I can't go to 0.0 with 1.4m SP, or do much of anything really. But I can close my account and I won't have to wait on skills to train anymore before I can play.

I'm not sitting around to 5 million, or some corps want 20million sp to join.

This is retarted.

I don't care what you think, if you ever think at all.

The Scope
#212 - 2012-04-17 21:48:45 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
YuuKnow wrote:
masternerdguy wrote:
YuuKnow wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
Now stop derailing the thread.

Anyone ever tell you that your Avatar looks like Odo from DS9?

No. He doesn't look like Odo.

Yes he does. Odo with hair and wrinkles.ShockedCool

So you are saying I actually look like René Auberjonois.

I can live with that, I've been told worse. Smile

Its not a bad thing... you should name your corp... "The Dominion"Smile
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#213 - 2012-04-17 21:52:48 UTC
Shea Valerien wrote:

2) Extremely steep learning curve (I spent hours and hours digesting information on the web.. a lot of people don't have that type of patience.. or they just spam the general help channel with questions and get angry when people don't respond to them.)

And the fun part is that the ***** in charge decided that the BEST IDEA EVER to entice more new players was to change item names to weak sauce variations of "experimental / improved" etc.

This annoyed the older players while making all the WEB references immediately outdated, while still not doing an inch of help to the real new players.

I am sure a new player can understand that a meta 3 item (regardless of name) is better than a meta 1.
A new player will not understand the dozens of asinine hidden rules, like the 101 hidden timers, aggression rules, POS glitches and so on.
Jessie-A Tassik
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#214 - 2012-04-17 21:58:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Jessie-A Tassik
Tippia wrote:
Jessie-A Tassik wrote:
New players should be allowed to start out with a certain amount of SP in skills they select. Equal to about two weeks or a month of training time.

This has no real effect on balance, but stops the idiot "have to log off till I get Level 3 of X so I can get Level 1 of X and even equip the *bleep* module.

That seven hour log off does nothing but *bleep* people off big.
Just one problem: that would be more beneficial to old players than to new ones. The reason they got rid of the 900k newbies were that the builds only really helped people who already knew what was needed, whereas new players had no idea. Your idea has the same issue: it lets older players hand-pick skills for their speciality alts, whereas new players still have no idea how to spend those SP.

The advantage with the current system is that it lets those new players have some time to pick what's needed, and the initial picks are guided by the tutorials and certificate recommendations. The problem only really kicks in when they get bad advice from other players that they ”must train lvl X or diiiie”, which is when they start queuing up those week-long skill levels that they don't even need.

Giving new players more choice only helps if they can make informed decisions, and the entire point of them being new is that they can't yet. So it's a rather dicey issue.

A valid point, but I wanted to use it as a semi-tutorial, so they see all the skills and the game walks them through the selection process explaining various things about skills. But I suppose wanting a working tutorial in Eve is a little silly . So set the skills for them. They start out with Racial Industrial-1, Hull Upgrades-1, Repair Systems-1, Connections-3... and so on.

I say Connections-3 because the only purpose of the Connections skill is to f**** over those without OC disorder who fail to read every single skill description for "Gotchas!". Of course, they'd have to understand the whole mechanics behind Agent Availability in order for the description to make sense.

That is some good design right there.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#215 - 2012-04-17 22:05:03 UTC
Rekon X wrote:
Welsige wrote:
Rekon X wrote:

You sit and watch an sp counter tick by so you can 'train'.

But thats what makes this game great.

You dont need to grind skills. "kill 10 of this, kill 20 of that, baam, master hunter achieved!...."

You just need to play.

If to play is to you grinding skills, then it certainly isnt a fun activity.

If your play is to pvp, pve and play the market, its wonderful.

But granted, early game sucks.

CCP could work a little the SP thing, giving ways to players accelerate it somewhat, like droped boosters in complexes working like faction items on a loot table. That would be interesting.

Yea, but Newegg has a preorder special on Diablo. I know I'll have more fun playing that than what I'm doing now.

I don't know what it's like later in this game, cause I can't go to 0.0 with 1.4m SP, or do much of anything really. But I can close my account and I won't have to wait on skills to train anymore before I can play.

I'm not sitting around to 5 million, or some corps want 20million sp to join.

This is retarted.

If you don't enjoy the game of course you should find one you enjoy.

However the number of things you can do with even 1.4m SP is incredible... all you are doing is limiting yourself by thinking you have to have a certain amount of SP before you can try something out.

If you stay, stop waiting for skills to finish. Go out and play.

Death means nothing, and as long as you only fly what you can afford to lose what have you got to fear?

Have you even finished the tutorials yet?

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Jessie-A Tassik
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#216 - 2012-04-17 22:08:08 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
EvE is much of a "clicker" game, even during combat. Clickers are sort of despised by classic PvP gamers.
EvE is much more "macro tactics" oriented, making it for a more aged customer base than the numerous possible players.

A niche market isn't necessarily bad. But niche market is niche.
#217 - 2012-04-17 22:08:46 UTC
Have a buddy who would LOVE this game and he knows it...thats the problem.

The last time I tried to force EVE on him he told me the last thing he needed was an MMO he loved. It would be all he would do and probably cost him a job or wife. The wife he could live without...the job...not so much.
Rekon X
#218 - 2012-04-17 22:10:46 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
No, they got rid of that as part of the pre-incursion patch that nuked learning skills. They figured that the fast training was only ever used to get the learning skills done anyway, so newbies would come out roughly the same at the end, only they could start from day one with decent attributes.

I'm misremembering then. I had it in my head that the accellerated learning for the first month or so was to compensate for the loss of learning skills... along with the new higher base attributes speeding things up anyway.

They must have removed that before I started. I had nothing to start with.

I don't care what you think, if you ever think at all.

Jessie-A Tassik
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#219 - 2012-04-17 22:15:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Jessie-A Tassik
Ranger 1 wrote:


I'm assuming new players still train twice as fast at first right?

They need a tutorial that explains you don't need max skills in everything to be highly competitive. It might keep people from listening to those well intentioned idiots that insist you can't do anything in game until X level with everything.

Rekon X
#220 - 2012-04-17 22:16:44 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
- PvE is lackluster and below any AAA title (expecially since the subscription is AAA grade). Like it or not, the majority of players are PvE oriented, a portion of them can be "converted" to PvP but they are not as many.

- It's possible to succeed with one subscription but to do WELL and in reasonable time you want to have 2-3. Expecially for scouting / industry / research etc.

- PvP has its own flavour but it's not mainstream. There's very little in terms of "interactivity", many PvPers like twitch games. EvE does not even come with a proper collision system, it's still stuck at 1990s "spheres". No sensible line of sight games. No internally supported ranking nor ability to form rated competitive PvP teams.
Of course having the above features in EvE could sound odd but it's what sells.

- Very little "personal" customization. Ships are all copy pasted, often times even going from T1 to T2 only changes some details into "golden" looks and little else. Most modern games give deep degrees of customization, in EvE you can't even set the color.

- EvE is much of a "clicker" game, even during combat. Clickers are sort of despised by classic PvP gamers.
EvE is much more "macro tactics" oriented, making it for a more aged customer base than the numerous possible players.

- EvE PvP is slow paced enough that you can "solo" 4-5 box a ship, RR alts and Falcon alt. This kind of "soloing" is quite despised by players accustomed at true 1 v 1 or many vs many where each of the many is a separate player.

Lot of good points here.

I don't care what you think, if you ever think at all.