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New dev blog: Changes to War Mechanics

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#761 - 2012-04-16 18:43:32 UTC  |  Edited by: bornaa
You guys read the article on massively about this subject, published earlier today???

I think it have some good points (maybe the best).

[Yes, I'm an Amateur](
Kemal Ataturk
Antisocial Mental Disorder
#762 - 2012-04-16 18:49:12 UTC
Argus Sorn wrote:
I'm a little confused. I mean sure I am not a fan of all of the changes and want the price system scaled differently, but some of the posters to this section.. well, you do know that there is already a wardec system in place right?

The people 'raging' against the very existence of wardecs, I mean that is a different debate all together is it not? Most of you I assume are from small industry corps. Are you currently being permadecced? Because you can be now - already - the mechanic already exists for wealthy pvp griefers to just come and keep you decced literally FOREVER. This mechanic exists right now, it's there.

The new system actually does two things: 1) makes it more expensive to dec you and 2) let's you get help.

Is this not an improvement? Seriously, I don't think people are going around deccing people just for the laughs of ruining some poor innocent high sec dude's day as much as you think. Or am I just empire-naive?


right now there is a "workaround" for an industrial corp to get out of a war. The new system closes this door. Now you can safe your poses, with the new system you wont be able to safe any pos. What we get with the new system is a no no for industry chars in empire. Npc Corps do not work out.


Myself i have both industry and pvp. What makes me angry is that this whole wardec is that it forces me to do what i dont wanna do. And the new system makes it worse. If ccp gonna implement this than here they should delete everything that has nothing to do with pvp.

I dont force anyone to play with my playstyle and i dont want to be forced to paly with someones playstyle. If someone wants to pvp he can do so and if somone want to jump 45000 jumps to trade he should be able to do so too. But he isnt.
Buzzy Warstl
Quantum Flux Foundry
#763 - 2012-04-16 18:51:38 UTC
bornaa wrote:
You guys read the article on massively about this subject, published earlier today???

I think it have some good points.


He nails the problem right on the head, and his solution is certainly the closest I've seen to something that would work, but there's still something less than satisfying about his solution that I can't quite put a finger on. Richard Bartle: Players who suit MUDs

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#764 - 2012-04-16 19:12:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Grikath
It has it's merit, but parking a structure in space will not entice people to stop hiding in station or not logging in.

Plus shooting such a structure should at least take a decent-ish fleet of battleships to pull it off, something which smaller corps do not have. And I'm not allowed to bring my Dread ( which could accomplish this task rather more efficiently) into highsec just for that particular purpose, for instance.
Or do we want to go back to what effectively amounts to the old POS grind?
Mercenary deployment *might* help there, but the current prices on them are prohibitive for small corps.

The system has it's merits, and the comment on the lack of "end conditions" are quite valid, but it needs some serious work to make it balanced enough to be usable.

Highsec isn't "Safe".  Neither is it a playground for bullies and bottomfeeders. So stop complaining and start playing the game already.

Questionable Acquisitions
#765 - 2012-04-16 19:33:24 UTC
bornaa wrote:
You guys read the article on massively about this subject, published earlier today???

I think it have some good points (maybe the best).


Pretty much disagreed with most of it. Article pushed what appeared to be EVE Uni's awful ideas for wardecs. Gives all the power to big blob entities and is another blow to small gangs and guerrilla warfare.
Captain Thunk
Explode. Now. Please.
Alliance. Now. Please.
#766 - 2012-04-16 19:42:20 UTC
Xorv wrote:
bornaa wrote:
You guys read the article on massively about this subject, published earlier today???

I think it have some good points (maybe the best).


Pretty much disagreed with most of it. Article pushed what appeared to be EVE Uni's awful ideas for wardecs. Gives all the power to big blob entities and is another blow to small gangs and guerrilla warfare.

If only Eve-Uni taught people how to fight instead of how not to play the game.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#767 - 2012-04-16 19:53:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Indahmawar Fazmarai
bornaa wrote:
You guys read the article on massively about this subject, published earlier today???

I think it have some good points (maybe the best).


Doh, I wish i could figure out sentences like this:

"it can't be good for EVE that the best course of action during a war is to log off and play another game for the duration."

There you have it, CCP, better than how I could express it.

As for the propossal, I jsut think that surrender should be enforced: if someone pays, the war stops inmediately no matter what the other side does.

Just with one detail: the surrender fee would be paid to CONCORD. No kills, no monies to agressor.
Captain Thunk
Explode. Now. Please.
Alliance. Now. Please.
#768 - 2012-04-16 19:56:47 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
bornaa wrote:
You guys read the article on massively about this subject, published earlier today???

I think it have some good points (maybe the best).


Doh, I wish i could figure out sentences like this:

"it can't be good for EVE that the best course of action during a war is to log off and play another game for the duration."

There you have it, CCP, better than how I could express it.

I've seen alliances logoff and play something else when attacked. Maybe CCP should delete ships and concentrate on Walking in Stations and player clothing. I can meet up with you and we can compare outfits (mine will be considerably better and much more expensive)
#769 - 2012-04-16 20:04:35 UTC
Xorv wrote:
bornaa wrote:
You guys read the article on massively about this subject, published earlier today???

I think it have some good points (maybe the best).


Pretty much disagreed with most of it. Article pushed what appeared to be EVE Uni's awful ideas for wardecs. Gives all the power to big blob entities and is another blow to small gangs and guerrilla warfare.

What is terrible?
This way wars would actually have goal and attacker would actually feel some obligation towards wars he start.
And defender would have mean to end it and actually "win" the war.
[Yes, I'm an Amateur](
Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#770 - 2012-04-16 20:20:07 UTC
CCP SoniClover wrote:
Hey guys, just wanted to pop my head in very quickly to say that we are monitoring this (and other threads). The only reason why I haven't replied regarding the war cost formula is simply that it isn't ready yet. We have it slated to be worked on this sprint (sometimes during the next two weeks), so I will let you guys know as soon as we have it nailed down. There are many valid concerns in this thread that will be taken into account, but I don't want to go into too much details right now - discussing unfinished systems is always risky, as this thread clearly shows, so please show a bit of patience for a little while longer.

As I've stated before, with a generic system like we have regarding player corps and wars, it is inevitable that whatever change we make will always upset some players, one way or another. Our aim is to find something that provides the greatest good to the greatest number, paraphrasing Jeremy Bentham.

There are other changes and tweaks in the pipelines, which I will also inform you about when they are ready.

Thanks for all the great posts, guys.

I'd just like to remind you the vast, silent majority is all in favor of these changes as you've posted them, it's a handful of shrill people posting again and again who dislike them.
Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#771 - 2012-04-16 20:20:22 UTC
That said please let me wardec a person tia.
Buzzy Warstl
Quantum Flux Foundry
#772 - 2012-04-16 20:33:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Buzzy Warstl
Captain Thunk wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
bornaa wrote:
You guys read the article on massively about this subject, published earlier today???

I think it have some good points (maybe the best).


Doh, I wish i could figure out sentences like this:

"it can't be good for EVE that the best course of action during a war is to log off and play another game for the duration."

There you have it, CCP, better than how I could express it.

I've seen alliances logoff and play something else when attacked. Maybe CCP should delete ships and concentrate on Walking in Stations and player clothing. I can meet up with you and we can compare outfits (mine will be considerably better and much more expensive)

When presented with a situation that has no victory condition it is human nature to avoid it completely if at all possible.

If CCP makes EvE war unwinnable for the defender and unavoidable with in-game mechanics, that only leaves one way to avoid it, and people will take that path in direct proportion to how many people take advantage of the attacking side.

And there do exist people playing on-line games for whom getting people to quit the game is the ultimate victory. Richard Bartle: Players who suit MUDs

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#773 - 2012-04-16 21:03:50 UTC
Buzzy Warstl wrote:
When presented with a situation that has no victory condition it is human nature to avoid it completely if at all possible.

If CCP makes EvE war unwinnable for the defender and unavoidable with in-game mechanics, that only leaves one way to avoid it, and people will take that path in direct proportion to how many people take advantage of the attacking side.

And there do exist people playing on-line games for whom getting people to quit the game is the ultimate victory.

As the author puts it, apparently CCP doesn't knows how wars are actually used in game. Roll
Severian Carnifex
#774 - 2012-04-16 21:04:43 UTC
bornaa wrote:
You guys read the article on massively about this subject, published earlier today???

I think it have some good points (maybe the best).


As I understand the logic is:
before war you must build war command structure - if its destroyed, war is over.

Overall, I like this proposal.
It gives meaning to wars.
It gives actual mechanics for attacking, defending, attacker and defender can loose, you have something to fight for, defender have mean to end war, attacker cant just war dec and not log in on that char for few days (or ever), attacker need to actually be a part of war it started, everybody can win or loose.
#775 - 2012-04-16 21:14:53 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Buzzy Warstl wrote:
When presented with a situation that has no victory condition it is human nature to avoid it completely if at all possible.

If CCP makes EvE war unwinnable for the defender and unavoidable with in-game mechanics, that only leaves one way to avoid it, and people will take that path in direct proportion to how many people take advantage of the attacking side.

And there do exist people playing on-line games for whom getting people to quit the game is the ultimate victory.

As the author puts it, apparently CCP doesn't knows how wars are actually used in game. Roll

What wars?
EVE don't have wars.
EVE only have legal griefing mechanics.

99% of attackers are alts in alt corps.
That players don't even need to log in on that alts to play EVE.
While defenders don't have that privilege and actually cant play the game at all.
Attackers don't even feel the war.
And defender can't do nothing about it and can't play the game at all.

This way war will have some weight for attackers too (isk and time weight) and attackers will actually need to log in and play their war if they want to maintain that war.
And defenders will have way to end it and win it so they will also feel the need to play the war when they actually can see their target.
[Yes, I'm an Amateur](
Severian Carnifex
#776 - 2012-04-16 21:20:40 UTC

This would provide actual gameplay for both sides!
Questionable Acquisitions
#777 - 2012-04-16 21:34:55 UTC
bornaa wrote:

What wars?
EVE don't have wars.
EVE only have legal griefing mechanics.

Explain to me how your idea of "griefing mechanics" differs for your idea of War mechanics?
Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#778 - 2012-04-16 21:53:01 UTC
Buzzy Warstl wrote:

If CCP makes EvE war unwinnable for the defender and unavoidable with in-game mechanics, that only leaves one way to avoid it, and people will take that path in direct proportion to how many people take advantage of the attacking side.
Move to one of several variations of eve space where wardecs are meaningless?

And there do exist people playing on-line games for whom getting people to quit the game is the ultimate victory.

lol oh
Buzzy Warstl
Quantum Flux Foundry
#779 - 2012-04-16 22:21:33 UTC
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
Buzzy Warstl wrote:

If CCP makes EvE war unwinnable for the defender and unavoidable with in-game mechanics, that only leaves one way to avoid it, and people will take that path in direct proportion to how many people take advantage of the attacking side.
Move to one of several variations of eve space where wardecs are meaningless?

And there do exist people playing on-line games for whom getting people to quit the game is the ultimate victory.

lol oh

If CCP didn't intend to have people in the game who prefer to play in highsec over all the other venues, why did they put so many resources into it?

Whether you like it or not, Nick, not everyone who plays EvE is playing the same game with the same goals you are, that's the whole point of a sandbox game. Richard Bartle: Players who suit MUDs

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#780 - 2012-04-16 22:21:47 UTC  |  Edited by: betoli
Severian Carnifex wrote:
bornaa wrote:
You guys read the article on massively about this subject, published earlier today???

I think it have some good points (maybe the best).


As I understand the logic is:
before war you must build war command structure - if its destroyed, war is over.

Overall, I like this proposal.
It gives meaning to wars.
It gives actual mechanics for attacking, defending, attacker and defender can loose, you have something to fight for, defender have mean to end war, attacker cant just war dec and not log in on that char for few days (or ever), attacker need to actually be a part of war it started, everybody can win or loose.

It seems a rather obvious solution... but it raises more questions than the article addresses.

- Where does the structure get placed?

- How hard is the structure to kill?

The salient point is that there needs to *some* element of HS war, that doesn't have the ability to logoff or dockup in order to keep at least one side regularly in space. But the follow on questions - it is survivable enough that it can't be achieved whilst one side is asleep in bed, but is killable enough so that a weak corp actually has the resources to kill it. Thats not so easy when you think about it.

For the lulz, if the defenders are indy types, perhaps a giant asteroid that the defenders have to completely mine in order to win. :-)