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Bitter Sea Trading - An advanced management tool aimed at market and industry.

Lauren Hellfury
Super Happy Awesome Fun Times
#61 - 2012-04-15 10:18:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Lauren Hellfury
Just a quicky; on the register page, can you set it so that the "create predefined API key" link opens to a new page?

As an extra, if the api type is set/declared as a character rather than corp one is it possible to hide corp transactions from the list? I sometimes use my personal trader for corp stuff and would like to keep things separate.

Help rid New Eden of T2 BPOs: ** **The Full Pocket Aggro blog: **Now showing: **Margin Trading Scams

Keizai Inc
#62 - 2012-04-15 10:35:14 UTC
Yes to both, I'll get the "open in new window" option in shortly - with the ability to hide corp transactions in by tonight. :-)
Lauren Hellfury
Super Happy Awesome Fun Times
#63 - 2012-04-15 10:46:47 UTC
awesomeness! <3

Help rid New Eden of T2 BPOs: ** **The Full Pocket Aggro blog: **Now showing: **Margin Trading Scams

Keizai Inc
#64 - 2012-04-15 10:53:31 UTC
Both features are now in, though no front-end setting is available for hiding corporation transactions, I'll get that in later today - either way, I have manually activated your account to use this new setting.
Lauren Hellfury
Super Happy Awesome Fun Times
#65 - 2012-04-15 11:03:36 UTC
Thanking you, makes it easier to see what i'm doing. Smile

Help rid New Eden of T2 BPOs: ** **The Full Pocket Aggro blog: **Now showing: **Margin Trading Scams

Lauren Hellfury
Super Happy Awesome Fun Times
#66 - 2012-04-15 12:04:02 UTC
1,631,892.03 ISK

6,211,212,516.04 ISK

1,320,001,541.77 ISK

Sell Orders
3,783,633,741.17 ISK

Total NAV
15,155,760,168.64 ISK

Um........ what am I missing?

Help rid New Eden of T2 BPOs: ** **The Full Pocket Aggro blog: **Now showing: **Margin Trading Scams

Keizai Inc
#67 - 2012-04-15 12:32:50 UTC
Lauren Hellfury wrote:
1,631,892.03 ISK

6,211,212,516.04 ISK

1,320,001,541.77 ISK

Sell Orders
3,783,633,741.17 ISK

Total NAV
15,155,760,168.64 ISK

Um........ what am I missing?

Looking at this now for you.
Keizai Inc
#68 - 2012-04-15 12:49:38 UTC
Kouryusei wrote:
Lauren Hellfury wrote:
1,631,892.03 ISK

6,211,212,516.04 ISK

1,320,001,541.77 ISK

Sell Orders
3,783,633,741.17 ISK

Total NAV
15,155,760,168.64 ISK

Um........ what am I missing?

Looking at this now for you.

NAV calculation has now been fixed. o/
Bad Robot Trading Company
#69 - 2012-04-15 13:01:12 UTC
I sent you a mail in game about the website did you receive it?
Keizai Inc
#70 - 2012-04-15 13:01:52 UTC
I don't check my in-game mail all too regularly, emailing me on will usually get you the fastest response. Will check my in-game mail now however. :-)
Keizai Inc
#71 - 2012-04-15 16:02:24 UTC
Email and SMS alerts are now working as intended.

"SMS Alert" wrote:

Your order with ID #2498329067 for 40 units of Hulk has expired or been fulfilled with 0 units remaining.

"Email Alert" wrote:


Your order with ID #2498329067 for 40 units of Hulk has expired or been fulfilled with 0 units remaining.

Bitter Sea Trading.
Keizai Inc
#72 - 2012-04-15 19:24:02 UTC
In order to improve page load times dramatically, I'll be rewriting the logic that retrieves API data rather extensively - should have this in tonight.
Keizai Inc
#73 - 2012-04-15 21:02:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Kouryusei
People who have at least one alert enabled on their account should now experience greatly improved response times on subsequent visits to the site. This is as a result of us updating your data whilst you're not checking the site, in order to see whether or not we should send you an alert.

In order to prevent us from hitting the API at a ridiculous rate, this feature is only enabled for active alert users.

The alert system is currently updated on a rolling five minute basis (though we respect the API cache timer, so we only run our normal checks if the data is "fresh").
Keizai Inc
#74 - 2012-04-15 21:27:11 UTC
I have just noticed quite a serious bug with the alerting system, the first time you set it up - it will alert you on any order that has expired, as well as those that /will/ expire. 279 alerts have erroneously gone out as a result of this.

I am rewriting the alerts system right now in order to prevent this from happening again.
Keizai Inc
#75 - 2012-04-15 21:30:21 UTC
As a result of this bug, I have removed all SMS based alerts from active accounts. If you re-add your alert, it'll be fine from now on.
Keizai Inc
#76 - 2012-04-15 21:53:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Kouryusei
Okay, fixed. It will only alert you for orders with an expiry date of ( > alertCreatedDate ).

Edit: For people who were affected by this, drop me an in-game mail and I'll see what I can do to make things right :-).
Keizai Inc
#77 - 2012-04-16 09:24:09 UTC
General roadmap pushed back by one day due to the problems that arose yesterday.
Denu Vajet
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#78 - 2012-04-16 09:29:51 UTC
Is there a possibility to merge several accounts together? Because I am buying on one character and selling it on another. Like with EVE-Profit.

So far I am really enjoying your services!

Thank you!
Keizai Inc
#79 - 2012-04-16 09:37:44 UTC
Denu Vajet wrote:
Is there a possibility to merge several accounts together? Because I am buying on one character and selling it on another. Like with EVE-Profit.

So far I am really enjoying your services!

Thank you!

That's on the roadmap for today/tomorrow, would of been yesterday - but had a slight issues with the alerts system (as evidenced by the spam above).
Keizai Inc
#80 - 2012-04-16 09:45:38 UTC
A bug that was resulting in duplicate transactions / orders being entered in to the database has now been fixed. :-)