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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Suggestion: Skillpoint reallocation [Please lock]

First post
Joran Dravius
#61 - 2012-04-16 01:52:08 UTC
I wouldn't mind that, although I don't think it's all that important either.
Gallente Federation
#62 - 2012-04-16 01:53:27 UTC
Jayrendo Karr wrote:
Every skill is usefull, a wasted skill now is a present to your future self.

your yoda knowledge be mighty

Kinda mes me 50/50 on the subject now
Neo T.E.C.H.
#63 - 2012-04-16 01:54:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Pohbis
Tippia wrote:
You're assuming things that aren't in the proposal, and even with a loss, ...

I'm assuming it, because I wrote that assumption as the first line of my post; Let's just assume a 1 : 0.5 SP trade ratio.

Your copy/paste reply is purely aimed at a 1:1 trade mechanic, that people could do on a whim, anytime anywhere.

Not that i don't understand it - it's an old topic ( as were attribute remaps and the skill queue before they were introduced, and didn't kill anything ), but using an old copy/paste reply, is not a great way to promote a constructive discussion - since you are replying the same thing, even tho people might have moved on and tried to adjust their ideas.
Kengutsi Akira
#64 - 2012-04-16 02:03:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Kengutsi Akira
Tess Stickle wrote:
I support this. Wouldn't mind fixing some of my skills that are not helping in any way.

Vote: Yes Please!

I say yes for things you guys are radically changing. For instance T2 researching and datacores. If they go the way Ive been hearing, I wont be interested any longer and it wouldnmt have been the NEW way of doing it that Id skilled for.

doing the skill remap at a loss would be extremely bad in this game. But also having to reroll a character and train him a year to try a different role is bad too.

"Is it fair that CCP can get away with..." :: checks ownership on the box ::


Malsia Vaille
Not So Smart
#65 - 2012-04-16 02:13:31 UTC
I'd like to chime in, as a fairly new player...

I think it's a great idea, although, you should only be able to change maybe the first 1 or 2 million you trained at the beggining of your life.

I for one, coming into this game with zero knowledge about it, and my only input about how to play came from people (although I'm sure they meant to be helpful) in the n00b channel. Where I was told to go through all the tutorials, you'll get "Ships and Modules!", and skill books, a n00b like me assumed needed to be trained. So there I went, training skills I now know I have no use for. Admittedly, it's not a whole lot of SP, but I think I could find a good home for it.

Kengutsi Akira
#66 - 2012-04-16 02:20:40 UTC
Malsia Vaille wrote:
I'd like to chime in, as a fairly new player...

I think it's a great idea, although, you should only be able to change maybe the first 1 or 2 million you trained at the beggining of your life.

I for one, coming into this game with zero knowledge about it, and my only input about how to play came from people (although I'm sure they meant to be helpful) in the n00b channel. Where I was told to go through all the tutorials, you'll get "Ships and Modules!", and skill books, a n00b like me assumed needed to be trained. So there I went, training skills I now know I have no use for. Admittedly, it's not a whole lot of SP, but I think I could find a good home for it.

wait till that amount of sp ou have no use for becomes 5 mil or so cause they change the mechanic an youll understand lol

"Is it fair that CCP can get away with..." :: checks ownership on the box ::


Lili Lu
#67 - 2012-04-16 02:29:46 UTC
Malsia Vaille wrote:
I'd like to chime in, as a fairly new player...

I think it's a great idea, although, you should only be able to change maybe the first 1 or 2 million you trained at the beggining of your life.

I for one, coming into this game with zero knowledge about it, and my only input about how to play came from people (although I'm sure they meant to be helpful) in the n00b channel. Where I was told to go through all the tutorials, you'll get "Ships and Modules!", and skill books, a n00b like me assumed needed to be trained. So there I went, training skills I now know I have no use for. Admittedly, it's not a whole lot of SP, but I think I could find a good home for it.

What about all the people that came before you "with zero knowledge" of the game? Your situation is not new. As for skills you no longer want, did you ever use those skills? Many people train mining skills in the early game to make relatively easy money to start out with. Then they realize that mining is sorta a boring occupation whereas pvp is more dynamic hardly ever the same thing twice.

How do you remap that isk you made mining as a noob? Would you rather the piddly income of level 1, 2, and 3 (as a relatively unskilled noob) missions? No. This was never meant to be an easy game, and if you think you have it hard now, it was so much worse to start out years ago. Accept that the skills you no longer use or want to use were something you wanted and probably used quite a bit at one time. There, is that so terrible?

And if you are still wanting candy, re-read Tippia's post. The candy is a lie. Oh but it's just a one time thing? No it won't be. You'll keep wanting the false candy. All the poeple coming after you will complain that you got the candy and want theirs too. It will never end and the skills will have no meaning and then eve will trully be dead.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#68 - 2012-04-16 02:36:28 UTC
Pohbis wrote:
You copy/paste reply is purely aimed at a 1:1 trade mechanic, that people could do on a whim, anytime anywhere.

Not that i don't understand it - it's an old topic ( as were attribute remaps and the skill queue before they were introduced, and didn't kill anything ), but using an old copy/paste reply, is not a great way to promote a constructive discussion - since you are replying the same thing, even tho people might have moved on and tried to adjust their ideas.
Yes, but the only modification in the OP is the on-time thing, which still creates all the problems aside from outright removing skills and attributes.

Sure, crippling the return makes an awful idea less awful, but it's awful none the less, if nothing else than because it doesn't actually solve any problem. It also still retains the issue of the benefits being skewed heavily towards older players (unsurprisingly — Malcanis' law is in effect, as always). Do new players occasionally train skills they later figure out they don't need? Sure. So did the old players when they were new, so the net effect is nil. Just keep them in store for a rainy day and keep building towards the goal you finally figured out.

Also, I just remembered the other view you can take on this, which further highlights why any idea like this generally get such a negative reception: because it allows you to skip time, and time is the only resource in EVE that has any real value.
Malsia Vaille
Not So Smart
#69 - 2012-04-16 02:56:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Malsia Vaille
I see what you're getting at. Perhaps I did use some of those skills at one point during my early days. And I have seen other games go downhill after implementing such things. But Eve is unique in that there is no "Max Level". It goes on and on. And to have the ability to make a slight change to skills you trained at the beggining of your career doesn't really seem too game-breaking to me.

As for people who come after me. I was thinking it'd be a permanent feature of the game. Kinda like remapping, only able to use once, though.

Note: As for mining, I trained it for the tutorial, never used it again, as I couldn't understand how it was "fun" or "profitable".
Kengutsi Akira
#70 - 2012-04-16 03:07:22 UTC
Lili Lu wrote:
Malsia Vaille wrote:
I'd like to chime in, as a fairly new player...

I think it's a great idea, although, you should only be able to change maybe the first 1 or 2 million you trained at the beggining of your life.

I for one, coming into this game with zero knowledge about it, and my only input about how to play came from people (although I'm sure they meant to be helpful) in the n00b channel. Where I was told to go through all the tutorials, you'll get "Ships and Modules!", and skill books, a n00b like me assumed needed to be trained. So there I went, training skills I now know I have no use for. Admittedly, it's not a whole lot of SP, but I think I could find a good home for it.

What about all the people that came before you "with zero knowledge" of the game? Your situation is not new. As for skills you no longer want, did you ever use those skills? Many people train mining skills in the early game to make relatively easy money to start out with. Then they realize that mining is sorta a boring occupation whereas pvp is more dynamic hardly ever the same thing twice.

How do you remap that isk you made mining as a noob? Would you rather the piddly income of level 1, 2, and 3 (as a relatively unskilled noob) missions? No. This was never meant to be an easy game, and if you think you have it hard now, it was so much worse to start out years ago. Accept that the skills you no longer use or want to use were something you wanted and probably used quite a bit at one time. There, is that so terrible?

And if you are still wanting candy, re-read Tippia's post. The candy is a lie. Oh but it's just a one time thing? No it won't be. You'll keep wanting the false candy. All the poeple coming after you will complain that you got the candy and want theirs too. It will never end and the skills will have no meaning and then eve will trully be dead.

Yeah... Im kinda thinking all the qq and hand wringing will be fruitless in the end cause once CCP realizes they can charge monocle money for this service, people WILL pay for it, itll be crammed into the NeX store so fast we all hear an audible pop.

"Is it fair that CCP can get away with..." :: checks ownership on the box ::


Tomas Ysidro
State War Academy
Caldari State
#71 - 2012-04-16 03:37:58 UTC
Even if they did offer this I wouldn't use it. I've got a handful of stupid skill choices that I made back when I was a complete noob. I like having them around just so I can see how far I've come since then (not much tbh).
Sasha Azala
#72 - 2012-04-16 07:23:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Sasha Azala
Ai Shun wrote:
Sasha Azala wrote:
It's like saying in RL lets start again, it does not happen in RL so why should it in EVE.

Probably because EVE, despite being real, is not real life and as it is only a video game we can bend the rules a little bit.

I don't agree with the concept of Skill Point re-allocation, because I believe EVE should punish players who do not think their way through the game.

But at the same time, comparing a video-game to real life is a failure on too many levels to ignore, Sasha.

Well, to me EVE will always be a game, I could not even consider EVE to be real other than real people play it and it to be a real sci-fi game.

There's nothing wrong with using real life examples to back up an agrument. Although granted it does not always explain in the best way what you're getting at as this is a sci-fi game and not a sim.

You could opt for reallocation of sp everytime your clone dies as it is sci-fi, but a one off reallocation just would not make sense even from an RP perspective. Reallocation of sp would just trivialise the whole skill learning process imo as this is a character/empire building game and just as in RL (there said it again) there should be consequences for your choices/actions.
Ciar Meara
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#73 - 2012-04-16 07:32:51 UTC
ElQuirko wrote:
God no

What he said.

- [img][/img] [yellow]English only please. Zymurgist[/yellow]

Savage Creampuff
Vivid Entertainment Group
#74 - 2012-04-16 08:00:28 UTC
this would be :awesome:

make a whole bunch of buddy trials that come with the free plex
instantly spec for int/mem
train cybernetics to 5
+5 implants and train anything at all that have int/mem attributes - really, who cares what skills...
and at 5 or 10m, instant perfect miner, drake or tengu pilot or whatever fotm is selling well on the bazarr.
??? profit

would be easier than the old fashioned way of repeatedly self destructing your pod until you are down the 5 or 10m sp and then petitioning.

i have also heard that you can biomass your char and make another with the same name and get to reallocate your sp. might be bugged so you might need to petition that one too.
Darius Brinn
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#75 - 2012-04-16 08:02:38 UTC
I'm all for having you stick with your choices.

If you started out as a miner and eventually became a pirate, it's part of your background. Being able to relocate SP would lead to everybody and their cousins funneling characters into setups that work (just as Battleclinic fits with lots of positive votes), effectively denying past mistakes and choices.

If you screwed up in the past, or changed your mind, you deal with the consequences.

And this comes from someone who would like to learn PvP, and has quite a lot of millions of SP into Hulk piloting, mineral refining, gas harvesting, half-assed production and planetary interaction.

If I could undo all those poor choices and turn them into Minmatar Battleship V, for example, EvE would not be what I'd like it to be: a living, constant world in which you reside and try to succeed. Not something tailored to my immediate needs.

Darius Brinn is a moron and, among the numerous options that the EvE universe gives us, he can't do anything right: he sucks at PvP, his mining, PI and refining are mediocre, his LvL 4 revenue per hour leaves much to be desired and he can't manufacture anything for a profit anywhere. But I MADE HIM THIS WAY through poor choices.

Allowing me to dramatically increase his PvP performace through SP reallocating is definitely NOT fair to the players I might face in combat.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#76 - 2012-04-16 08:12:43 UTC
This is not needed. CCP allready gave you the removal of learning skills and the reallocation of attributes.
I have some wasted skillpoints myself, but I don't give a **** because I just abandoned them and went the other route. Who cares? Besides what is 5-10 mill SP? 3-6 Months of training. Peanuts
Tarn Kugisa
Kugisa Dynamics
#77 - 2012-04-16 08:13:34 UTC
My sig says it all

I have corp management and a few other skills I have no use for and they would be better allocated towards something useful.

Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to troll everyone you meet - KuroVolt

ISD LoneLynx
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#78 - 2012-04-16 08:54:33 UTC
Moved from General Discussion

ISD LoneLynx Lieutenant Support Team and Resources [STAR] Interstellar Services Department

Azn Empire
#79 - 2012-04-16 09:51:57 UTC
No thanks.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Gallente Federation
#80 - 2012-04-16 12:10:54 UTC
Savage Creampuff wrote:
this would be :awesome:

make a whole bunch of buddy trials that come with the free plex
instantly spec for int/mem
train cybernetics to 5
+5 implants and train anything at all that have int/mem attributes - really, who cares what skills...
and at 5 or 10m, instant perfect miner, drake or tengu pilot or whatever fotm is selling well on the bazarr.
??? profit

would be easier than the old fashioned way of repeatedly self destructing your pod until you are down the 5 or 10m sp and then petitioning.

i have also heard that you can biomass your char and make another with the same name and get to reallocate your sp. might be bugged so you might need to petition that one too.

way to try and find an exploit and ruin the idea there bud, had to be someone for the job. After reading this no wonder the character sales guys are pissed at the idea...