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Suggestion: Skillpoint reallocation [Please lock]

First post
#41 - 2012-04-15 23:03:36 UTC
Grande Bretagne gives nil point

God Said "Come Forth and receive eternal life!" I came fifth and won a toaster!

Sasha Azala
#42 - 2012-04-15 23:37:03 UTC
One time only reallocation of sp?

Not a chance, you made your choices you should stick with them.

It's like saying in RL lets start again, it does not happen in RL so why should it in EVE.
JC Anderson
#43 - 2012-04-15 23:55:11 UTC
They already made concessions for helping new players train early on with the accelerated skill training for the first XX (do not know the number off hand) SP.

I did not benefit from that change as it happened well after I started. The entire point was to give new players a little boost early on, and although it was after my time, I did think it was a good change.
Herping yourDerp
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#44 - 2012-04-16 00:32:16 UTC
its not really about new players or mistakes, its about completely changing careers or playstyles... i'l never understand the butthurt eve players get when people suggest ideas like this ( other then its been said before) no you shouldn't get a 1 for 1 SP reimbursement if you remove skills. but doesn't mean the idea has merrit. i hold true to my previous post of 50% SP is lost... the sheer amount of SP this would mean for a complete career change means all the rage is unwarranted. its not like a caldari titan pilot could suddenly max skill the amarr titan in a few days.

this does mean though, a miner/industry player can remove his mining and manufacturing skills and probably fit in battleship with level 4 skills. far from maxed out as we know getting to lvl 5 is the hard part.

if we do the math it would turn out to be something like needing lasers AND hybrid skills to lvl 5 to reimburse yourself for max missile skills.
Ai Shun
#45 - 2012-04-16 00:35:03 UTC
Sasha Azala wrote:
It's like saying in RL lets start again, it does not happen in RL so why should it in EVE.

Probably because EVE, despite being real, is not real life and as it is only a video game we can bend the rules a little bit.

I don't agree with the concept of Skill Point re-allocation, because I believe EVE should punish players who do not think their way through the game.

But at the same time, comparing a video-game to real life is a failure on too many levels to ignore, Sasha.
Lili Lu
#46 - 2012-04-16 00:39:34 UTC

your suggestion has been proposed by plenty of other idots before you. and it gets shot down every time. you used those skills you trained at one time, can you take that back? no, so you can't take back the allocation of sp. FFS this game has been made easier and easier for new players for way too long. others that have posted have said why this would be bad for the game, so I'll just say -

in short, STFU and GTFO
Sunshine and Lollipops
#47 - 2012-04-16 00:39:45 UTC
Herping yourDerp wrote:
its not really about new players or mistakes, its about completely changing careers or playstyles... i'l never understand the butthurt eve players get when people suggest ideas like this
Because it turns characters into a selection of (more or less… probably less, in the case of those making the suggestion) carefully selected skills into just being a pile of SP. It creates an xp/level system in a game that is blissfully devoid of any such mechanics.

The thing is also that the “problems“ it is meant to solve don't exist. You can already completely change career or playstyle — just train it. Again, this is not one of those level-based games where you pick a class and you're restricted to a particular skill tree that determines what you can do. You can pick anything you like at any time. At no point are you locked into any particular play style.

One-time or not, I'll just use my standard copypasta for this idea:

It removes the point of having skills to begin with.
It removes the point of having attributes.
It removes attribute implants from the game.
It removes variety and instead encourages FOTM and cookie-cutter setups.
It removes the uniqueness, history and "character" of your character.
It removes planning and choice and consequences.
It removes goal-setting, progression and any achievement in those areas.
It kills character trading.
It massively boosts older characters over new ones.
It introduces "catching up" as a concept in EVE and instantly makes it impossible to do.
Plus 1
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#48 - 2012-04-16 00:50:16 UTC
I'd support this idea if one-fewer re-allocations were allowed.
Neo T.E.C.H.
#49 - 2012-04-16 00:54:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Pohbis
I'd much rather see some kind of SP biomass mechanic, like others have mentioned, were you can biomass SP, and get say, 50% of the biomasssed SP back as unallocated SP.

Such a system would allow the people with OCD to get their "clean" skill sheets, and people who made blunders to spec out of it.

You can call it another SP sink Pirate

We don't have enough SP sinks in the game, and this one takes care of a lot of other things people have been asking for over the years.

If I'm willing to take my 30M SP main, and re-skill him. Shouldn't I be allowed to do so if I accept him being a 15M SP main after doing it?
Celluloid Gurus
#50 - 2012-04-16 00:55:22 UTC
Supported, people don't have to make new accounts anymore if they want to go indy or whatever. Cost 1 plex or so.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#51 - 2012-04-16 01:01:18 UTC
clixor wrote:
Supported, people don't have to make new accounts anymore if they want to go indy or whatever. Cost 1 plex or so.
Fun fact: people don't have to make new accounts if they want to go indy or whatever already.
Gallente Federation
#52 - 2012-04-16 01:02:32 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Herping yourDerp wrote:
its not really about new players or mistakes, its about completely changing careers or playstyles... i'l never understand the butthurt eve players get when people suggest ideas like this
Because it turns characters into a selection of (more or less… probably less, in the case of those making the suggestion) carefully selected skills into just being a pile of SP. It creates an xp/level system in a game that is blissfully devoid of any such mechanics.

The thing is also that the “problems“ it is meant to solve don't exist. You can already completely change career or playstyle — just train it. Again, this is not one of those level-based games where you pick a class and you're restricted to a particular skill tree that determines what you can do. You can pick anything you like at any time. At no point are you locked into any particular play style.

One-time or not, I'll just use my standard copypasta for this idea:

It removes the point of having skills to begin with.
It removes the point of having attributes.
It removes attribute implants from the game.
It removes variety and instead encourages FOTM and cookie-cutter setups.
It removes the uniqueness, history and "character" of your character.
It removes planning and choice and consequences.
It removes goal-setting, progression and any achievement in those areas.
It kills character trading.
It massively boosts older characters over new ones.
It introduces "catching up" as a concept in EVE and instantly makes it impossible to do.

most of this would hold true,.. if you could do it many times.. the OP clearly states a 1 time.. so it does not effect all you have listed
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#53 - 2012-04-16 01:04:17 UTC
Pok Nibin wrote:
Ridiculous. Skill acquisition is a strategic part of "playing" EVE. It's where the player visualizes the game, themselves in the game, and proceeds to make decisions targeted toward getting a handle ON the game. What you suggest is like a golfer choosing the nine iron for a shot requiring a seven. He fails. He requests a do-over 'cause he "wasted his shot."

If you "wasted" your time and skilled up areas useless to you, guess what? You made a bad strategic decision and your "game" will reflect that. If you don't want a bunch of "wasted" skills, DON'T STUDY THEM. I've talked to a lot of hotshots who "had it all figured out" what was important and what was "a joke". They charged ahead and did the "cool" thing, thinking they were God's gift to gaming. Now, they've had to live their dream, they aren't feeling so smart after all.

Why didn't you entitle this post, "CCP, Don't Make Me Pay For My Stupid Mistakes"?

Still if the golfers game was never ending and done in space this would relevant but alas

I support a redo do for say after the first 10 million sp ?

It allow the newbies to undo the big mistakes they made and won break any sizable chunk of the game
Sunshine and Lollipops
#54 - 2012-04-16 01:09:05 UTC
DonHel wrote:
most of this would hold true,.. if you could do it many times.. the OP clearly states a 1 time.. so it does not effect all you have listed
It still retains the biggest of the problems: how it massively boost older players over new ones and introduces “catching up” as a new problematic issue with the game. The only problems that are avoided by it being a one-time deal is that it doesn't quite obviate skills and attributes — the rest is largely there though.

Shaampoo wrote:
I support a redo do for say after the first 10 million sp ?

It allow the newbies to undo the big mistakes they made and won break any sizable chunk of the game
No, that's how it would break the game. It would have to be before the first 10m SP, if anything, and even then, it's still a completely unnecessary addition since the problem it solves doesn't really exist with EVE's skill system.
Petrus Blackshell
#55 - 2012-04-16 01:14:35 UTC
What, so everyone can swap all their skill points to Drake piloting once they get to 10m sp?

No thanks. Any and all skill point remapping promotes the FOTM and discourages variety in ships flown.

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

Neo T.E.C.H.
#56 - 2012-04-16 01:17:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Pohbis
Tippia wrote:
Let's just assume a 1 : 0.5 SP trade ratio.

It removes the point of having skills to begin with.

How exactly? You have to train skills in the first place, before you can change them. And you have to train them afterwards as well.

It removes the point of having attributes.

No it does not. Are you saying one doesn't need to train skills after using this feature? Or before? At a 50% SP refund rate, it will never be optimal to max out 2 attributes to max SP/Hour, and then use the mechanic to trade them in.

Are you also advocating that the neural re-maps removed the points for having attributes?

It removes attribute implants from the game.

See above.

It removes variety and instead encourages FOTM and cookie-cutter setups.

While it will certainly make some skill out of some areas. FOTM and cookie-cutter setups change way to frequently. It might create Flavour of the Game races tho. It is really CCPs problem tho, to make sure all races have something worthwile in all ship classes. Yes, I'm looking at you, cap and supcaps.

It removes the uniqueness, history and "character" of your character.

It does, yes. But those 3 things are all about just the feel of MY character. EVE is an MMO. I should get to decide over my avatar. What other people think about my SP history is not a valid argument for anything.

It removes planning and choice and consequences.

No it does not. It does however lower the consequences a bit. It's not like the real consequences in EVE are SP related tho.

It removes goal-setting, progression and any achievement in those areas.

How exactly?

It kills character trading.

No it does not. People rarely buy chars 2nd hand to replace their main. And if they did, isn't 2nd hand char trading just another way to achieve what we are talking about? If you're really concerned about your other points, you should be advocating to get character trading banned.

It massively boosts older characters over new ones.

Huh? More SP traded in, more SP lost.

It introduces "catching up" as a concept in EVE and instantly makes it impossible to do.

How more so than how it currently is?
Jayrendo Karr
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#57 - 2012-04-16 01:20:12 UTC
Every skill is usefull, a wasted skill now is a present to your future self.
Red Maiden
Gallente Federation
#58 - 2012-04-16 01:34:40 UTC

Everyone faces the same learning curve when starting the game. How well you plan and place your skill points is partly what separates good players from not-so-good players; planners from non-planners; long-term thinkers from impulse buyers. It's a game within a game. Some people do well, some don't. That's just reality.

If we had "do overs" for every part of the game where we've failed or not done well, then EVE as we know it would cease to exist. Like when I lost that Myrmidon in losec because I didn't know about d-scanning. I'd like a "do over" on that, and my ransom reimbursed. My reasoning: I was a new player and didn't know any better.

Here's the problem with that reasoning: IT'S NOT EVE.

EVE is about taking personal responsibility for your choices as a player, and then dealing with those choices, good or bad. It's not getting "do overs" for every bad decision that you make. Let's not reward poor choices.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#59 - 2012-04-16 01:42:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Pohbis wrote:
How exactly? You have to train skills in the first place, before you can change them. And you have to train them afterwards as well.

No it does not. Are you saying one doesn't need to train skills after using this feature? Or before? At a 50% SP refund rate, it will never be optimal to max out 2 attributes to max SP/Hour, and then use the mechanic to trade them in.

Are you also advocating that the neural re-maps removed the points for having attributes?
Like I said, those are the two that don't quite apply if it's a one-time thing, but still… It removes the point of having skills since with SP remaps, you can do anything you want at any time. Want to do something new? Just remap. Oh, you need something else now? Remap.

The same goes for attributes. If you can remap your SP, the attributes become pointless because you always train at max speed and then just remap those SP into whatever skills you actually wanted to begin with. Neural remaps do the exact opposite: they ensure that you train some skills at max speed and others at minimum speed, and you can not turn one into the other at will. Since attributes no longer matter, attribute implants no longer matter. Neural remaps do not let you skip the whole point of having attributes — they reinforce that mechanic and makes your choice and planning even more important.

While it will certainly make some skill out of some areas. FOTM and cookie-cutter setups change way to frequently. It might create Flavour of the Game races tho. It is really CCPs problem tho, to make sure all races have something worthwile in all ship classes. Yes, I'm looking at you, cap and supcaps.
Even with one remap, there will still be the tendency to go with the standard build everyone else uses because it has proven to be “the best”. This is a fundamental issue with turning characters into piles of SP, which is what any SP remap mechanic does.

No it does not. […]

How exactly?
The whole point of it is to remove the need for planning and choice — that's why people want it: because they are not happy with the choices they made because they planned poorly. This removal of planning means there is no longer any real reason to think through your goals and your progression that this planning leads towards. It completely removes progression and achievement since you just get to where you now want to go instantly.

No it does not. People rarely by chars 2nd hand to replace their main.
It kills character trading because there is no longer any need to get that ability you didn't train for — just remap to it.

Huh? More SP traded in, more SP lost. […]

How more so than how it currently is?
You're assuming things that aren't in the proposal, and even with a loss, it still leaves older characters able to suddenly adapt to new realities better than new ones can. With the current skill system, a new environment means everyone has to adapt to it at the same rate.

The current skill system also means that “catching up” is not an applicable concept. It is impossible not to catch up in EVE at the moment, since all you can ever train is lvl V in a skill, and since each piece of equipment has a very limited amount of SP that is relevant to it. If you suddenly turn characters into piles of SP, rather than collections of skills, then we get to a situation where more SP = better, whereas the situation right now is that more SP = more expensive clone and that's all. Turning characters into piles of SP gives SP a value that it currently doesn't have, because what matters right now is what combination of skills you've trained, not how many SP you have.

And that last part is the real problem with this idea: it solves an issue that doesn't exist. There is simply no need to remap SP in a game where you can already get all the skills you want.
Ai Shun
#60 - 2012-04-16 01:49:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Ai Shun
Red Maiden wrote:
EVE is about taking personal responsibility for your choices as a player, and then dealing with those choices, good or bad. It's not getting "do overs" for every bad decision that you make. Let's not reward poor choices.


Tippia wrote:
And that last part is the real problem with this idea: it solves an issue that doesn't exist. There is simply no need to remap SP in a game where you can already get all the skills you want.

Except for the players who crave instant gratification of their every whim and just don't get EVE and the time and planning aspects of it. To them this is necessary.

(I don't want a SP remap, I can train for what I want to do next)