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Annoying things that people say..

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-04-11 08:42:51 UTC
(Probably a stupid question as this is the EVE-O forum after all..)

Have you ever heard someone come out with a statement that just seems so stupid you wonder how they manage to remember to keep breathing? What are your responses to said statements?


Person A: I've got such a bad headache.. but I won't take painkillers, I don't trust them..
Me: Then quit whining, there's a simple solution and if you won't take it, don't keep moaning at me about it..

Person B: I can't eat on an empty stomach..
Me: ... wtf?

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-04-11 12:17:28 UTC
Obvious is obvious etc etc.

EG: obvious troll is obvious.

Other MMO sayings, "This isn't hello kitty online, go back to wow, post with your main (that even matter who the **** cares?), pubbie"

That kinda stuff. It's all ****** out, not original, and not clever. Just people regurgitating up blather.
Serria Mau
Kybernauts Clade
#3 - 2012-04-13 04:24:21 UTC
Example: Annoying things that people say....
Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2012-04-13 22:00:09 UTC
Does this smell infected to you?

"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has?

Micheal Dietrich
Kings Gambit Black
#5 - 2012-04-13 22:17:45 UTC
Surfin's PlunderBunny wrote:
Does this smell infected to you?

And where have you been sir. Many of us have been worried about you.

Out of Pod is getting In the Pod - Join in game channel **IG OOPE **

Gavin DeVries
JDI Industries
#6 - 2012-04-13 22:35:22 UTC
You know how people, like, say you know, all the, you know, time without even, like, realizing they're saying, you know, inane comments that have no, you know, meaning?

PVP is a question with no single right answer, but a lot of wrong ones.

#7 - 2012-04-13 22:44:53 UTC
Vagilicious wrote:
Person A: I've got such a bad headache.. but I won't take painkillers, I don't trust them..
Me: Then quit whining, there's a simple solution and if you won't take it, don't keep moaning at me about it..

Let me guess, this is not the whole story. You did not get someone's warning, got them pissed off and had to suffer the consequences for being a biach. Now you are making a thread to get your ego floating again and by baiting for sympathy.

Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.

Micheal Dietrich
Kings Gambit Black
#8 - 2012-04-13 23:03:03 UTC
I got one from yesterday. Lost my badge at work early in the morning which meant I had to ring the bell to get in my lab a few times. When I finally got around to getting it from security I walk in the lab and the first thing somebody says is "Oh, you got your badge back". No, I just hacked the security panel....

Out of Pod is getting In the Pod - Join in game channel **IG OOPE **

Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2012-04-14 00:53:34 UTC
Micheal Dietrich wrote:
Surfin's PlunderBunny wrote:
Does this smell infected to you?

And where have you been sir. Many of us have been worried about you.

I've been moving, and decided to go check out New Zealand on an impulse. That place is way overrated, but I'm back now so no worries Big smile

"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has?

Amarr Empire
#10 - 2012-04-14 04:47:06 UTC
I hate when people say "Just sayin." with every statement that ejaculates from their stupid mouths. Proclaiming that you are just saying something after you have said it is a vulgar display of redundancy. It makes me want to stab your mother with an ice pick.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-04-14 07:33:55 UTC
Whitehound wrote:
Vagilicious wrote:
Person A: I've got such a bad headache.. but I won't take painkillers, I don't trust them..
Me: Then quit whining, there's a simple solution and if you won't take it, don't keep moaning at me about it..

Let me guess, this is not the whole story. You did not get someone's warning, got them pissed off and had to suffer the consequences for being a biach. Now you are making a thread to get your ego floating again and by baiting for sympathy.

Not in the slightest.. it's called an attention seeking Mother in law..
Sidus Isaacs
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2012-04-14 11:55:17 UTC
People still tell me they have free will, I find that silly.
The Unwanted.
#13 - 2012-04-14 12:14:47 UTC
Sidus Isaacs wrote:
People still tell me they have free will, I find that silly.


They have the freedom to choose, an extremely limited set of options.

This space for rent.

Gallente Federation
#14 - 2012-04-14 12:28:31 UTC
AlleyKat wrote:
Sidus Isaacs wrote:
People still tell me they have free will, I find that silly.


They have the freedom to choose, an extremely limited set of options.

and you want to know the worst of all? the very extreme opposite is just as bad.

aren't we a ****** up race?Lol


[quote]The more I know about humans, the more I love animals.[/quote] ain't that right

#15 - 2012-04-14 12:28:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Whitehound
Vagilicious wrote:
Not in the slightest.. it's called an attention seeking Mother in law..

No, it is called family and you have disrespected her. Now you want to say she is too dumb to breath? Next thing you will ask is why you are at war with her, why you hate her, why she is making your life hell, etc.. If anyone is too dumb to breath then it is you. Be a biach to strangers but be nice to your family!

Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.

Herping yourDerp
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2012-04-14 18:38:38 UTC
"pubbie" is annoying. being that it is a reverse troll im surprised people still say it
Bane Necran
Appono Astos
#17 - 2012-04-14 18:46:53 UTC
Sidus Isaacs wrote:
People still tell me they have free will, I find that silly.

Even their opinions aren't their own. They just parrot whatever they hear on TV, and act like they came to that conclusion themselves.

"In the void is virtue, and no evil. Wisdom has existence, principle has existence, the Way has existence, spirit is nothingness." ~Miyamoto Musashi

Lord Dravius
#18 - 2012-04-19 20:16:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Lord Dravius
Vagilicious wrote:
Have you ever heard someone come out with a statement that just seems so stupid you wonder how they manage to remember to keep breathing? What are your responses to said statements?

Constantly. You get that all the time in any job where you interact with the public, 99% of whom have an IQ below 50. I learned this quickly on the first day of my first job when a woman asked me the price of a chicken sandwich while I was standing under a giant sign with a picture of a chicken sandwich and the price in bright yellow letters the size of my head. We also had an invisible straw dispenser. No matter what we did the idiots were constantly asking where the straws are. We even tried writing 'straws' on it in reflective tape and putting it on top of the drink machine where it's literally 6 inches in front of your face while you make your drink. Within 10 minutes a woman holding a drink asked me where it was. It took everything I had not to punch her.

Edited to add another.

Lv46 warrior in WoW: "Defense stance? I don't have that yet. What level do I get it?"

Edit 2: Every goon constantly saying pubbie like it's the only word they know despite the fact that there's no such thing in Eve because there's only one server. They're really more like different bodies controlled by some sort of insect hive mind than actual people.
Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2012-04-20 00:13:55 UTC
Lord Dravius wrote:
Vagilicious wrote:
Have you ever heard someone come out with a statement that just seems so stupid you wonder how they manage to remember to keep breathing? What are your responses to said statements?

Constantly. You get that all the time in any job where you interact with the public, 99% of whom have an IQ below 50. I learned this quickly on the first day of my first job when a woman asked me the price of a chicken sandwich while I was standing under a giant sign with a picture of a chicken sandwich and the price in bright yellow letters the size of my head. We also had an invisible straw dispenser. No matter what we did the idiots were constantly asking where the straws are. We even tried writing 'straws' on it in reflective tape and putting it on top of the drink machine where it's literally 6 inches in front of your face while you make your drink. Within 10 minutes a woman holding a drink asked me where it was. It took everything I had not to punch her.

Edited to add another.

Lv46 warrior in WoW: "Defense stance? I don't have that yet. What level do I get it?"

Edit 2: Every goon constantly saying pubbie like it's the only word they know despite the fact that there's no such thing in Eve because there's only one server. They're really more like different bodies controlled by some sort of insect hive mind than actual people.

Like... bees? Big smile

"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has?

#20 - 2012-04-20 06:35:01 UTC
I was going to read your post, but than I took an arrow to the knee.

Welcome to Eve. Everyone here is an Evil Sick Sadistic Bastard who is out to get you. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either trying to scam you or use you.

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