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Customs offices in W-space

RC Denton
Shazaam Industries
#1 - 2012-04-12 21:22:13 UTC
I was a long time wh dweller, but have not lived in one since the change to player owned customs offices. For w-space PI do you need to put up a customs office at each of the planets you're going to do PI on, or are there still NPC customs offices.

How about taxes? Are there any customs taxes for PI in w-space?
Kire Enat
Sisters of Sokarad
#2 - 2012-04-12 22:08:22 UTC
if you do not place your own customs offices, you will pay 17% at the NPC ones
Katya Amatin
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2012-04-13 03:11:24 UTC
Recommend you blow them all up and get some POCOs made.
KevLor I
Zephyr Corp
#4 - 2012-04-13 13:45:11 UTC
Most w-space systems still have NPC customs offices (COs), although there might be occasional systems where someone blew up the COs just for the hell of it. COs have an 8.5% import tax and a 17% export tax. More and more occupied w-space systems are putting up Player Owned Customs Office (POCOs). POCOs have a lot of tax options, but if they are yours you can set them to what you want. If they are not yours, the owner may have set them to relatively low tax rates for non-corp members, as well (you have to import/export to find out, though, I think?).

Last I checked (and it has been month or more) a fully deployed POCO cost about 125 mil at market costs. If you deploy a POCO, you will save the entire 8.5/17% - either via taxes to corp or savings to pilot - so it does not really take that long to repay.