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Why no in game fitting tool?

Rel'k Bloodlor
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#21 - 2012-04-12 11:04:24 UTC
its a sound idea but........................................................
......................................................some member s of the comuity love doing this suff, making 3ed party aps and mataning sites like dotlan maps. And i say more power to them!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let CCP use there finite resorses were there needed and we as a comunity can pick up some of the rest we deam we need.

I wanted to paint my space ship red, but I couldn't find enough goats. 

Simi Kusoni
#22 - 2012-04-12 11:58:49 UTC
Hmm, I don't really like the idea of an in game fitting tool. I think some people here are underestimating just how much design work has to go into the backend and interface design of a tool like that.

All to replace tools that currently exist and are provided for free by 3rd parties? No thanks.

Besides, if we had in game EFT we may not see KMs like that 38b ISK vindicator fail fit.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Simi Kusoni
#23 - 2012-04-12 12:01:03 UTC
Simi Kusoni wrote:
Hmm, I don't really like the idea of an in game fitting tool. I think some people here are underestimating just how much design work has to go into the backend and interface design of a tool like that.

All to replace tools that currently exist and are provided for free by 3rd parties? No thanks.

Besides, if we had in game EFT we may not see KMs like that 38b ISK vindicator fail fit.

*Also, I'd like to point out that IMHO EFT and Pytha come under theorycraft. Which should really always be kept separate from the game itself.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#24 - 2012-04-12 12:29:46 UTC
Signal11th wrote:
Tallian Saotome wrote:
cyennajewelz wrote:
just a ccp browser based eft would be nice instead of a out of date 3rd party tool.

EFT is out of date? Thats news.

Use EveHQ, that way you can just get the DB dumps from CCP and import them into your SQL server, never be out of date and don't rely on someone else to keep it that way.

There ya go, now you know how to never be out of date.

Yep because setting up a SQL server to import CCP data will always be preferable to an in game fitting tool. Sad

No offense but I'm suprised half of the clowns on here can actually manage to get past the login screen let alone setting up a 2005/2008 SQL server.....

If you can't follow a step by step guide like the one I linked, no fitting tool in the world is gonna make you successful at eve. This is a game that requires almost that much knowledge just to undock What?

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

Jojo Jackson
Dead Red Eye
#25 - 2012-04-12 12:42:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Jojo Jackson
Richard Desturned wrote:
Lokli Lokli wrote:
its not needed. if new players dont understand api keys or how to download a program we dont need then.

To be fair, a lot of players come from other MMOs, and are not quick to download some random program that they are being told to get.

Except it is some random 3d party UI add on ... then they force you to download and install 1000 bazilion useless UI elements till your FPS goes down from 60 to 6 ;).

OT: Personal I don't belive we need a ingame fitting tool. EFT and this Pyton tool are very well done. And EVE has absolut no problem with window mode or ALT+TAB like other games which tend to crash if you do it.

Why the hell can't I fitt capital repairs or shield booster on an Orca ... it's an CAPITAL ship!

Samantha Utama
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#26 - 2012-04-12 13:22:06 UTC
You mean, sort of like Microsoft waiting for a 3rd party technology to gain popularity and userbase, then bundle a cheap knockoff with their next os release?

Big smile
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#27 - 2012-04-12 13:33:59 UTC
The new launcher would be a perfect tool for fitting, skill planing and just monitoring wallet/market/industry/skills.


Lokli Lokli wrote:
its not needed. if new players dont understand api keys or how to download a program we dont need then.

Wow. We dont need you.
#28 - 2012-04-12 14:03:56 UTC
How dare a new player have to trust someone and give out their api....


Things are only impossible until they are not.

Nova Fox
Novafox Shipyards
#29 - 2012-04-12 14:26:21 UTC
CCP said its on thier todo list.

Dust 514's CPM 1 Iron Wolf Saber Eve mail me about Dust 514 issues.

Dr Silkworth
#30 - 2012-04-12 15:08:16 UTC
What do you think about a corp asking for a full API having to share their full API, fair enough?
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2012-04-12 15:17:14 UTC
Because they don't have their priorities in the right order.
Spy 21
#32 - 2012-04-12 15:35:55 UTC
Honestly I don't think it's needed as the out of game tools are great for that and we have the XML import that makes it incredibly simple to transfer fittings into your saved fittings screen.

And an out game tool means I can have both apps up and running such that while I'm doing something boring in the game just because I need to, I can have the EFT screen up windowed or on my second monitor and be working on a fitting at the same time.


Obfuscation for the WIN on page 3...

Mathias Hex
#33 - 2012-04-13 01:00:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Mathias Hex
tomato1 wrote:
i agree i have had this thought come accross my mind number times seems like should bin added long ago but like most things in ccp land there like that guy who never finishes a home reno everythings half built so they have no time to start something new ;-P

HEY! I've only been working on it 5 yrs. considering everything I did was by myself on a limited budget I think I'm doing well. removed the old wood slat and plaster walls-ceiling,insulated walls, restored all the hardwood floors (WTF people why put asbestos tile on top of hardwood???

Electrical replaced, water lines replaced, plumbing replaced, drywall 3/4 done, trim N/A, visible drywall joints, you bet. Atleast the entire 1st floor of my house is brand new (mostly) and insulated, approximately 1500 sq ft im pretty proud I got this far Big smile But ya I'm "that guy" lol.

Edited after loading a draft and unquoting the quote. That is getting annoying, quit stealing my post CCP.

I recall one night in a nightclub called the matrix, there I was... Mother of god there I am! Holy f**k.

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