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Why cant we buy SP

killorbekilled TBE
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2012-04-10 20:54:47 UTC
because in eve time is currency too

not like the film 'in time' Cool


Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#22 - 2012-04-10 21:05:12 UTC
So you convert one form of currency to another.

It doesn't even take time to train skills in EVE. Not real life time, just waiting time. No actual effort is put in.

Aranakas CEO of Green Anarchy Green vs Green

Goonswarm Federation
#23 - 2012-04-10 21:26:10 UTC
If you want to buy a bunch of SP, you could buy a buttload of plex and buy a character instead of trying to ruin the game with your bad posting!
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#24 - 2012-04-10 21:27:08 UTC
Aranakas wrote:
So you convert one form of currency to another.

It doesn't even take time to train skills in EVE. Not real life time, just waiting time. No actual effort is put in.

What are you on?

Waiting time is still TIME. If it didn't take time, why do I still have over two weeks left on my current skill?

Time is EVE's most valuable currency. You do not understand how this game works.

Go away.
Heimatar Military Industries
#25 - 2012-04-11 00:10:55 UTC
I would quit EVE forever if they ever did this.... The only thing EVE has going for it, over all of the other MMOs out there, is their real time skill system.

EVE does not have "end game" content like other MMOs, because the game never ends. Your character never hits a level cap! There is always soem new skill to train, a new direction to go in, and a new aspect of the game to focus on.

If we were able to buy that in a split second, this game would die in less than a month.

EVE Online Fan ... Looking for "End Game" since 2006 ... Happily, I still havn't found it

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#26 - 2012-04-11 00:22:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Aranakas
Danika Princip wrote:
Aranakas wrote:
So you convert one form of currency to another.

It doesn't even take time to train skills in EVE. Not real life time, just waiting time. No actual effort is put in.

What are you on?

Waiting time is still TIME. If it didn't take time, why do I still have over two weeks left on my current skill?

Time is EVE's most valuable currency. You do not understand how this game works.

Go away.

Time isn't a resource. People don't sell time. They sell skills, like lifting up a rock or programming a computer. They don't sell time. A vegetable's time is worthless. It takes all the skills of a partial-vegetable (IE logging on) to play EVE and train up skills if that is your only goal, which is why the character bazaar is demented.

And once again, if somehow the skills of a comatose were a currency, WHAT CURRENCY IN THE WORLD CANNOT BE TRADED FOR ANOTHER CURRENCY?

Currency, by definition, is meant to be traded. So why not trade some of my money for a fast-forward for something that would essentially have required zero effort anyways?

P.S. Don't cry just because you'll lose your precious character bazaar that nobody else cares for.

Aranakas CEO of Green Anarchy Green vs Green

Sunshine and Lollipops
#27 - 2012-04-11 00:38:02 UTC
Aranakas wrote:
Time isn't a resource.
Yes it is. It's the most valuable thing you have in EVE and the one thing that people covet more than anything else. It is its difficulty of conversion and trading that makes it so immensely valuable, and it's the thing that balances out a huge amount of stuff in the game.

So, time for the standard copypasta for these kinds of silly ideas:

It removes the point of having skills to begin with.
It removes the point of having attributes.
It removes attribute implants from the game.
It removes variety and instead encourages FOTM and cookie-cutter setups.
It removes the uniqueness, history and "character" of your character.
It removes planning and choice and consequences.
It removes goal-setting, progression and any achievement in those areas.
It kills character trading.

What you're asking for is quite literally game breaking because it bypasses so many key mechanics. It also doesn't solve any kind of problem, which makes it a thoroughly useless addition, on top of being directly harmful.
Barbara Nichole
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#28 - 2012-04-11 01:47:02 UTC
For the same reason that pay to win is completely rejected by most players.

There is a penalty for not paying attention to what you are training.. there is a penalty for unsubscribing for long periods of time.. that penalty is fewer skill points trained and in the right place.

  - remove the cloaked from local; free intel is the real problem, not  "afk" cloaking -


Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#29 - 2012-04-11 02:26:24 UTC
Aranakas wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
Aranakas wrote:
So you convert one form of currency to another.

It doesn't even take time to train skills in EVE. Not real life time, just waiting time. No actual effort is put in.

What are you on?

Waiting time is still TIME. If it didn't take time, why do I still have over two weeks left on my current skill?

Time is EVE's most valuable currency. You do not understand how this game works.

Go away.

Time isn't a resource. People don't sell time. They sell skills, like lifting up a rock or programming a computer. They don't sell time. A vegetable's time is worthless. It takes all the skills of a partial-vegetable (IE logging on) to play EVE and train up skills if that is your only goal, which is why the character bazaar is demented.

And once again, if somehow the skills of a comatose were a currency, WHAT CURRENCY IN THE WORLD CANNOT BE TRADED FOR ANOTHER CURRENCY?

Currency, by definition, is meant to be traded. So why not trade some of my money for a fast-forward for something that would essentially have required zero effort anyways?

P.S. Don't cry just because you'll lose your precious character bazaar that nobody else cares for.

If time is not a resource, why do jobs pay by the hour?
#30 - 2012-04-11 04:57:45 UTC
Aranakas wrote:
Corina Jarr wrote:
Souchi son wrote:
Seems silly and backwards.

Eve allows the entire sale of characters but not minor improvements on original character.

Because those characters had to be skilled up at one point by someone.

You can't buy SP, period. Someone had to go through the time.

And if you increase your skill point, you're the one who skilled up that character.

The difference is......?

It has no effect on the economy. The only difference is that one way will be defended to the death by used character salesmen scum.

The difference is, like everything in eve, SP is a market, and like every market when you dump a ton of SP on the market, you inflate the SP market, thus making the SP all the other characters have mean less.

It also destroys the progression of the game
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#31 - 2012-04-11 05:51:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Aranakas
Danika Princip wrote:

If time is not a resource, why do jobs pay by the hour?

As I said, employers pay for skills. People don't get paid for having a lot of free time. People have to WORK for their money. If you disagree, go try to convince Bill Gates to hire the coma ward of the local hospital to Microsoft. They are great at waiting and have all the skills you admire.

In EVE, isk for skills isn't pay to win, it's win-to-win, since you need to have the isk anyways, and EVE is an economy game.

And it's no different from character bazaar since training skills takes no work and there's no "skill point economy" aside from the sh*tty character bazaar which we could do without.

Aranakas CEO of Green Anarchy Green vs Green

Ice Fire Warriors
#32 - 2012-04-11 06:24:23 UTC
Aranakas wrote:
In EVE, isk for skills isn't pay to win, it's win-to-win, since you need to have the isk anyways, and EVE is an economy game.

I beg to disagree. Most of the mechanics are designed to encourage player competition in some form or another... including the economy. EVE is really a PvP game at it's core... one where money can make you powerful very quickly yet someone with time, patience, and cunning can remove it from you just as quickly... using almost no ISK at all.

Honestly... I despise the very idea of "buying" SP. The skill system was set up the way it was for a reason... and I honestly have little love for the character baazar for largely the same reason (the reason I say "little love" is because while I dislike the idea of selling characters, there are people who are going to sell them anyways. Might as well set up a secure method of transfer that keeps ISK and RL money in the game).

tl;dr: No.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#33 - 2012-04-11 09:49:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Aranakas wrote:
And it's no different from character bazaar since training skills takes no work and there's no "skill point economy" aside from the sh*tty character bazaar which we could do without.
Completely incorrect.

It's fundamentally different from the character bazaar due to that tiny factor that you keep wanting to shove off to the side, but can't: time. Characters on sale in the bazaar have tons and tons of time invested in them to get them to where they are, and that limits what is available, what they can do, and what price you'll see for any one buld; buying SP bulk completely removes all of that since time — you know, the most valuable resource in the game — is no longer a limiting factor.

You can try to ignore the time factor as much as you like, but the simple fact remains: you want to be able to pay to skip time. This is inherently bad. You want to be able to pay to skip game mechanics. This is inherently bad. You want to be able to pay to remove the need for planning and to consider opportunity cost and consequences of your choices. This is inherently bad.

Your idea breaks the game in pretty much every way imaginable, and all because you're removing that most precious of commodities: time.

In EVE, isk for skills isn't pay to win, it's win-to-win, since you need to have the isk anyways, and EVE is an economy game.
Well, congratulations, if that's the way you view it, you just earned the two lines I originally removed from the copypasta:

It massively boosts older characters over new ones.
It introduces "catching up" as a concept in EVE and instantly makes it impossible to do.

So now your idea is pretty much as bad as it can possibly be.
Heimatar Military Industries
#34 - 2012-04-11 11:24:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Bluddwolf
Actually EVE is an economy game at it's core, not PVP or even PVE

Everything is related to time

Skills and Time:

We have skills that are trained in real time

We used to be able to buy skills that sped up training time

We can train skills that make our activities more efficient, cutting time and resources required

We can buy implants that reduce training time

Modules and Time:

There are modules that cut the cycle time of some of our activities

There are modules that increase your cargo capacity, which cuts time

There are modules that make you fly faster, warp faster, etc.

I could go on and on.... EVE is all about the management of time. Why do we want to manage time more efficiently? Because, time is money (real world and ISK). Efficient use of time is power.

As for the arguement that we already have a character bazaar, some of the posts here that support it lead me to think the game shouldn't have it. We certainly shouldn't have the buying of SP.

EVE Online Fan ... Looking for "End Game" since 2006 ... Happily, I still havn't found it

Miss Whippy
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#35 - 2012-04-11 11:32:19 UTC
Confirming in thread that OP should go back to WoW. EVE is not Pay to Win.

[URL=""]UI Iteration isn't enough, we need to start from scratch[/URL]

Khoda Khan
Vatlaa Corporation
#36 - 2012-04-11 12:33:28 UTC
Who are you and where do you people come from? Has Neopets shut down and started sending all their account holders EVE's way?

Xercodo wrote:
Here's a suggestion, let people buy SP but only up to a monthly limit based on their worst attribute training times. Once you hit that limit you are not allowed to train until the next 30 day period.

Don't think so... EVE is all about choices. And the consequences of the choices that we make. Consequences -- real consequences -- is (to me at least) the number one thing that sets EVE Online apart from all other games. Pretty much everything that makes EVE unique from other games can be considered a part of "consequences". They have already made EVE "easier" with the addition of skill queues, neural remaps, the removal of learning skills, etc.

Xercodo wrote:
Acceleration for the kiddies but fairness to everyone else.

There's plenty of games out there that allow you to do things like this. Please, encourage the "kiddies" to go play one of those games instead of coming here and trying to change EVE Online. The reason a lot of people who play EVE are fanatical about our game is because it's not really like any other game out there. And a lot of us prefer to keep it that way.

Xercodo wrote:
This would mean that EVE could become WAY more attractive for new players that have a bit of extra cash as they could accelerate the first 30 days to jump up to already training stuff like electronics, engineering, navigation, energy management, the boring but essential skills.

If you need to buy SP to make the game more attractive for you to play, EVE is the wrong game for you and goodbye and good riddance. EVE isn't for everyone. I don't want it to be for everyone. I hope to god CCP never tries to make it appeal to everyone. You want to eliminate one of the very core features that make EVE unique among the gaming industry. Why would you want to do that? Why would you want to change something in a way that would make the game you play (and more importantly, the game I play) less unique and more like other MMOs?

Xercodo wrote:
Let them insta train to a BC so they don't have the agony of waiting. They won't care that they cant train for the rest of the month cause they already got the stuff they wanted. If they train something and then suddenly decide they want something else then too bad, you screwed up, live with your mistakes, this is EVE; have fun waiting 29 days to train anything new.

Let them insta train somewhere else, in some other game. I like that idea best. Or play EVE Online and if suddenly you decide you want to train AWU to level 5 to make that ultra tight fit work, have fun waiting 29 days (or however long) training it.
Buzzy Warstl
Quantum Flux Foundry
#37 - 2012-04-11 13:28:30 UTC
Miss Whippy wrote:
Confirming in thread that OP should go back to WoW. EVE is not Pay to Win.

Neither is WoW.

Both games require that you actually log in and do something, then you win.

Frankly, WoW is just as complex a game to play as EvE is, and just like EvE, if you log in every now and then and do stuff you will eventually be max level.

What makes EvE different is it actually has a mechanism for player generated environmental content.

The Anchoring skill, and Sovereignty. That's *it*.

The skill system and the "Progress Quest" advancement system are just a backdrop, and if you read up on how Zynga designs their Facebook games you'll recognize the principles in action.

So while buying SP might not appeal to you, it is highly unlikely that it would "break the game".

Doubly so since "winning" in EvE doesn't depend on your character having a particular skill set.

It's not "Pay to Win" it's "Pay for Access", and that is a much more difficult concept to argue against. Richard Bartle: Players who suit MUDs

Simi Kusoni
#38 - 2012-04-11 13:37:39 UTC
Buzzy Warstl wrote:
Miss Whippy wrote:
Confirming in thread that OP should go back to WoW. EVE is not Pay to Win.

Neither is WoW.

Both games require that you actually log in and do something, then you win.

Frankly, WoW is just as complex a game to play as EvE is, and just like EvE, if you log in every now and then and do stuff you will eventually be max level.

What makes EvE different is it actually has a mechanism for player generated environmental content.

The Anchoring skill, and Sovereignty. That's *it*.

The skill system and the "Progress Quest" advancement system are just a backdrop, and if you read up on how Zynga designs their Facebook games you'll recognize the principles in action.

So while buying SP might not appeal to you, it is highly unlikely that it would "break the game".

Doubly so since "winning" in EvE doesn't depend on your character having a particular skill set.

It's not "Pay to Win" it's "Pay for Access", and that is a much more difficult concept to argue against.

Not really, instant gratification and high player retention rates rarely go hand in hand.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Simi Kusoni
#39 - 2012-04-11 13:41:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Simi Kusoni
Also, as someone that has played WoW pretty obsessively before returning to Eve, id like to point out that it really isn't very complex. All the theorycrafting can easily be done with the use of a few computer programs to get literally optimal set ups, and you can grind out a max skilled toon in under a week if you play enough.

Good luck doing that in Eve.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Hibi Proletariat
#40 - 2012-04-11 14:38:47 UTC
this is a bad idea.