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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Static Ice Recruitment

Jedi IcyBob
Static Ice
#1 - 2011-09-23 05:02:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Jedi IcyBob
In Static Ice, you always have a voice!

Overview -

Static Ice is always looking for new recruits to our corporation. We accept any race. We do everything, but usually you will find us PvPing, mining, missions, and on occasions Wormholes. We have a very relaxed feel, and have fun as a corporation. We are expanding and growing and would like to add YOU to our family. We joke and talk about anything and everything. We like to keep our atmosphere friendly and welcoming . We have scheduled planned OPs, as well as unplanned OPs. We also enjoy doing things together even when it’s not an OP, so if your tired of flying solo we can help. We are looking for PvP members, but we always need miners, mission runners, haulers, etc.

Features -

- Fully featured Website
- Forums
- Wiki
- Killboard
- Personal Porfile
- TeamSpeak 3
- Weekly Mining Ops
- Weekly Mission Ops
- Mission Running (1-4)
- Wormhole Ops (Raids)
- Research and Development
- Planet Exploitation
- Low Sec Roams (Pew Pew)
- Player Owned Structures
- Expertise in all aspects of EVE

These are a few of the things that we offer in Static Ice. Please feel free to join are public chat channel at : E-ICE
Also, If you like what you see so far check out are website for more info.


We are not your regular, run of the mill, corporation. We are a family of friends who love playing EVE and have fun while doing it. If that sounds good to you, join and see for your self. With that said, the whole point of a corporation is to work together to meet common goals. As we get more players, our goals will change and become more defined. There are a lot of goals for the future and we will discuss and make them together.

See you in space,

Static Ice
HR Team

Jedi IcyBob
Static Ice
#2 - 2011-09-24 23:12:06 UTC
Recruitment is open to all.
Jedi IcyBob
Static Ice
#3 - 2011-09-27 20:59:41 UTC
Recruitment: Open!
Sarum Prime Innovations
#4 - 2011-09-29 02:26:03 UTC
I tried to check out your public chat but was told I am not invited. I'm crushed
Jedi IcyBob
Static Ice
#5 - 2011-10-13 17:22:51 UTC
May the Force be with You.
Jedi IcyBob
Static Ice
#6 - 2011-10-14 18:33:13 UTC
Recruitment: Open!