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Hyper Inflation On Battleships ... ?????

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-04-08 20:40:48 UTC  |  Edited by: sycore101
Have i missed something here ???

About 3 or 4 weeks ago i was perhaps interested in buying another Battleship. I look today & whatthe hell .. over 200 mil for a Maelstrom, & even the others are rapidly rising in price.

What the hell is going on, i knwo there as to be some edit / (Nerf even) / on ore drops in the drone regions but to affect ships prices like this.

Who or what is playing with the prices, i know people like to have their laughs in this game but really extortionism.

What the hell happend People

Sorry bout that .. meant to say nerf not buff
Herman Klaus
Touched By Klaus
#2 - 2012-04-08 20:46:49 UTC
See the price of Trit then read your own question again.
Silver Guardians
#3 - 2012-04-08 20:50:50 UTC
I think what your seeing is a market response in part to ccp's sudden action in banning bots. Your toon is probably not old enough to realise that back at the start of eve ships where expensive. Minerals had value.

Years of market abuse saw megathrons selling for 70 mill, instead of a price where the miners/industrialists would actually have a profit margin.

CCP recently removed the ability to reprocess Pax Amara into 6 nocxium 2 iso, this trade good was holding nocxium at an artifial low. Now you can see that within 7 days Nocxium has nearly doubled in price.

As for talk of a drone buff, i think you miss understood. They plan to remove mineral drops from drones and replace them with bounties. As the drone region currently provide more than 40% of high end minerals used in eve expect to see prices rise more.

Dont Q.Q. about the market, buy now while 200mill is cheap.

Aina Sasaki
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2012-04-08 21:21:42 UTC
What Velox said. Things are going to get much more expensive still than they are now. It will probably be a few months before things start to stabilize. x_x

- Rei

Irisa Selenia
#5 - 2012-04-08 21:24:12 UTC
You can start enjoying your 400 million isk abaddons pretty soon.
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#6 - 2012-04-08 22:10:07 UTC
When I looked yesterday, Maelstroms were selling below mineral cost at under 205m.

I have two Maelstrom BPOs which are completely useless at such low prices.
Silver Guardians
#7 - 2012-04-08 23:41:20 UTC
Tau Cabalander wrote:
When I looked yesterday, Maelstroms were selling below mineral cost at under 205m.

I have two Maelstrom BPOs which are completely useless at such low prices.

This happens more times than you would think, in a volatile market people place their sell order and go about their business. Then over the course of last weekend nocx's artificial cap was lifted and mineral prices rose. Now instead of checking their sell prices at the start of the week they just look at who they need to undercut.

I noticed passing through essence that thorax's were selling at about 8.2 mill production cost at the time was 8.4 so I bought them all :) at one point I had 300 of them, I moved them to other regions where they flew out at prices between 9.5 and even some at 11 mill.

For the sellers they may well have recovered their costs having paid for minerals at an earlier rate but technically they boo boo'd

I cant remember the last time my freighter all was this busy. Let the good times roll.

Block Ukx
420 Enterprises.
#8 - 2012-04-09 01:57:27 UTC
sycore101 wrote:
Have i missed something here ???

You could have protected yourself against inflation by investing in MRD It has been going up since July 2010, when it traded at 0.76 ISK/MRD. Today it closed at 2.18 ISK/MRD.

Brock Nelson
#9 - 2012-04-09 02:33:59 UTC
Every PVP'er in this game should take economics 101 before asking this kind of question.

Signature removed, CCP Phantom

Malevelon Haven
#10 - 2012-04-09 03:55:45 UTC
personally I would like to see BS and larger ships get ridiculous so that smaller ship battles would take place instead of seeing 50+ supers and 200+ BS fighting it out. Lets see 400+ frigates and cruisers going at it!
#11 - 2012-04-09 04:39:49 UTC
Voidfinger wrote:
personally I would like to see BS and larger ships get ridiculous so that smaller ship battles would take place instead of seeing 50+ supers and 200+ BS fighting it out. Lets see 400+ frigates and cruisers going at it!

a) irrelevant to the thread

b) at those abnormous amounts of ships, alpha > all, and size doesn't matter.. 200 frigs, 200 battleships, hell 200 motherships.. they'll just alpha primary

If you wanted "small ship battles" you should start by leaving blob please ignore, look at wh-/lowsec corporations, perhaps solo a bit in low-/null in frigate/interceptor, and take it from there. But now we're back to a)

I had BS 5 trained well before I could even lay my hands on an Armageddon, don't even know who could build them. My first Prophecy I had to buy a BPC (from ingame trade channel, no contracts), then haul minerals to have it built. TL;DR - people above have a point, too many items are sold under manufacturing cost. It was same for my capital production, I just sold off all cap BPO when, at max/optimal ME, it would still cost me more to buy minerals on sell at Jita than I could've sold the ships for.

About time CCP correct this. But for now, it's all just speculation.

AFK-cloaking in a system near you.

Riley Moore
Sentinum Research
#12 - 2012-04-09 09:40:45 UTC
It's simple:

People gank our freighters. We use our isk to jack up mineral prices through rumours, speculative reasoning and just plain manipulation. Your ships now become twice as expensive.

Don't come crying you lost at pvp.

Large volumes of highly researched Ammo, drones, charges and ship bpo's. Biggest BPO store in EVE!

shar'ra matcevsovski
#13 - 2012-04-09 11:55:04 UTC  |  Edited by: shar'ra matcevsovski
considering that CCP hasnt CHANGED ANYTHING about mineral resources just yet (except pax amarrian book) it's all about stockpilling and market manipulation atm. The upcoming change could defenently make ships more expensive, no doubt.

im sure some "price sky rocketing" threads are just made, to create the impression that you should by a lot of minerals at p. high prices now just to save their investments :D
atm. market and forums are kindoff messy about it and I wouldnt give to much about forecasts i.e

at the end of the day nobody knows exactly what changes will come, give it some time and see what happends.

shar'ra phone home

Raven Ether
#14 - 2012-04-09 12:53:12 UTC
After the Hubris of Incursions and boundless isk farming...

Comes the Nemesis of Industry, that will wash over this galaxy and deliver it into a new age of economical control.
Large Collidable Object
#15 - 2012-04-09 21:33:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Large Collidable Object
A lot of this was quite predictable and it was pretty obvious that CCP aimed at increasing the mineral price - bot bans, removal of drone poo, adding another isk faucet by makiing drones pay out bounties, further removal of isk sinks like Pax Amarria, continued insane Incursion isk payouts, a half-hearted bounty nerf accross the board etc..etc...

So even casual traders like me invested everything but some savings for a rainy day into Mins, Plex, Ships and Modules way beforehand.

I appreciate the fact that some people will actually learn for the first time that even T1 BS are not some throwaway junk you replace with half an hour of incursion running.
You know... [morons.](
Minmatar Heavy Industries
#16 - 2012-04-10 02:19:43 UTC
Raven Ether wrote:
After the Hubris of Incursions and boundless isk farming...


lol Incursions that have been around a year & a half are getting the blame for this 2 week old spike Roll what you going to do next blame Incursions for Hulageddon & Jita burns?
An' then, he come scramblin outta the    Terminal room screaming "The system's crashing! The system's    crashing!" -Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'
Kara Books
Deal with IT.
#17 - 2012-04-10 02:49:29 UTC
This is what the world could look like without made in China
Cedo Nulli
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2012-04-10 03:38:48 UTC
Large Collidable Object wrote:

I appreciate the fact that some people will actually learn for the first time that even T1 BS are not some throwaway junk you replace with half an hour of incursion running.

Ah I see ... Finally they are back to being throwaway junk for the 0.0 sanctum running "better then the rest" douches ?

Because we know how REAL the danger is in deep blue doing that.

Baseline is that anything needing a fleet ought to be more lucrative then solo activities of same sort.
#19 - 2012-04-10 06:55:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Mutnin
Riley Moore wrote:
It's simple:

People gank our freighters. We use our isk to jack up mineral prices through rumours, speculative reasoning and just plain manipulation. Your ships now become twice as expensive.

Don't come crying you lost at pvp.

Don't be a troll and think you or any traders have caused this. The prices have increased due to CCP's action and they have failed to place any sort of artificial safety net after their mass banning of bots, announcement of nefing drone minerals as well as the pax thing.

CCP is screwing with too many things at once, with the mineral markets and that has caused the speculation and rising prices. Market guys didn't cause this they just reacted to it.

I do know that BC at 50 mil ISK is bad for PVP and makes it tough for newer corps such as my own that recruit a lot of new players. I can afford to lose a 50 or 100 million ISK hull but it's much harder for our new players. This is a problem and CCP needs to address it as raising the bar on noobs will only harm the game.

Flying smaller is really not a option in most cases.
Johnny Frecko
Violence is the Answer
Wormhole Society
#20 - 2012-04-10 12:32:37 UTC
Flying smaller isn't an option for you.
When the major battleship masses get destroyed, no one will have a big ship, every fight will take place basically in frigate/destroyer/cruiser.

Battleship battles should be left to the major powers, Much like super-cap battles. not every 30 men corp should be able to buy and maintain and replace 25 faction battleships and 5 super-caps.

And, err. the "reacting" is what did all the mess. People were dumping 400-500 billion into the mineral market for speculation purposes. This drove prices up instantly. cheap battleships were picked up and reprossesed BY MARKETERRS.
not by anyone else, not by you elite pvpers.

Being a pvper doesn't mean you should be able to replace 50M hulls every day. That's just how it is.
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