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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Ideas for new modules

First post
Kyr Evotorin
Goonswarm Federation
#741 - 2012-04-02 17:04:45 UTC
So, this will be controversial and a lot of people might not like my thoughts, but here they are. in rough, just thought of them while at work and didn't have enough time to elaborate in my head

Dear Sirs:

A module that Increases the Range and Strength of Logistics Modules at the expense of Capacitor Use.
-Logistical Range Script
-Logistical Strength Script

Modules that increase Sensor Strength of a ship should Increase the amount of energy drained and reduce the amount of energy Received.

Jamming Modules should increase sig radius to the amount of modules online.
-1 Module online would increase sig radius by +2%
-2 Modules online would increase sig radius by +6%, Totalling at +8%
-3 Modules online would increase sig radius by +18%, Totalling at +26%
-Note that the above is poor math, just trying to make my point.

Sensor Dampeners should be more effective in dampening the sensors of ships. 'nuff said.

Tracking Disruptors Reduce the resistances of the ship in question in the same respect of, say, the Jamming Modules above.

Propulsion jamming could do with a nice module that increases range&strength at the expense of Scan Resolution.
-propulsion jamming range script
-Propulsion jamming strengthscript

These modules increase the effectiveness of the love triangle in ewar. (Warrior>Ranger>Mage>warrior)
Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#742 - 2012-04-02 19:59:00 UTC
Sentry Drones that use Defender missiles. Cap transfer drones, and T2 ewar fighters and fighter bombers

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Luscius Uta
#743 - 2012-04-03 08:44:14 UTC
I want a X-Large Shield Extender. There is no shield equivalent of 1600mm armor plates and that makes me sad.

Workarounds are not bugfixes.

Psycho Unicorn Squad
#744 - 2012-04-03 17:48:23 UTC
Not sure if this has been posted yet or not.

Chameleon Module

High Slot and can use scripts

This module is designed to mimic a type of ship based on the script that is installed. This will change the stats to conform to the ship type that is chosen. Holoprojectors will create the look of said ship when in visual range. All stats of ship will remain the same when shot at etc. Perhaps make it skill based, if you don't have level 5 skill, discrepancies will pop up when you do show info, holoprojection will be fuzzy?

Not sure if ship should change to what it is actually is once it is shot at or when shooting. Perhaps have a way to fake turn on modules?

Script types:


Maybe make another highslot module that has a % chance to see through the disguise when scanning.

My idea behind this is to use as a tool for disinformation. You know a scout is around and you either want them to think you have more than what you do, or have a different ship type. Industrials can use this to mimic hulks with combat ships and wait to pounce, or have them look like a fighting ship when they're not.

I dunno, a quick 5 minute thought i felt i should write down. There are lots of smart people here, feel free to add on to this idea.

Ogedei Khaghan
Royal Raiders
#745 - 2012-04-03 23:40:46 UTC
Sticky Hamster wrote:

I also wouldn't mind if we could use armor and shield maintenance drones on our own ship.

I agree. This seams like a fairly straight forward idea and I was very disappointed when I found out this was not in the game.

Low slot high drone capacity ships would benefit greatly form freeing up a low slot for out of combat armor repair. Using one of these in a combat situation is asking to get the fragile drone blown to dust.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#746 - 2012-04-04 17:24:19 UTC
A new ship/role module that can collapse wormholes (probably a gradual process over say 5 min).

A ship/role module that can reinforce a wormhole, holding it open as long as the module is active. (also a counter to the destabilization module above)

A com jamming module that disconnects you from local (no one can see you and you can't see anyone), but takes a high amount of cap to maintain (and/or high fitting requirements) and is also illegal (like boosters)

A com jamming capital ship module that disconnects everyone from local. Would create interesting strategies as far as hiding fleets and such. can't be used from inside a POS shield.
Severian Carnifex
#747 - 2012-04-04 21:38:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Severian Carnifex
Remote Shield Extenders/Projectors

Can boost shield / project a shield around a target which does not repair itself.
HP up to you.

Fitting: Hi slot?

This module is used to fight alpha strikes.

^^ this are 2 suggestions (extender/projector) so choose the better one
(new shield of boosting targets shield for xxxx HP).

This is anti alpha kind of shield transfer. (one time all HP and not over time)
Nova Fox
Novafox Shipyards
#748 - 2012-04-04 23:27:41 UTC
I wont post anything until after inferno.

Dust 514's CPM 1 Iron Wolf Saber Eve mail me about Dust 514 issues.

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#749 - 2012-04-05 00:40:28 UTC
I'd really like to see stuff that depends on the angle of your vector to the target. Stuff like modules that give you stronger shields from the front than from the rear, or the ability to move shields around. Also turrets with a limited firing arc - small guns that are powerful facing front, or battleship size guns that can only shoot to one side or the other.

I realize it would be a big change, but combat in eve is almost 10 years old. This would make fighting much more dynamic and compelling.
Deutzer Freiheit
#750 - 2012-04-05 04:46:26 UTC
Rig enhancer module

It makes rigs stronger. High Slot.

T1 +10% rig strength
T2 + 25% rig strength
Faction +20% rig strength

OPTIONAL : Penalty, the calibration cost of rigs goes up

OPTIONAL : Script usage

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#751 - 2012-04-05 05:51:54 UTC  |  Edited by: CirJohn
Combat Tractors and Combat Repulsors
Well here's my take on this idea. I'll try to keep it short.

Each of these modules adds a velocity vector to both the attacker and the target. Tractors use this to pull both ships closer together, repulsors push both ships further apart.

The magnitude of each ship's vector is equal to a percentage of its own maximum velocity. This percentage should be roughly equal to half the effect of a webbifier of equal meta. The percentage should be the same for both attacker and target.

Stacking effects should be treated normally (additional modules produces reduced effect). Stacking would be calculated with webbifiers.

Each ship's maximum speed (and warp requirement) would need be adjusted based on its current direction of travel.

Module ranges should be between existing tractor beam and webbifier ranges.

This module should use a high slot - forcing the attacker to choose between sacrificing dps or another utility module (such as neuts) This will also make some pilots choose between having tackle in either the high or mid slot, or both.

Tacklers and DPS boats can use tractors to close range quickly while the increased velocity helps mitigate incoming attacks.
Tractors help smart-bombers close range with targets while speeding away from allies.
Sniper, logistic, and support ships can use repulsors to slow approaching attackers or accelerate friendly ships.
Skilled use of active piloting would allow pilots to interfere with an enemy's optimal range and transversal velocity.
We'll finally have a better method than bumping to get our idiot frineds back inside the force field.
These modules scale in a similar manner to webbifiers, allowing problems with each to be rapidly addressed on the other.
Interceptors and assault ships with only 2 mid slots will finally get some web-like love.

Though the overall effect is better than a webbifier when used for solo pvp (due to range), it is weaker when used as tackle for a fleet (unless the tackler also carries a web in his mids).
Once the attacker has closed range, he must manually pilot his ship with skill for his fleet to receive meaningful benefits.
A pilot must trade either dps or another utility module to gain benefits from these modules.
Hard science people will complain about the unrealistcs physics, but I'd rather have balancable gameplay.

Final Note:
Tier 2 destroyers (medium weapons) -> Tech 2 tugs (with medium weapons) Lol
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#752 - 2012-04-05 06:28:51 UTC
Tech 2 Probes
Lets fill in some missing items.

Tech 2 Core Probes: Precision Probes
These probes gain a small (5-10%?) bonus to sensor strength and max scan deviation. This provides an alternative to faction probes.

Tech 2 Combat Probes
These probes gain the limitted ability to detect cloaked vessels, detecting them as if they had a much smaller-than-normal signature. This would mitigate the afk-cloaker problem without defeating the purpose of a cloak. Pilots would have the choice between the stat bonuses of faction probes and the functionality of T2 probes.

Tech 2 Deep Space Probes
These probes gain a significant (10-25%?) bonus to sensor strength and max scan deviation. This allows highly skilled pilots to make better use of the large radii of deep space probes.
#753 - 2012-04-05 11:19:54 UTC  |  Edited by: bornaa
Interference Field Generator

Creates interference field around the ship which causes errors in your sensor arrays - so that you do not have overview in that field (overview for all pilots in that field in empty (giving error)) so you must target other ships using optical scanner. (make that you have to click on the target in the space and than you are given a little menu around that ship - there you have a button to lock that ship)

Making that people in some occasions have to find their targets with their eyes and that target can hide.

This idea can be used to generate natural in space interference fields which will give completely new way of site PVP to EVE.

PVP with no overview. It will look more like hunting in the forest. Big smile
And hunting in the forest is fun. Big smile

Isn't that what people only had before overview???
You already have the tech - use it. Smile
[Yes, I'm an Amateur](
#754 - 2012-04-05 19:53:50 UTC
The Cyno Dictor

This is a module for a particular ship (like a new T2 battlecruiser) that would prevent cynos from opening in its area of effect, which would be a bubble of around 100km. This means you could still get cap ships or bridge on grid but you cant insta hot drop people who are prepared for it.
It would not close cynos that are already open in its area of effect, just prevent new ones from opening.

You could also script it and make it a targeted module that would prevent anyone from coming through the cyno that you're targeting (or the cyno of the ship you're targeting)

this would add a great level of strategy to fleet battles, because it would allow a FC to possibly trap half a fleet on the other side of a cyno if they're being directly hotdropped on. It would cause fleets to choose where to deploy their cynos to prevent being trapped half in half out.
#755 - 2012-04-05 20:33:05 UTC
T3 Module

Keeping with the idea of "more versatile but not better than T2" these modules would really add to the flavor of comba

T3 Warp Disruptor
It starts out as a 20km warp disruptor with all the CPU and cap costs of a regular warp disruptor, but you can script it to be a 7km warp scrambler, it still has the same CPU and cap cost, but now it shuts off MWDs and gives 2 points. Note both are worse than their T2 variants but more versatile

T3 ECM Modules
It starts out with the same statistics as a meta 0 multispectral jammer, and you can script it to a specific race and it gets the stats of a meta 1 racial jammer

T3 Armor Hardeners
It starts out with 18% resistances across the board (worse than an EANM 2), and you can script it to particular resistance type and it ends up with 50% to that one type (worse than a hardener T2)
This module may unintentionally nerf lasers and hybrids :

you get the idea
Niko DelValle
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#756 - 2012-04-06 02:21:44 UTC
What about low-CPU use links that are significantly weaker then regular links.

You know, so you can still have some kind of support links on ships not really designed for it. The Hyperion for example.
This is not the signature you're looking for. / This is not the signature I'm looking for. /    You will search for other signatures. / I will search for other signatures. /
Ammo Supply
#757 - 2012-04-06 09:12:02 UTC
wormhole effect module .
Tina Mori
Maniacal Miners INC
The Legends In The Game
#758 - 2012-04-07 03:08:41 UTC
Just bring back the old Micro modules for frigates (a few still exist out there)
Sarah Schneider
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#759 - 2012-04-08 22:58:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Sarah Schneider
Mobile Singularity Generator :
Creates a temporary black hole on a certain point of space that pulls every non-anchored objects within a 30 km radius and effectively disables any incoming projectiles/energy based weapons during that time period.
Gravitational pull magnitude depends on the ship's mass. Effect can be countered by releasing an ECM burst to disable the singularity generator control system.
Can only be used by ships equipped with Singularity Generator launcher.

Singularity Generator launcher :
Used to deploy Mobile Singularity Generator charges.
Can only be fitted in {insert ship class here}

Module Hardpoint Adaptor:
Enable the use of other hardpoint type on a high slot with reduced effectiveness.
Penalties of using this module to convert the high slot to another hardpoint type :
1. Missile -> Turret hardpoint receives 75% reduced optimal range, 50% reduced effective falloff, 50% reduced damage multipliers.
2. Turret -> Missle hardpoint receives 50% reduced missile travel time, 25% reduced refire rate.

Remote Damage Boosters :
scripted to multiplier : Increases the damage multiplier by 10% or 25% if fitted on command ships.
scripted to RoF : Reduces the refire rate by 20% or 30% if fitted on command ships.

"I'd rather have other players get shot by other players than not interacting with others" -CCP Soundwave

Ira Infernus
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#760 - 2012-04-08 23:16:40 UTC
Remote and Drone Hardeners.

All other aspects of tanking are covered in the logistical chain, and logistic dronebays are only used with token armor/shield bots. The introduction of drones which apply a specific or adaptive resistance would be greatly benificial to every party (so it wont nerf any specific weapon type). Ofc the bonus to remote hardeners wouldnt be that great; +/- 20% for remote modules, and like +/- 4% for large resistance drones. Adaptive modules/drones might also exist (like 15% for the module, and 2-3% for the drone in terms of resistance bonus's)
Modules and drones like this would be benificial to the PvE (wormholes, incursions) and PvP (Pirate/Small lowsec/null gangs and Highsec war gangs mainly) communities.

In the above regard, I think a useful addition to the game would also be the introduction of logistics drones which already have a module counterpart (like energy transfer, tracking link, remote sensor boosting, etc etc).