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swap T3 5% with CS 3% link bonuses

Pinky Denmark
The Cursed Navy
#21 - 2012-03-30 10:49:10 UTC
I don't disagree with you and neither did I write anything contradicting what you just wrote?

CCP have ruined a lot introducing T3 ships. Just as the Tier 3 battlecruisers are focused towards being fun for people (attracting more subscribers) more than being balanced towards the core of Eve Online...
Jerick Ludhowe
Internet Tuff Guys
#22 - 2012-03-30 11:01:40 UTC
Pinky Denmark wrote:
I don't disagree with you and neither did I write anything contradicting what you just wrote?

Not arguing, more or less directly agreeing with you. I know it's a rare day on eve-o forums when you get quoted for an agreement rather than a flame. My bad Pirate
#23 - 2012-03-30 19:22:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Joyelle
Pinky Denmark wrote:
I don't disagree with you and neither did I write anything contradicting what you just wrote?

CCP have ruined a lot introducing T3 ships. Just as the Tier 3 battlecruisers are focused towards being fun for people (attracting more subscribers) more than being balanced towards the core of Eve Online...

Nothing was ruined, my friend. You weren't exempt from training t3 skills in the first place or you might as well apply to work for CCP, since you are clearly aware of what and what not.

With that aside, I have to add that I still do not agree with the OPs proposal given that command ships can easily fit 3 links, sustain a decent tank and also provide additional dps. This feat shouldn't be underestimated in small gangs. Also, Field command ships do pretty well in both the dps and tank department, and in some cases, they are noticeably better than t3s.

I'd also like to add that isk is technically a factor out of many others such as role, sp requirement, and availability that determine a ships performance. It's simply unreasonable for isk to not be a balancing factor. WHY? simple, NOBODY is going to fly T3s(that are costly) simply for versatility, if T2 variants perform better. You might as well purchase all the various t2 ships and still come out ahead. Take for example, the neut and drone subsystems of the legion. They are rarely used and that's if they are used at all, as well as a couple of other subsystems for other T3s (especially role defining subsystems) that fall into this category.

Even with lesser performance, T2s will still be flown, given that they are much cheaper and readily available.
Trade and Supplies Co.
#24 - 2012-03-30 21:45:23 UTC
People are really not thinking this change through. As much as it technically makes sense to have the dedicated t2 ship be better at it, when it comes to how it is actually used in game it would be terrible.

Right now, small (and solo) players can safely roam with a T3 which gives them the advantage they need to be able to fight with odds against them.

Giving the strong links to the T2 would mean that a small roaming gang would be at a disadvantage when they would go and fight off someone bigger, since the big fleet / defending fleet would be able to field the command ship, which would not be really possible for the small fleet / solo player.

Only thing it would do is give an advantage to people that stay in their home system because they could park a Claymore/Vulture/etc on their pos or home station, and disadvantage the people actually coming to fight them.

(Yes, you can have your T2 command ship in the fleet, but everyone knows their DPS is really subpar and youd rather have pretty much anything instead of them, and this applies specially for solo'ers, these kind of people will have to still take a t3 with them, and they will be already at a disadvantage going in against people).

All in all, does it ''make sense with ship roles'', yes, would it be good for the game, not at all.
Muad 'dib
State War Academy
Caldari State
#25 - 2012-03-30 22:09:38 UTC
But the extra subs for the t3s over the supposedly gang specialist ships mean it can make its self very hard to scan down, or have the covert sub for travel - the more skill intensive command ships not only lack this but have a worse bonus.

Its not like anyones complaining about ONLY a CS boosting at 3% instead of a t3 at 5%, make the change and give command ships some love its silly.

This is not a thread about weather links should give bonuses off grid, this is a change for the current no brainer t3 which shouldnt exist.

compare a loki to a huggin and come back to me when you realise its not as good as a huggin and thats why people fly them still.

poor poor command ships.

Cosmic signature detected. . . . I got 99 likes, and this post aint one.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#26 - 2012-03-30 22:45:51 UTC
Command ship isn't fulfilling it's role?! Oh no!

Better remove all warfare abilities from an osprey because I swore I saw one being used as a combat ship, oh God!

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#27 - 2012-03-30 22:47:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Diesel47
axxeessee wrote:
People are really not thinking this change through. As much as it technically makes sense to have the dedicated t2 ship be better at it, when it comes to how it is actually used in game it would be terrible.

Right now, small (and solo) players can safely roam with a T3 which gives them the advantage they need to be able to fight with odds against them.

Giving the strong links to the T2 would mean that a small roaming gang would be at a disadvantage when they would go and fight off someone bigger, since the big fleet / defending fleet would be able to field the command ship, which would not be really possible for the small fleet / solo player.

Only thing it would do is give an advantage to people that stay in their home system because they could park a Claymore/Vulture/etc on their pos or home station, and disadvantage the people actually coming to fight them.

(Yes, you can have your T2 command ship in the fleet, but everyone knows their DPS is really subpar and youd rather have pretty much anything instead of them, and this applies specially for solo'ers, these kind of people will have to still take a t3 with them, and they will be already at a disadvantage going in against people).

All in all, does it ''make sense with ship roles'', yes, would it be good for the game, not at all.

This guy is right. Basically you are nerfing the small gang pvp that still is alive in this game.

Terribad idea OP.
Large Collidable Object
#28 - 2012-03-30 22:55:53 UTC
When offgrid boosting is finally fixed, the better bonus for T3s will be justified - they give a better bonus but can only fit one, maybe two links without getting instapopped.

Guess that was the original reason why CCP gave them a better bonus in the first place without thinking of the offgrid cloaky nullified probing 3+ ganglink T3.
You know... [morons.](
#29 - 2012-03-31 22:37:11 UTC
i completely agree with the OP.

I also want the command ship and fleet bonuses to only apply on-grid. e.g. if the character giving bonuses is visible as "on grid" on the watch list, bonuses apply.

but more than the OP i'd be nice for the t3s to be able to fit a wider array of command modules. e.g. a damnation can fit 3 links with massive buffs, maybe the t3 can fit more but less effective.

this way, command ships and t3s can live up to their role properly. one gives big boosts with big tank. one gives nice boost with speed.

everybody whining about their t3s losing boosts and saying that it will ruin small gang pvp if boosts have to be on grid, are the same guys that ruin small gang pvp because they have the alts logged in either sitting in a pos or "hard to probe" in a system.

put the links on the grid and it will really drive up the skills required and give us back some nice juicy fights.
Muad 'dib
State War Academy
Caldari State
#30 - 2012-03-31 22:44:23 UTC
Diesel47 wrote:
axxeessee wrote:
People are really not thinking this change through. As much as it technically makes sense to have the dedicated t2 ship be better at it, when it comes to how it is actually used in game it would be terrible.

Right now, small (and solo) players can safely roam with a T3 which gives them the advantage they need to be able to fight with odds against them.

Giving the strong links to the T2 would mean that a small roaming gang would be at a disadvantage when they would go and fight off someone bigger, since the big fleet / defending fleet would be able to field the command ship, which would not be really possible for the small fleet / solo player.

Only thing it would do is give an advantage to people that stay in their home system because they could park a Claymore/Vulture/etc on their pos or home station, and disadvantage the people actually coming to fight them.

(Yes, you can have your T2 command ship in the fleet, but everyone knows their DPS is really subpar and youd rather have pretty much anything instead of them, and this applies specially for solo'ers, these kind of people will have to still take a t3 with them, and they will be already at a disadvantage going in against people).

All in all, does it ''make sense with ship roles'', yes, would it be good for the game, not at all.

This guy is right. Basically you are nerfing the small gang pvp that still is alive in this game.

Terribad idea OP.

No that is not the point, you are missing it completely a small gang with LESS bonus is a GOOD thing, while a BIG bonus for BIG fleet is better.

garmon agrees here and i know this is a different concept but i belive it to be a real and worth while trade.

tasty full bonus (5%) are CS only and thus are harder to use with a light fleet, the T3 version with its 3% is way easier to use, safer and can keep up with a small gang.

The idia is to change NOTHING about the T3 or the CS other than swap the bonus amounts to it makes more sense, more committed = biger bonus THATS eve - not the way it is now.

wake up.

Cosmic signature detected. . . . I got 99 likes, and this post aint one.

Jacob Holland
Weyland-Vulcan Industries
#31 - 2012-04-01 10:29:58 UTC
On grid boosting runs counter to a drive towards smaller engagements. If one has a fleet of fifty pilots (for example) then there is a disincentive against dividing that into five squad missions in different areas of a system if only one of those squads receives bonuses. That's not to say that there is an incentive to split at present even though all can receive bonuses but that is (supposedly) the aim...

As to the T3s being required to have a greater bonus to give small gangs an advantage against entrenched defenders... Surely that's the point of entrenched defenders? Home field advantage contrasting against mobility and lightning strikes?
Toda Takauji
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#32 - 2012-04-01 23:40:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Toda Takauji
zero2espect wrote:
i completely agree with the OP.

"everybody whining about their t3s losing boosts and saying that it will ruin small gang pvp if boosts have to be on grid, are the same guys that ruin small gang pvp because they have the alts logged in either sitting in a pos or "hard to probe" in a system."

How are off grid links ruining the game? Please, do expatiate.

Jacob Holland wrote:
On grid boosting runs counter to a drive towards smaller engagements. If one has a fleet of fifty pilots (for example) then there is a disincentive against dividing that into five squad missions in different areas of a system if only one of those squads receives bonuses. That's not to say that there is an incentive to split at present even though all can receive bonuses but that is (supposedly) the aim...

As to the T3s being required to have a greater bonus to give small gangs an advantage against entrenched defenders... Surely that's the point of entrenched defenders? Home field advantage contrasting against mobility and lightning strikes?

On grid boosting only favors large corps that can afford, to dedicate a player, to fly their boosting ships. Small gangs benefit a lot more from links than large gangs do.
Artemis Ahab
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#33 - 2012-04-02 04:55:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Artemis Ahab
axxeessee wrote:
this applies specially for solo'ers, these kind of people will have to still take a t3 with them

Quoting for amusement.

Edit: Also, links weren't an issue before because it took alot longer to train a link alt than it does now. T3 links have become a necessity to do practically anything involving ship pvp nowadays. If you don't have one you can bet your ass whoever you come across probably does. Want T3 links to be competitive (or better in a large number of your minds) then they should increase the training time to be on par with a command ship. There ya go, fixed, and everyone's happy except the ones that want on grid boosting.
Muad 'dib
State War Academy
Caldari State
#34 - 2012-04-02 05:05:27 UTC
Artemis Ahab wrote:
axxeessee wrote:
this applies specially for solo'ers, these kind of people will have to still take a t3 with them

Quoting for amusement.

but thats the point, more mobile safer hard to probe = not the best bonus.

Balls out CS with gang = top link bonuses for the t2 specialist focused bc

Cosmic signature detected. . . . I got 99 likes, and this post aint one.

Artemis Ahab
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#35 - 2012-04-02 05:09:13 UTC
Muad 'dib wrote:
Artemis Ahab wrote:
axxeessee wrote:
this applies specially for solo'ers, these kind of people will have to still take a t3 with them

Quoting for amusement.

but thats the point, more mobile safer hard to probe = not the best bonus.

Balls out CS with gang = top link bonuses for the t2 specialist focused bc

Actually I agree with you. I was amused at the fact that "solo" these days means "dps ship + T3 link alt +falcon alt +cyno alt in case things go pear shaped".
Muad 'dib
State War Academy
Caldari State
#36 - 2012-04-02 05:23:14 UTC
Artemis Ahab wrote:
Muad 'dib wrote:
Artemis Ahab wrote:
axxeessee wrote:
this applies specially for solo'ers, these kind of people will have to still take a t3 with them

Quoting for amusement.

but thats the point, more mobile safer hard to probe = not the best bonus.

Balls out CS with gang = top link bonuses for the t2 specialist focused bc

Actually I agree with you. I was amused at the fact that "solo" these days means "dps ship + T3 link alt +falcon alt +cyno alt in case things go pear shaped".

Oh no i get your sarcasm, just pointing out to people who say "haharr t3 is more isk and is best and so best bla bla bla" and competently miss the point, then whine about grid boosting - NOT WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT HERE.

Just swap it already, if garmon and "solo" pvpers like such want the best then they have to work out another ingenious way to get their CS about for those best boosts.

Its unbalanced having the best stuff so mobile WHILE making the specialized ship useless, ccp really didnt make a mistake, they couldn't have predicted the player trend (as per usual:P)

Cosmic signature detected. . . . I got 99 likes, and this post aint one.

Artemis Ahab
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#37 - 2012-04-02 05:30:15 UTC
It's really the combination of factors that makes it unbalanced. Mobility + nigh improbability + higher boosts and all with a lower training time is kind of ridiculous. If isk wasn't a factor with supercaps what makes these people think it's a factor with T3 link alts?
#38 - 2012-04-03 00:43:31 UTC
Artemis Ahab wrote:
It's really the combination of factors that makes it unbalanced. Mobility + nigh improbability + higher boosts and all with a lower training time is kind of ridiculous. If isk wasn't a factor with supercaps what makes these people think it's a factor with T3 link alts?

Super capitals have specific roles and were meant to be expensive right from the get go which was why isk wasn't a considerable factor during the balance discussions. The only problem with said super capitals was that it filled more roles than intended. T3 links, on the other hand, is working as it should be. It would be simply uncalled for, if CCP made T2 ships better than T3s at everything.
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#39 - 2012-04-03 00:55:58 UTC
People calling for this change SEVERELY underestimate the benefits of being able to have your booster on field.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Jerick Ludhowe
Internet Tuff Guys
#40 - 2012-04-03 01:22:59 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
People calling for this change SEVERELY underestimate the benefits of being able to have your booster on field.

And what advantage would that be? Maybe a point and like 200 dps?

On grid boosting is far worse than off grid boosting... I don't even see how you could argue against this.