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EVEFetch Python EVE API wrapper based on lxml

Goonswarm Federation
#1 - 2012-03-30 19:41:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Khorkrak

I'm building a killboard application for fun in Python as it's my preferred language and I just can't stand PHP. As a side effect of this I've created a simple wrapper module for accessing the EVE API as those that exist aren't based on lxml which I really want to use because it's super fast and supports xpath expressions. The wrapper code is just over 100 lines long and the EVE API methods are defined conveniently in an easy to read YAML configuration file. As new methods are added by CCP, this file would simply need to be updated with the new method names and masks. The config is useful both as documentation of the available calls and to catch errors before an attempt is made to call the CCP servers.

Feel free to use the code and if you find any issues please let me know by posting a ticket. Note there's no caching done which some other libraries do for you and only http is supported due to U.S. restrictions on exporting software that relies on or uses encryption in any form. So if you want https support you'll have to add it in yourself which fortunately is quite trivial to do.

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