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Alcohol, Profanity at the Alliance Panel

Little Brat
Provincia Septim Reborn
#1 - 2012-03-30 17:19:01 UTC
There are lessons to be learned here. When I was young I swore a lot, and drank profusely. At the workplace in the mid 1970’s it was expected that you went to the club immediately after work to drink. By the mid 80’s the same workplace swung 180 degrees and frowned upon alcohol use. And so it remains to this day. In the United States, if the host serves or allows to be served alcohol, the host is potentially responsible for damages to persons or property as a result. Many businesses large and small forbid alcohol on their property. If the Alliance Panel (which was embarrassing to watch from start to finish) wishes to continue, let them have their own venue separate and apart from Fanfest or any other CCP sponsored activity. Let them provide their own logistics. They can have all the “jager bombs” they want, swear, hoot and holler, interrupt each other and harass and bully others as well as each other to their hearts content. A wizard hat...omg...grow up for god’s sake. And CCP should grow up too. This is for you CCP, a Wiki post from searching profanity. ““... from Ben Wilmott (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development): "Employers can ensure professional language in the workplace by having a well drafted policy on bullying and harassment that emphasises how bad language has potential to amount to harassment or bullying."” In closing, you can be funny without being vulgar. And no, you should not warn people about “adult language” CCP, you should warn people about childish language.

Our corporate symbol is a blue Egyptian Ankh representing pure eternal life, surrounded by 8 gold stars representing The Eightfold Path on a red background representing sacrifice and committment to the everliving, beloved of Ptah...

Xander Riggs
Slamtown Federation
#2 - 2012-03-30 17:21:10 UTC
Little Brat wrote:
There are lessons to be learned here. When I was young I swore a lot, and drank profusely. At the workplace in the mid 1970’s it was expected that you went to the club immediately after work to drink. By the mid 80’s the same workplace swung 180 degrees and frowned upon alcohol use. And so it remains to this day. In the United States, if the host serves or allows to be served alcohol, the host is potentially responsible for damages to persons or property as a result. Many businesses large and small forbid alcohol on their property. If the Alliance Panel (which was embarrassing to watch from start to finish) wishes to continue, let them have their own venue separate and apart from Fanfest or any other CCP sponsored activity. Let them provide their own logistics. They can have all the “jager bombs” they want, swear, hoot and holler, interrupt each other and harass and bully others as well as each other to their hearts content. A wizard hat...omg...grow up for god’s sake. And CCP should grow up too. This is for you CCP, a Wiki post from searching profanity. ““... from Ben Wilmott (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development): "Employers can ensure professional language in the workplace by having a well drafted policy on bullying and harassment that emphasises how bad language has potential to amount to harassment or bullying."” In closing, you can be funny without being vulgar. And no, you should not warn people about “adult language” CCP, you should warn people about childish language.

You clearly have no idea what these conventions are for, and have obviously never been to one. Alchohol flows like the Nile at these things because THEY. ARE. PARTIES.

"A man with a drone-boat has nothing but time on his hands."

Black Talon Command
#3 - 2012-03-30 17:23:52 UTC
No. Alliance Panel wouldn't be Alliance Panel without alcohol and CCPs support. It would be lame as ****. While I agree that there must be a set of boundries (no outing of depressed people, for example) I don't think not having alcohol would improve the event.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#4 - 2012-03-30 17:24:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Little Brat wrote:
There are lessons to be learned here. When I was young I swore a lot, and drank profusely. At the workplace in the mid 1970’s it was expected that you went to the club immediately after work to drink. By the mid 80’s the same workplace swung 180 degrees and frowned upon alcohol use. And so it remains to this day. In the United States, if the host serves or allows to be served alcohol, the host is potentially responsible for damages to persons or property as a result. Many businesses large and small forbid alcohol on their property. If the Alliance Panel (which was embarrassing to watch from start to finish) wishes to continue, let them have their own venue separate and apart from Fanfest or any other CCP sponsored activity. Let them provide their own logistics. They can have all the “jager bombs” they want, swear, hoot and holler, interrupt each other and harass and bully others as well as each other to their hearts content. A wizard hat...omg...grow up for god’s sake. And CCP should grow up too. This is for you CCP, a Wiki post from searching profanity. ““... from Ben Wilmott (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development): "Employers can ensure professional language in the workplace by having a well drafted policy on bullying and harassment that emphasises how bad language has potential to amount to harassment or bullying."” In closing, you can be funny without being vulgar. And no, you should not warn people about “adult language” CCP, you should warn people about childish language.

While I thank you for sharing your point of view, apparently there are countries and companies in the world that do not follow the guidelines on these matters that are common in your particular culture.

Perhaps you should rethink trying to tell them how they should think.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

My Neutral Toon
#5 - 2012-03-30 17:25:38 UTC
The purpose of the Alliance Panel is for the alliance leaders to get drunk together and **** on each other for pure lulz. It has been this way and will be this way...

If you can't handle that, don't participate. Easily solved.

...Can't. Tell. If ...Troll? Or Serious....

Butt Hurt about Harrasment? Read first GM post:

Lord Publow
#6 - 2012-03-30 17:28:50 UTC
I didn't read that, but I am against this cause.

I fight for Hoovers everywhere.

Mr LaForge
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#7 - 2012-03-30 17:29:28 UTC
Hey look, people still can't MOVE ON!

Stuff Goes here

Shalia Ripper
#8 - 2012-03-30 17:30:22 UTC
"Foul" language while watching fanfest from my HQ of **** did not bother me. Watching Michael Bolton III confirm he is an asshat did not bother me. The Mittani showing his true colors did not surprise me.

Seeing your post basically saying that it is CCPs responsibility to further police it players bothers me. Beyond the 30 day vacation for The Mittani no further action should be taken. The tears of the goons are the reward for the rest of us that have watched this unfold.

Rules = learn to stay within the limits, and if you are in the habit of getting too drunk to stay within them, learn a modicum of moderation. I am not saying "don't drink", I am saying don't drink beyond your limits to police yourself or someone else will do it for you and the results are YOUR fault, not the fault of those that have to rein you in.

Sig blah blah blah blah

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-03-30 17:31:57 UTC
Don't record it next time... Problem solved and only the audience is offended... The rest of us can go on with our gaming lives.
Xander Riggs
Slamtown Federation
#10 - 2012-03-30 17:33:05 UTC
Also, for all the melvins sitting at home watching a party on TV going 'NYEEEEH! They're DRUNK! That's not PROFESSIONAL!' I feel obligated to remind you that they aren't professionals. The Alliance panel is a bunch of dudes who are good a a videogame talking to other people who are marginally less good at a video game while they're on vacation in Iceland.

"A man with a drone-boat has nothing but time on his hands."

Caldari State
#11 - 2012-03-30 17:53:37 UTC
Xander Riggs wrote:
Also, for all the melvins sitting at home watching a party on TV going 'NYEEEEH! They're DRUNK! That's not PROFESSIONAL!' I feel obligated to remind you that they aren't professionals. The Alliance panel is a bunch of dudes who are good a a videogame talking to other people who are marginally less good at a video game while they're on vacation in Iceland.

You don't get it, do you? It's not about the CSM guys, they are what they are --it's about CCP's professionalism. Let alone the fact that it's pretty sad to see grown men acting like teenage kids after having their first drink, this game still has PEGI rating 12+, ESRB T, and for as long as it stays there scenes and speeches like those we all had 'pleasure' to see on last Fanfest are not something that this company can tolerate in future.

CSM guys are, of course, free to gather on their own in some local pub and do whatever they like. But without formal involvement of CCP.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#12 - 2012-03-30 18:01:41 UTC
Aldarica wrote:
Xander Riggs wrote:
Also, for all the melvins sitting at home watching a party on TV going 'NYEEEEH! They're DRUNK! That's not PROFESSIONAL!' I feel obligated to remind you that they aren't professionals. The Alliance panel is a bunch of dudes who are good a a videogame talking to other people who are marginally less good at a video game while they're on vacation in Iceland.

You don't get it, do you? It's not about the CSM guys, they are what they are --it's about CCP's professionalism. Let alone the fact that it's pretty sad to see grown men acting like teenage kids after having their first drink, this game still has PEGI rating 12+, ESRB T, and for as long as it stays there scenes and speeches like those we all had 'pleasure' to see on last Fanfest are not something that this company can tolerate in future.

CSM guys are, of course, free to gather on their own in some local pub and do whatever they like. But without formal involvement of CCP.

I wasn't aware that the celebration was all about professionalism.

CCP has an image that they like to portray, and it has little to do with being a politically correct corporate entity. Granted, even they have limits, but the hard drinking, rotten shark eating, convention breaking, radical Vilking image is EXACTLY how they want to come across to the rest of the gaming community.

It works for them, and has brought them great success.

If I'm not mistaken, the ratings system has nothing to do with gaming conventions.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Nova Fox
Novafox Shipyards
#13 - 2012-03-30 18:09:51 UTC
I think this is the last time they have acholhol on the stage.

Hopefully not at the FFs.

Dust 514's CPM 1 Iron Wolf Saber Eve mail me about Dust 514 issues.

Twil Akachi
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#14 - 2012-03-30 18:11:44 UTC
Little Brat wrote:
There are lessons to be learned here. When I was young I swore a lot, and drank profusely. At the workplace in the mid 1970’s it was expected that you went to the club immediately after work to drink. By the mid 80’s the same workplace swung 180 degrees and frowned upon alcohol use. And so it remains to this day. In the United States, if the host serves or allows to be served alcohol, the host is potentially responsible for damages to persons or property as a result. Many businesses large and small forbid alcohol on their property. If the Alliance Panel (which was embarrassing to watch from start to finish) wishes to continue, let them have their own venue separate and apart from Fanfest or any other CCP sponsored activity. Let them provide their own logistics. They can have all the “jager bombs” they want, swear, hoot and holler, interrupt each other and harass and bully others as well as each other to their hearts content. A wizard hat...omg...grow up for god’s sake. And CCP should grow up too. This is for you CCP, a Wiki post from searching profanity. ““... from Ben Wilmott (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development): "Employers can ensure professional language in the workplace by having a well drafted policy on bullying and harassment that emphasises how bad language has potential to amount to harassment or bullying."” In closing, you can be funny without being vulgar. And no, you should not warn people about “adult language” CCP, you should warn people about childish language.

Formatting is your friend.
Ashley SchmidtVonGoldberg
#15 - 2012-03-30 18:36:36 UTC
The entire world is not America Idiot

Standing in for Karn Dulake who was banned for saying bad words

Little Brat
Provincia Septim Reborn
#16 - 2012-03-30 21:20:13 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
Little Brat wrote:
There are lessons to be learned here. When I was young I swore a lot, and drank profusely. At the workplace in the mid 1970’s it was expected that you went to the club immediately after work to drink. By the mid 80’s the same workplace swung 180 degrees and frowned upon alcohol use. And so it remains to this day. In the United States, if the host serves or allows to be served alcohol, the host is potentially responsible for damages to persons or property as a result. Many businesses large and small forbid alcohol on their property. If the Alliance Panel (which was embarrassing to watch from start to finish) wishes to continue, let them have their own venue separate and apart from Fanfest or any other CCP sponsored activity. Let them provide their own logistics. They can have all the “jager bombs” they want, swear, hoot and holler, interrupt each other and harass and bully others as well as each other to their hearts content. A wizard hat...omg...grow up for god’s sake. And CCP should grow up too. This is for you CCP, a Wiki post from searching profanity. ““... from Ben Wilmott (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development): "Employers can ensure professional language in the workplace by having a well drafted policy on bullying and harassment that emphasises how bad language has potential to amount to harassment or bullying."” In closing, you can be funny without being vulgar. And no, you should not warn people about “adult language” CCP, you should warn people about childish language.

While I thank you for sharing your point of view, apparently there are countries and companies in the world that do not follow the guidelines on these matters that are common in your particular culture.

Perhaps you should rethink trying to tell them how they should think.

Thank you Ranger 1. I understand cultural and legal differences, am retired from the international legal field. The one thing I hate most about American policies is that they push their political agenda upon recipients of aid. I only gave a sample of one view...possibly not the correct view...not intended to be the only view.

Our corporate symbol is a blue Egyptian Ankh representing pure eternal life, surrounded by 8 gold stars representing The Eightfold Path on a red background representing sacrifice and committment to the everliving, beloved of Ptah...

Little Brat
Provincia Septim Reborn
#17 - 2012-03-30 21:23:38 UTC
Ashley SchmidtVonGoldberg wrote:
The entire world is not America Idiot

Of course I am aware of that Ashley, and thank the gods!

Our corporate symbol is a blue Egyptian Ankh representing pure eternal life, surrounded by 8 gold stars representing The Eightfold Path on a red background representing sacrifice and committment to the everliving, beloved of Ptah...

Little Brat
Provincia Septim Reborn
#18 - 2012-03-30 21:25:24 UTC
Xander Riggs wrote:
Also, for all the melvins sitting at home watching a party on TV going 'NYEEEEH! They're DRUNK! That's not PROFESSIONAL!' I feel obligated to remind you that they aren't professionals. The Alliance panel is a bunch of dudes who are good a a videogame talking to other people who are marginally less good at a video game while they're on vacation in Iceland.

Point taken.

Our corporate symbol is a blue Egyptian Ankh representing pure eternal life, surrounded by 8 gold stars representing The Eightfold Path on a red background representing sacrifice and committment to the everliving, beloved of Ptah...

Shade Severii
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2012-03-30 21:27:42 UTC
When did EVE players turn into ******* stuck up soccer mom's whining at a PTA meeting.

God damn

Little Brat
Provincia Septim Reborn
#20 - 2012-03-30 21:36:34 UTC
Shade Severii wrote:
When did EVE players turn into ******* stuck up soccer mom's whining at a PTA meeting.

God damn

The replies to any post have seriously...I don't want to be considered a stuck up soccer mom! Am going to have to consider my future posts in more detail.

Our corporate symbol is a blue Egyptian Ankh representing pure eternal life, surrounded by 8 gold stars representing The Eightfold Path on a red background representing sacrifice and committment to the everliving, beloved of Ptah...

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