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Does anyone else feel bad for CCP in all this?

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Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#41 - 2012-03-29 13:01:09 UTC
You may agree or disagree on what i,m about to say.

The behaviour of the said person has had a terrible knock on effect for all.

CCP has had to deal with this matter according to the rules of the game and maybe should have closed down the panel as things got out of hand.

We the players have suffered with our reputation as the CSM does represent us and then the anger that followed divided us on the forums. This only makes us out to being a rabble instead of the mature players we are.

We now need all to move on as one community (Players and CCP).

You only realise you life has been a waste of time, when you wake up dead.

Test Alliance Please Ignore
#42 - 2012-03-29 13:03:34 UTC
We know what CCP have done lately and frankly I think we all love them for it.
Screw the media, what matters is how we perceive CCP and we can spread the message if need be.

CCP - the playerbase got your back!
*except goons and co., they might be a bit pissy Blink*
#43 - 2012-03-29 13:05:18 UTC
"I suppose I'm not drunk enough," says Alex before pounding his 2nd shot during his slide-show.
He then continues, "This, ladies and gentleman, is the CCP Screegs approved method of giving an Alliance presentation."

CCP probably does have to accept some responsibility for this. You can bet things will be different next year.
Jake Warbird
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#44 - 2012-03-29 13:05:39 UTC
ctx2007 wrote:
You may agree or disagree on what i,m about to say.

The behaviour of the said person has had a terrible knock on effect for all.

CCP has had to deal with this matter according to the rules of the game and maybe should have closed down the panel as things got out of hand.

We the players have suffered with our reputation as the CSM does represent us and then the anger that followed divided us on the forums. This only makes us out to being a rabble instead of the mature players we are.

We now need all to move on as one community (Players and CCP).

Well this for one will never happen because 'certain playstyles' involve them being the centre of the universe.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#45 - 2012-03-29 13:06:59 UTC
Sucateira wrote:
Its sad that CCP is captive of this no lifers, fat, drunk and single guys.

I never vote for this ****. Since the time I joined EVE and saw this guys on stage.

First, don't sell alchool in the Fanfest (I'm serious, people had to die in some stadiums before clubs stoped selling them and blocking the entrance from clearly visible drunked people)
Second, don't give voice to sad individuals that are showing off their cyberwilly
Third, don't give to much power to the players

The only answer I could see was a perma ban. But.... EVE is captive of this guys. You are screwed when you got no balls.

I disagree with this.

i think an easy solution for CCP is to have a 30 second delay in broadcasting the event. That way they can edit, silence or whatever with the feed

Better to employ someone to do that job for a few hours than alter the theme of Fanfest

Australian Fanfest Event

Deviana Sevidon
Jades Falcon Guards
#46 - 2012-03-29 13:10:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Deviana Sevidon
Lenrir Andven wrote:

Good to see the more 'reasonable' folks posting around.

I can not agree enough with what you have stated. This could of easily been dealt with civilly, instead it degraded into an angry mob who had nothing but rage and hatred in their hearts. To see the EVE community devolve itself into mindless primates is, quite frankly, disappointing.

Now I do not approve what the Mittani did, let's get this straight, but he has done the steps he has stated he would do and has stepped down as CSM, apologized and gave compensation. Now I believe that CCP would of accepted this as a reasonable apology, but I believe that the hand of Sony and the somewhat immoral 'outcry' of punishment made them reluctantly take the decisions which was imposed upon him.

However, the damage has been done. This has now been relayed to a good number of media outlets and we are now considered 'evil brutes' who thrives in this 'dog eat dog' nature, which while true for some of us, is not true for others.

Our forums will only serve to temper the steeled opinion of the general gaming public to how we act for we have, in essence, done more damage to CCP than TheMittani could ever of done with that panel.

The law of unintended consquences still applies.

Your own alliance said for themselves multiple times they are griefers and thrive on making other peoples lives miserable and now you got exactly that. I can understand that you don't like it and I am very unhappy that CCP and the playerbase as a whole is painted in the same light. But the line between ingame and out of game was blurred for a long time. Personal information about players were revealed, even cybercrimes that can have severe repercussions in RL were commited under the pretense of meta-gaming.

I am not saying that the playerbase should start holding hands, but we should all look at ourselves and take a step back. It is one thing to shoot someone ingame, followed by some talk in local, but it is an entirely different these things are taken out of game. Even bringing things to the forum, especially if it involves personal information, or has the intent to force someone to quit, is too much. There is a line to be drawn somewhere and once this is done, we better not cross it. if 10,058 Goon voices cried out and were suddenly silenced.

Prince Kobol
#47 - 2012-03-29 13:11:16 UTC
Nope, not at all.

CCP have admitted that they vetted the presentation slides so they had a pretty damn good idea what was going to happen.
Tanya Powers
#48 - 2012-03-29 13:17:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Tanya Powers
Remember that is CCP themselves that instated Eve rules (or lack of those) therefor no need to blame them.

Controversy? -hell which better publicity can you have for a game than the one making nerd medias turn their head on you?

How much controversial is as speeching and arguments for all those high sec players using scams, grieffing, easy ganking and then come post tons crap about e-honour?

If there's something to feel bad about CCP is their player community immaturity and disrespect after all the effort put to bring awesome stuff like captain quarters that you, the sames now now feeling bad for CCP, just pïssed over publicly?

Gime a break.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#49 - 2012-03-29 13:21:50 UTC
Not really, CCP likes to paint it's self as the "bad boy" alternative mmo where life is hard and you have to man up or **** off.

Trouble is, they's not the greatest business model if you want huge money quickly.

Can't really have your cake and eat it.
Nair Alderau
The Blessed Chains of Freedom
#50 - 2012-03-29 13:22:57 UTC
Somewhat, yeah.

Sad that it's come down to so much bad mood after the high spirits we were all in.
Killer Gandry
The Concilium Enterprises
#51 - 2012-03-29 13:27:05 UTC
I don't just feel bad for CCP for this mudslide. I feel even worse because we are witnessing how terrible the actual playerbase is at both sides of the spectrum.

One side the EVE is King side and the other side calling "Burn the witch"

Good thing my blue list virtually doesn't exsist and I can freely shoot allmost everyone in game.
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#52 - 2012-03-29 13:30:11 UTC
bldyannoyed wrote:
Regardless of your opinion on all the controversy, or whether you even think there should have been any, it seems pretty clear to me that the real losers here are actually CCP

I'm actually quite ambivalent about all this. On the one hand I'm not gonna pretend to have any affection for goons and the irony of what's going on here isn't lost on me. But at the same time if the efforts of Mittens and co. actually do succeed in killing off titans as we currently know them then, regardless of their motivations, I and many others would stand up and applaud

But that's not what I'm talking about

Since Crucible CCP have shown a real dedication to getting back to what we all want. Although I couldn't be there myself I've watched all the fanfest vids and pretty much everything I saw made me look forward to 2012 as an Eve player. The gaming media that matter would have had little choice but to be enthusiastic about it and CCP would have deservedly come out of this looking pretty good. They're communicating, the devs that are in the driving seat are real Eve players, christ even Dust actually looks like it might be worth the hassle

But instead, we've got this ****

Let's face it, from the second this happened CCP couldn't win. Do nothing and they're gonna be crucified by the media who's opinion, sadly, DOES matter and more importantly the Eve playerbase backlash would take us all back to Incarnage. Take action against mittens and well, we get this, an eve playerbase backlash that takes us all back to Incarnage. CCP are now fielding bad press for something that was ultimately completely beyond their control and it's probably not gonna be long before, once again, photoshops of Eve devs burning in hell make an appearance, only this time they won't deserve it

I still love ya CCP

No, to be honest this whole scandal is CCP completing their time in the wilderness of insanity and getting back to being the company that built eve. Last year they finally snapped out of the Incarna madness and put things on the right track with Crucible. This year they faced a situation where there was inevitably going to be a showdown about who ran Eve Online ... CCP iceland or Something Awful forums.

For a while now its been apparent that the game does have a bad reputation in the wider community press and community not just because its ruthless "core style" pvp, but because some of the community is regarded very badly for ooc griefing and harrassment. What this whole scandal has displayed is that its not the "Eve community" thats to blame for this stuff really, its the Something Awful community that has refused to integrate with the Eve community and keeps its own codes of conduct (or lack therein) above any notion of friendly camaraderie out of character with the rest of the game.

This came into pefect focus at fanfest where you saw a massive contrast between the warmth and friendships on display between most eve players and the Gianturco performance on the alliance panel as (then) CSM chair. I think its the first time its been so totally apparent that the problem with Eve's larger reputation amongst gamers is not "Eve" its the frat-boy SA crowd.

Now some companies would have been terrified of Alexander Gianturco and the 10,000 goons and failed to do what was right in his punishment. Some would have tried a horrible watered down mealy-mouthed compromise and tried to get away with doing little on the grounds of keeping the goon subs. But I think CCP demonstrated courage and independence and drew a line in the sand really that the huge majority of actual eve players will wholeheartedly applaud.

I pay my subs to be a member of the Eve Online universe and the gaming community of Eve online. Not to be part of Something Awful.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Amarr Mech
#53 - 2012-03-29 13:31:17 UTC
Not at all really. You put together a drunken panel at a public event and from what little of the video I watched it seems the entire intent of it was *****ing on other players. Kind of have to just take your medicine when something happens in that environment.
Vashan Tar
Goonswarm Federation
#54 - 2012-03-29 13:43:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Vashan Tar
Not anymore.
Holding off on doing something until AFTER Mittens had posted his apology and details of the actions he was taking (after consultation with the CSM), before then taking the action that they did (with obviously zero consultation with the CSM as we see from their posts shortly afterwards by the current delegates) was an incredibly poor show. If you were going to throw the book at him do it from the start and involve the CSM, not wait until after he's posted what actions he's taking (with the support of the current CSM) before you cut them off at the knees...
Kitfox Mikakka
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#55 - 2012-03-29 14:15:05 UTC
Vashan Tar wrote:
Not anymore.
Holding off on doing something until AFTER Mittens had posted his apology and details of the actions he was taking (after consultation with the CSM), before then taking the action that they did (with obviously zero consultation with the CSM as we see from their posts shortly afterwards by the current delegates) was an incredibly poor show. If you were going to throw the book at him do it from the start and involve the CSM, not wait until after he's posted what actions he's taking (with the support of the current CSM) before you cut them off at the knees...

That's honestly what upset me the most, yeah. The entire situation had seemed more or less resolved in that regard, with Mittani stepping down as chairman to let someone else fill it, after publicly apologizing and making amends. The majority of the CSM seemed content with it as well, suggesting that they had all talked and worked this out as best they could. Then CCP retroactively applied the EULA to their event, gave him the 30 day ban, and then went 'Well darn, that means you can't serve on CSM7." It just seems really slimy all around, and you can certainly bet Fanfest next year will have a different tone beneath the surface, what with this event floating back up into people's minds. It's sort of sad, all things considered.
Demon Azrakel
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#56 - 2012-03-29 14:21:47 UTC
Headerman wrote:
Sucateira wrote:
Its sad that CCP is captive of this no lifers, fat, drunk and single guys.

I never vote for this ****. Since the time I joined EVE and saw this guys on stage.

First, don't sell alchool in the Fanfest (I'm serious, people had to die in some stadiums before clubs stoped selling them and blocking the entrance from clearly visible drunked people)
Second, don't give voice to sad individuals that are showing off their cyberwilly
Third, don't give to much power to the players

The only answer I could see was a perma ban. But.... EVE is captive of this guys. You are screwed when you got no balls.

I disagree with this.

i think an easy solution for CCP is to have a 30 second delay in broadcasting the event. That way they can edit, silence or whatever with the feed

Better to employ someone to do that job for a few hours than alter the theme of Fanfest

The problem is that no one realized it was a shitstorm, or could even cause a shitstorm, until a some players had to run to the gaming media over it because they hate Goons / The Mittanni.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#57 - 2012-03-29 14:23:13 UTC
Starcaller Dredg wrote:
The only shame for CCP that I feel is allowing a bunch of douchebags to soil their stage and convention.

These are the douchebags they pander their game to.

Aranakas CEO of Green Anarchy Green vs Green

CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#58 - 2012-03-29 14:24:28 UTC
Topic is not relevant to EVE General Discussion.

Thread locked.

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer

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