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Call for rerun of CSM 7 Election

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#101 - 2012-03-29 03:25:33 UTC
a year of trolling a csm lacking any democratic mandate

oh boy
Aiden Andraste
State War Academy
Caldari State
#102 - 2012-03-29 03:29:42 UTC
Daviclond wrote:
a year of trolling a csm lacking any democratic mandate

oh boy

Kai Tel
State War Academy
Caldari State
#103 - 2012-03-29 03:31:34 UTC
Aiden Andraste wrote:

Oh, go make a TV show for Christ's sake.
Manji Lee
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#104 - 2012-03-29 04:18:18 UTC
Panda Name wrote:
Manji Lee wrote:
If there's a re-vote. Then I call for bullshit. He was never a good man to begin with. Manipulative, crude, and arrogant type of son of the ***** he was. And yet you people voted for him!? Not to mention all this yelling about how CCP sack him from CSM when in reality he resigned from it.

Peeps need to take a chill pill and accept the fact before jumping to conclusion.


I don't hide behind alts.
Lapine Davion
Outer Ring Applied Logistics
#105 - 2012-03-29 04:23:27 UTC
Manji Lee wrote:
Panda Name wrote:
Manji Lee wrote:
If there's a re-vote. Then I call for bullshit. He was never a good man to begin with. Manipulative, crude, and arrogant type of son of the ***** he was. And yet you people voted for him!? Not to mention all this yelling about how CCP sack him from CSM when in reality he resigned from it.

Peeps need to take a chill pill and accept the fact before jumping to conclusion.


I don't hide behind alts.

No one is saying anything about alts, but as someone from an alliance with something to gain out of all this, your people's opinions should be taken with a boulder of salt.

[b]Don't worry about posting with your main!  Post with your brain! "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."[/b]

Macon Chalaise
VNM Biological Survey Corps
#106 - 2012-03-29 04:24:42 UTC
Kyle Myr wrote:
If CCP chooses to remove the winner of this process, who received more votes than the next 3 candidates combined, it calls into question the whole election's validity at representing those who voted.

Rerun the election, or the results are worthless.

Nixon was the peoples choice here in the US.

He resigned. No one was disenfranchised. There was no "re-vote."

True story.Pirate

Here's to fire. Not the fast and furious kind that burns down shacks and shanties, but the slow, seductive kind that takes down pants and panties - Irish Toast

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#107 - 2012-03-29 04:26:36 UTC
Macon Chalaise wrote:
Kyle Myr wrote:
If CCP chooses to remove the winner of this process, who received more votes than the next 3 candidates combined, it calls into question the whole election's validity at representing those who voted.

Rerun the election, or the results are worthless.

Nixon was the peoples choice here in the US.

He resigned. No one was disenfranchised. There was no "re-vote."

True story.Pirate

They don't actually care about the truth.

They just want to push their tyranny.

**Space wizards are real, they can make 10058 votes vanish. "and for a moment i hurd 10k goons cry out, then silence" **

Walter Wite
Spectre Arms
#108 - 2012-03-29 04:29:48 UTC
I don't think we need a rerun

Just mittens is kicked and the every slides up a place, 1st reserve gets a full seat.
Macon Chalaise
VNM Biological Survey Corps
#109 - 2012-03-29 04:30:09 UTC
RougeOperator wrote:
Macon Chalaise wrote:
Kyle Myr wrote:
If CCP chooses to remove the winner of this process, who received more votes than the next 3 candidates combined, it calls into question the whole election's validity at representing those who voted.

Rerun the election, or the results are worthless.

Nixon was the peoples choice here in the US.

He resigned. No one was disenfranchised. There was no "re-vote."

True story.Pirate

They don't actually care about the truth.

They just want to push their tyranny.

The only person the goons have any reason to be mad at is the chairman formerly known as...not CCP or anyone else.

What happened was his fault and his responsibility. Pirate

Here's to fire. Not the fast and furious kind that burns down shacks and shanties, but the slow, seductive kind that takes down pants and panties - Irish Toast

Aiden Andraste
State War Academy
Caldari State
#110 - 2012-03-29 04:31:47 UTC
Walter Wite wrote:
I don't think we need a rerun

Just mittens is kicked and the every slides up a place, 1st reserve gets a full seat.

And 10000 people who voted are suddenly declared as not important. Sounds totally legit. CSM is officially just a free ticket to iceland.
Amity Lane
Hek Mining Association
#111 - 2012-03-29 04:36:10 UTC
Aiden Andraste wrote:


They had their say.

Their say was expelled.

Why do they deserve to speak twice?
Aiden Andraste
State War Academy
Caldari State
#112 - 2012-03-29 04:44:26 UTC
Amity Lane wrote:
Aiden Andraste wrote:


They had their say.

Their say was expelled.

Why do they deserve to speak twice?

Because their first say was just dismissed by CCP as irrelevant. Thus, the CSM is now irrelevant in the minds of the 10000 who had their opinions **** on.
Kyle Myr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#113 - 2012-03-29 05:29:56 UTC
Mittani resigning from the chair is his own business. CCP chose to remove him from the seat that 10,058 players elected him to, for events which occurred during his CSM 6 tenure, before the CSM 7 results were announced, without offering anything to the constituency, Goonfleet and otherwise, which voted for him. Banning him for 30 days for this also goes above the actions taken against other EULA violations at fanjets, and it speaks of undemocratic reactions to media and marketing pressure. Obviously, if CCP doesn't want to do anything about this, they don't have to. But, by not doing anything, it casts the whole of CSM 7 under an air of questionable legitimacy, as anyone elected to it has far less votes than the leader removed from it.

This isn't to say that the remaining CSM 7 candidates haven't won their seats fair and square. To the posters in this thread suggesting that I think ill of Hans Jaegerblitzen or Elise Randolph (maybe Seleene?), I actually quite like these candidates, and commend them on their results in the polls. Furthermore, with the notable exception of Issler, those members of CSM 7 that have spoken about this decision have called out CCP's actions. Given their interest in serving the player base as representatives, I see no reason for them not to rally behind this stance - they would all easily win again in roughly the same order.

This has little to nothing to do with my personal views, which are irrelevant here. I actually found Mittani's presentation to be in poor taste, and I'm glad he gave his apology. More importantly, I'm glad logs have shown that The Wis is doing quite well these days. I actually like pretty much all of the members of CSM 7, and even those I don't necessarily like, I congratulate on winning their position, fair and square.

At any rate, obviously I can do nothing more than present CCP with this basic idea of how to keep a mandate with CSM 7. If they want to ignore this, that's their business. Posting here either way does little.
Testerxnot Sheepherder
Get Isk or Die Mining
#114 - 2012-03-29 05:34:24 UTC
Goon tears are slightly more sweet and sugary (i.e. more delicious) than "pubbie" tears.
Jake Warbird
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#115 - 2012-03-29 05:36:51 UTC
Testerxnot Sheepherder wrote:
Goon tears are slightly more sweet and sugary (i.e. more delicious) than "pubbie" tears.

It's the consistency I like... The way it melts into the mouth...
Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#116 - 2012-03-29 05:37:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Nicolo da'Vicenza

because a lot of dudes voted for a guy who decided to decline the CSM chairman position?

should've voted better
Kyle Myr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#117 - 2012-03-29 06:02:01 UTC
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:

because a lot of dudes voted for a guy who decided to decline the CSM chairman position?

should've voted better

So you can't read, didn't read, or don't care what I typed. Fine. At least you're posting on your main.

This has nothing to do with the chair. Stepping down from the chair doesn't disenfranchise voters. Removing the seat disenfranchises voters.

Granted, I imagine you're posting because you're presuming this is some sort of internet anger from me, implying some sort of victory from what you presume to be your own faction. That, honestly, is why I post. Because if that's what you think, it makes my own terrible posting look that much better by comparison.
Dead Loss
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#118 - 2012-03-29 06:03:47 UTC
So many goon tears in here, I just had the most awesome breakfast.
Rosen Association
#119 - 2012-03-29 06:07:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Flette
Kyle Myr wrote:
If CCP chooses to remove the winner of this process, who received more votes than the next 3 candidates combined, it calls into question the whole election's validity at representing those who voted.

Rerun the election, or the results are worthless.

No. This is what alternates are for. The votes were counted. The members elected. The criminals were thrown out. They don't run elections a second time when the politician turns out to be a criminal.

Deal with it.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#120 - 2012-03-29 06:08:41 UTC
Kyle Myr wrote:
Mittani resigning from the chair is his own business. CCP chose to remove him from the seat that 10,058 players elected him to, for events which occurred during his CSM 6 tenure, before the CSM 7 results were announced, without offering anything to the constituency, Goonfleet and otherwise, which voted for him. Banning him for 30 days for this also goes above the actions taken against other EULA violations at fanjets, and it speaks of undemocratic reactions to media and marketing pressure. Obviously, if CCP doesn't want to do anything about this, they don't have to. But, by not doing anything, it casts the whole of CSM 7 under an air of questionable legitimacy, as anyone elected to it has far less votes than the leader removed from it.

This isn't to say that the remaining CSM 7 candidates haven't won their seats fair and square. To the posters in this thread suggesting that I think ill of Hans Jaegerblitzen or Elise Randolph (maybe Seleene?), I actually quite like these candidates, and commend them on their results in the polls. Furthermore, with the notable exception of Issler, those members of CSM 7 that have spoken about this decision have called out CCP's actions. Given their interest in serving the player base as representatives, I see no reason for them not to rally behind this stance - they would all easily win again in roughly the same order.

This has little to nothing to do with my personal views, which are irrelevant here. I actually found Mittani's presentation to be in poor taste, and I'm glad he gave his apology. More importantly, I'm glad logs have shown that The Wis is doing quite well these days. I actually like pretty much all of the members of CSM 7, and even those I don't necessarily like, I congratulate on winning their position, fair and square.

At any rate, obviously I can do nothing more than present CCP with this basic idea of how to keep a mandate with CSM 7. If they want to ignore this, that's their business. Posting here either way does little.

Trying to hard.

**Space wizards are real, they can make 10058 votes vanish. "and for a moment i hurd 10k goons cry out, then silence" **