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CSM7 is no longer a valid entity

Goonswarm Federation
#21 - 2012-03-29 03:11:09 UTC
I'm going to be pretty smug to drop the HTFU bomb all over the forums in a month.

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

JC Anderson
#22 - 2012-03-29 03:15:44 UTC
Aiden Andraste wrote:
Disband or revote. Either they are purely player chosen or they are irrelevant.

While I understand how you feel, what about past CSM elections that have had CSM removed by CCP? In CSM 5 it then went to an alternate.
#23 - 2012-03-29 03:17:10 UTC
CSM 7 is still a valid entity. You're just mad because your candidate screwed up. It's his fault, and you don't deserve another vote.
Aiden Andraste
State War Academy
Caldari State
#24 - 2012-03-29 03:18:15 UTC
JC Anderson wrote:
Aiden Andraste wrote:
Disband or revote. Either they are purely player chosen or they are irrelevant.

While I understand how you feel, what about past CSM elections that have had CSM removed by CCP? In CSM 5 it then went to an alternate.

At that time, I wasn't playing eve. There should have been a revote back then too.

INB4 more RL comparisons to eve's CSM voting process. Cause we all know there's zero corruption IRL.
JC Anderson
#25 - 2012-03-29 03:19:36 UTC
Aiden Andraste wrote:
Cause we all know there's zero corruption IRL.

Amity Lane
Hek Mining Association
#26 - 2012-03-29 03:25:13 UTC
Aiden Andraste wrote:
JC Anderson wrote:
Aiden Andraste wrote:
Disband or revote. Either they are purely player chosen or they are irrelevant.

While I understand how you feel, what about past CSM elections that have had CSM removed by CCP? In CSM 5 it then went to an alternate.

At that time, I wasn't playing eve. There should have been a revote back then too.

You can't just invalidate precedent because you don't like it.

There's a system in place, and it should be put to work. That's why the alternates are there.
Aiden Andraste
State War Academy
Caldari State
#27 - 2012-03-29 03:28:01 UTC
Amity Lane wrote:
Aiden Andraste wrote:
JC Anderson wrote:
Aiden Andraste wrote:
Disband or revote. Either they are purely player chosen or they are irrelevant.

While I understand how you feel, what about past CSM elections that have had CSM removed by CCP? In CSM 5 it then went to an alternate.

At that time, I wasn't playing eve. There should have been a revote back then too.

You can't just invalidate precedent because you don't like it.

There's a system in place, and it should be put to work. That's why the alternates are there.

The alternates didnt get my vote. Therefore they dont represent me or 10000 other players. CCP cant just throw 10k opinions out the window and expect everyone to just ignore it.

But please, continue trying to snuff out my opinion with your opinion.
Systems Federation
#28 - 2012-03-29 03:28:06 UTC
Aiden Andraste wrote:
I voted for Seleene and Mittens on my two accounts. Now that CCP has taken its heavy handed action against everyone who believes the Mittani is a valuable and key figure of CSM7 regardless of his politically incorrect gaffe, this CSM is completely invalid.

Either have a revote to allow the 10k to place their vote in whom they think is a better chairman, or just disband CSM. They are no longer player representatives and are now a CCP chosen politically "right" image to present to its partners and the media as a whole.

Ah yes, a revote. We dismissed that claim.
Federal Navy Academy
#29 - 2012-03-29 03:30:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Raiykjab
Grath Telkin wrote:

Removing him invalidates the election that just happened and they should actually have a revote so that the 10000 people who voted for him can reapply their voice to the democratic process.

ac·count (-kount)
1. A narrative or record of events.
a. A reason given for a particular action or event: What is the account for this loss?
b. A report relating to one's conduct: gave a satisfactory account of herself.
c. A basis or ground: no reason to worry on that account.
3. Abbr. a/c or acct.
a. A formal banking, brokerage, or business relationship established to provide for regular services, dealings, and other financial transactions.
b. A precise list or enumeration of financial transactions.
c. Money deposited for checking, savings, or brokerage use.
d. A customer having a business or credit relationship with a firm: salespeople visiting their accounts.
4. Worth, standing, or importance: a landowner of some account.
5. Profit or advantage: turned her writing skills to good account.
tr.v. ac·count·ed, ac·count·ing, ac·counts
To consider as being; deem. See Synonyms at consider. See Usage Note at as1.
Phrasal Verb:
account for
1. To constitute the governing or primary factor in: Bad weather accounted for the long delay.
2. To provide an explanation or justification for: The suspect couldn't account for his time that night.
call to account
1. To challenge or contest.
2. To hold answerable for.
on account
On credit.
on account of
Because of; for the sake of: "We got married on account of the baby" (Anne Tyler).
on no account
Under no circumstances.
on (one's) own account
1. For oneself.
2. On one's own; by oneself: He wants to work on his own account.
take into account
To take into consideration; allow for.

peo·ple (ppl)
n. pl. people
1. Humans considered as a group or in indefinite numbers: People were dancing in the street. I met all sorts of people.
2. A body of persons living in the same country under one national government; a nationality.
3. pl. peo·ples A body of persons sharing a common religion, culture, language, or inherited condition of life.
4. Persons with regard to their residence, class, profession, or group: city people.
5. The mass of ordinary persons; the populace. Used with the: "those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes" (Thomas Jefferson).
6. The citizens of a political unit, such as a nation or state; the electorate. Used with the.
7. Persons subordinate to or loyal to a ruler, superior, or employer: The queen showed great compassion for her people.
8. Family, relatives, or ancestors.
9. Informal Animals or other beings distinct from humans: Rabbits and squirrels are the furry little people of the woods.
tr.v. peo·pled, peo·pling, peo·ples
To furnish with or as if with people; populate.

You are either an idiot, or you think the world is dumb but you. Probably both.

Also and stick this in your head, HE decieved them by breaking the EULA. Next time you invest into something, be it vote, time or money, make sure it is worth it or accept the loss.

Eve has miners?!

Heimatar Auctioneer
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#30 - 2012-03-29 03:33:10 UTC
Aiden Andraste wrote:
I voted for Seleene and Mittens on my two accounts. Now that CCP has taken its heavy handed action against everyone who believes the Mittani is a valuable and key figure of CSM7 regardless of his politically incorrect gaffe, this CSM is completely invalid.

Either have a revote to allow the 10k to place their vote in whom they think is a better chairman, or just disband CSM. They are no longer player representatives and are now a CCP chosen politically "right" image to present to its partners and the media as a whole.

What kind of logic is this? Is this the train of thoughts that you've learn from that community college of yours?

Or should I repeat Goods' favorite line?

Aiden Andraste
State War Academy
Caldari State
#31 - 2012-03-29 03:34:07 UTC
Raiykjab wrote:
You are either an idiot, or you think the world is dumb but you. Probably both.

And you are a bad. Never stop posting~
Aiden Andraste
State War Academy
Caldari State
#32 - 2012-03-29 03:35:27 UTC
Heimatar Auctioneer wrote:
Aiden Andraste wrote:
I voted for Seleene and Mittens on my two accounts. Now that CCP has taken its heavy handed action against everyone who believes the Mittani is a valuable and key figure of CSM7 regardless of his politically incorrect gaffe, this CSM is completely invalid.

Either have a revote to allow the 10k to place their vote in whom they think is a better chairman, or just disband CSM. They are no longer player representatives and are now a CCP chosen politically "right" image to present to its partners and the media as a whole.

What kind of logic is this? Is this the train of thoughts that you've learn from that community college of yours?

Or should I repeat Goods' favorite line?


The logic that states that you dont throw out 10k opinions when you ask for opinions. Otherwise there is no point in asking. Thank you for the bump to my post though.
Heimatar Auctioneer
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#33 - 2012-03-29 03:35:43 UTC
Aiden Andraste wrote:
I voted for Seleene and Mittens on my two accounts. Now that CCP has taken its heavy handed action against everyone who believes the Mittani is a valuable and key figure of CSM7 regardless of his politically incorrect gaffe, this CSM is completely invalid.

Either have a revote to allow the 10k to place their vote in whom they think is a better chairman, or just disband CSM. They are no longer player representatives and are now a CCP chosen politically "right" image to present to its partners and the media as a whole.

You should be content that Mittani the Great got off easily after his misconduct. Only 30 days ban? All of you should be content.

If I were to do the same thing, my account would've been banned already.
Minister of Death
Colossus Enterprises
#34 - 2012-03-29 03:37:04 UTC
Minabunny wrote:
I vote for disband.

Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#35 - 2012-03-29 03:38:04 UTC
Would you call for a re-vote if he got into a real life train wreck instead of a virtual one?

Answer yes if moron.

Mr Epeen Cool
Heimatar Auctioneer
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#36 - 2012-03-29 03:38:12 UTC
Aiden Andraste wrote:
Heimatar Auctioneer wrote:
Aiden Andraste wrote:
I voted for Seleene and Mittens on my two accounts. Now that CCP has taken its heavy handed action against everyone who believes the Mittani is a valuable and key figure of CSM7 regardless of his politically incorrect gaffe, this CSM is completely invalid.

Either have a revote to allow the 10k to place their vote in whom they think is a better chairman, or just disband CSM. They are no longer player representatives and are now a CCP chosen politically "right" image to present to its partners and the media as a whole.

What kind of logic is this? Is this the train of thoughts that you've learn from that community college of yours?

Or should I repeat Goods' favorite line?


The logic that states that you dont throw out 10k opinions when you ask for opinions. Otherwise there is no point in asking. Thank you for the bump to my post though.

I am sorry to say this, but all that 10k accounts should've performed due diligence regarding Mittani the Great.

I am sorry, but better luck next year, and choose your candidates more wisely.

Let me repeat Goons' favorite line for you:

Heimatar Auctioneer
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#37 - 2012-03-29 03:41:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Heimatar Auctioneer
You, 10,000 accounts chose Mittani the Great as a representative.

He fked it up.

He leaves and the next in the line of succession gets the chairmanship.

Simple as that. Just because your representative, one person, fked it up, doesn't mean all the other EVE Online players need to bear his consequences.

Vote again next year.

Once again, quoting Goons' favorite line:

Demon Azrakel
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#38 - 2012-03-29 03:42:06 UTC
+1 OP, CCP got rid of 10k votes from many content creating players. What ******* idiots.
Heimatar Auctioneer
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#39 - 2012-03-29 03:43:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Heimatar Auctioneer
Demon Azrakel wrote:
+1 OP, CCP got rid of 10k votes from many content creating players. What ******* idiots.

Use your brain, community college graduate.

Mittani the Great fked up your 10k votes. Not CCP.

Don't confuse the logic here. It is simple.

And you should be VASTLY CONTENT that CCP did not ban that sorry ass representative of yours. He could also run for the CSM8 next year. If i were to do same thing as what Mittani did, I would've been immediately banned by CCP.
Aiden Andraste
State War Academy
Caldari State
#40 - 2012-03-29 03:45:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Aiden Andraste
Heimatar Auctioneer wrote:
You should be content that Mittani the Great got off easily after his misconduct. Only 30 days ban? All of you should be content.

If I were to do the same thing, my account would've been banned already.

What if I told you that:
1) I'm not a Goon
2) This is my main
3) That as a person I can like Goonswarm and not be in Goonswarm (because :tenbux:)
4) CCP tossed the Mittani under the bus to save face

I know you're prolly a bad troll just like the other bads in this thread, but just had to clear that up. I recently resubbed a bit before CSM7 campaigning began because it seemed EVE was head in the correct direction. It still seems that way, but this particular misstep is nothing more than a kneejerk reaction that invalidates the opinions of 10000 people.

Until there is a revote, this means that the CSM is essentially meaningless and next year, (if I still play) I will be voting for the most terrible candidate there is. I feel that 10000 other players are similarly disenfranchised and their voice needs to be heard (as seen by the posters who agree with my opinion.)

Now, back to our regularly scheduled bad paosting.