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CCP: Make yourself richer and players happier

Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#81 - 2012-03-28 11:59:28 UTC
bad idea.

I have always believed that the skill training system on eve online is one of its unique features. As a unique feature it provides alot of threads like this. I understand that for new players it can be frustrating not having the skills to fly that shiny new nightmare you want.

one thing to remember is even if a character has 100m sp and you fight them in a frigate, all the sp that is not applied to that frigate is useless. only advantage an older player has then is experience of game mechanics such as session timers and aggression, cant say piloting ability as some people who have been in this game for years still cant fly a vagabond right.

all I see with this is alliances having all the power, Morsus Mihi famously had 15 trillion isk in their alliance wallet, apply that to plex and you see the problems this could create in terms of the number of new characters and the number of alts able to be used for flying a titan in 5 mins. (we have far too many of those imo. but that's another matter)

I really do wish that people would get over themselves on the "oh I have this much sp" I can fly a carrier and everything

what's the point if you can be killed by a 2 week old player in a thorax because you dident learn how to fit the ship, or how you should be flying it.

Eve does not have a learning curve, its a learning cliff. Either learn to fly on the way down or its going to be a hard landing

Plaude Pollard
Gallente Federation
#82 - 2012-03-28 12:32:48 UTC
Aranakas wrote:
Give us "Pay-To-Win" content.

There. I just made your post a lot more comprehensible.

Also, not a chance. This won't make players happier. It'll make the thousands of players with little RL-cash very miserable, when everyone else suddenly gains millions of Skill Points instantly. The Skill-training system works just fine the way it is right now. What you proposed will destroy the current balance, by letting a new player start out with the skills to fly a f*cking Battleship if they just pay for a single PLEX. They'll even have skills to fly it somewhat decently if they just get themselves 6 PLEX. As it is now, the skill-training system is designed so your skills grow at the same pace as your player-skills. You won't know how to properly fit a ship until you've had at least 240 hours of active flight-time in it (Hint: That's 10 days of non-stop flying). And that's for Cruisers and smaller ships. If you're going to master a Battleship, you'll need atleast twice the amount of flight-hours. And for a Capital, 10 times the amount of flight-hours, most of which will probably be spent blowing up.

In short, don't encourage CCP to add "Pay-To-Win" stuff. You'll just end up whining over it later.

New to EVE? Want to learn? The Crimson Cartel will train you in the fields of _**your **_choice. Mainly active in EU afternoons and evenings. Contact me for more info.

Radelix Cisko
#83 - 2012-03-28 20:04:07 UTC
To the OP

NO, this is a sh*t idea. There are only certain skills relevant to the boat you are flying. Take the time to understand how to use the boat you have before moving on.

Despite my posting prowess I really am terrible at this game

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#84 - 2012-03-28 20:57:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Aranakas
Radelix Cisko wrote:
To the OP

NO, this is a sh*t idea. There are only certain skills relevant to the boat you are flying. Take the time to understand how to use the boat you have before moving on.

I did. I can't move on because the game lets me move on at its rate, not mine.

Give us "Pay-To-Win" content.

Most of the people on this thread tell me that I don't need skillpoints to win. Now you're telling me that skillpoints are winning?

If you get a brand new job with no experience in the field, would you expect to be on the same level with the guys that have been working there for 10 years, no. You would work hard to learn and after a while you will catch up with knowledge, but that experience has to be hard earned you can never really catch up to them, you just have to take what you can get. Eventually you'll be counted in that elite group of top employees and might even get promoted. Eve is that new job, and no one has direct experience with it, so they start fresh. I know it sucks sometimes, but it is life and it is Eve.

If I got a brand new job, I would expect to work hard and get promoted. If I worked harder than everyone else, I'd expect to get promoted faster.

HTFU take what you got and be happy that you got that much, if you don't like it I know of several games out there that pander to there player base.

Stupid games, huh, trying to make their players have fun. Games aren't about fun at all.

P.S. And once again, as many people don't get. People can already "pay to win" and upgrade their characters through the Bazaar. If a veteran suddenly sold their character, it would be no different to the game's balance than if someone suddenly upgraded their character. In fact, skills have no bearing on balance at all, and create more of an imbalance than anything.

Aranakas CEO of Green Anarchy Green vs Green

Vigilant Archer
#85 - 2012-03-28 20:57:42 UTC
At any rate new players wouldn't actually use this, they'd just unsub, the players that would use this are the players who are going to stick with EVE anyway.
Vigilant Archer
#86 - 2012-03-28 21:01:04 UTC
Aranakas wrote:
Radelix Cisko wrote:
To the OP

[quote]HTFU take what you got and be happy that you got that much, if you don't like it I know of several games out there that pander to there player base.

Stupid games, huh, trying to make their players have fun. Games aren't about fun at all.

yep you're definetely a troll or an idiot

I won't bother to go into detail for this because if you're a troll you already know this and if your an idiot you won't understand anyway.

The skill system the way it is now adds to the fun of EVE.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#87 - 2012-03-28 21:03:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Aranakas
Vigilant Archer wrote:

The skill system the way it is now adds to the fun of EVE.

How? All I hear is rage that I suggested to take away someone's banana sticker.

So tell me, what fun does this timer-based banana sticker system add?

Aranakas CEO of Green Anarchy Green vs Green

Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#88 - 2012-03-28 21:13:58 UTC
I am curious if CCP has any statistics on how many people didn't stick with the game because of this issue.

Probly something like .1%.

Really this idea is bad for CCP.

Say someone wants to be a Titan pilot. Now, they skill up paying as they go each month. They find a lot of things they like to do. They finally reach a Titan, and realize they don't like it. but they like other things and so they keep playing.

With your suggestion, they skill up, find out they don't like Titans, and leave because they don't like anything else.
Vigilant Archer
#89 - 2012-03-28 21:17:36 UTC
Aranakas wrote:
Vigilant Archer wrote:

The skill system the way it is now adds to the fun of EVE.

How? All I hear is rage that I suggested to take away someone's banana sticker.

So tell me, what fun does this timer-based banana sticker system add?

I will only post this once more, the concepts around this have already been made clear and explained over and over again, and the reason for the current skill system has been explained over and over again if you still don't understand it's your fault.

Remember EVE is about the journey not the destination.

It' not the destination that matters it's the journey. The same can be said about life.
We're all on a journey that ends in our death. We know our destination we don't know how we will get there we just know that we will someday. It's the good experiences and the bad experiences, the friends we make and the enemies we create, what we accomplish, what we fail to accomplish, the love that we make and the love that we lose, the good that we do and the bad that we do, the interesting people we meet, our hopes and our fears, our wishes, our longings, the times that we laugh in joy and the times that we cry in despair, those are what make life worth living. At the end of our life when our sun is about to set, when we look back on our life before we die it is if we smile in joy our cringe in regret that determines if we lead a good life, not our death. When we die our bodies decay into dust, those who remember us also eventually die, and sooner or later we are all forgotten by history, nobody to remember what we have accomplished, when our sun is about to set if we ourselves can't look back on our life and smile then we have not lived life to the fullest, I wouldn't have it any other way. Besides who knows death may just be the beginning of an exciting new adventure just as the sun that sets will eventually rise again and repeat it's journey across the sky once again.

Now consider the meaning of this.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#90 - 2012-03-28 21:19:44 UTC
Corina Jarr wrote:
I am curious if CCP has any statistics on how many people didn't stick with the game because of this issue.

Probly something like .1%.

Really this idea is bad for CCP.

Say someone wants to be a Titan pilot. Now, they skill up paying as they go each month. They find a lot of things they like to do. They finally reach a Titan, and realize they don't like it. but they like other things and so they keep playing.

With your suggestion, they skill up, find out they don't like Titans, and leave because they don't like anything else.

With what money? If they use ingame money, then they only fast forward once a month or so, so they essentially get double experience. The same experience, but they get to what they want faster.

On the other hand, if they are going to leave, then they'd leave anyways, but they just handed CCP some 500 bucks (or however much it takes, I didn't count). If just 100 people/year are that foolish, CCP made some extra $50k/year for doing absolutely nothing and can use that money to improve the game. More GMs for faster responses, more animators and developers for better ships, better servers and more devs responsible for game balance. Surely that would draw in more players too, and make the game experience more enjoyable for all.

Aranakas CEO of Green Anarchy Green vs Green

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#91 - 2012-03-28 21:23:01 UTC
Vigilant Archer wrote:

Remember EVE is about the journey not the destination.

It's a sandbox game, it's a place to waste your time. Maybe I want to waste my time flying a big ship while you want to waste your time on some pseudo-meaningful life journey. That is all.

Aranakas CEO of Green Anarchy Green vs Green

Vigilant Archer
#92 - 2012-03-28 21:30:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Vigilant Archer
Aranakas wrote:
Vigilant Archer wrote:

Remember EVE is about the journey not the destination.

It's a sandbox game, it's a place to waste your time. Maybe I want to waste my time flying a big ship while you want to waste your time on some pseudo-meaningful life journey. That is all.

Fine then go fly around in your big ship but don't ruin my so called "pseudo-meaningful life journey" as you call it or ruin other peoples experience of the game while you do so.

Oh and most importantly never ever tell somebody that something so close to the core of their being is false and stupid it serves no purpose and just makes them mad. Plus it just makes you a jerk, not some philosopher or something.

Oh and just for your information you may have just dismissed one big life lesson, you didn't have time to contemplate it's full meaning.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#93 - 2012-03-28 21:31:49 UTC
Vigilant Archer wrote:

Oh and most importantly never ever tell somebody that something so close to the core of their being is false and stupid it serves no purpose and just makes them mad. Plus it just makes you a jerk, not some philosopher or something.

You're right. Of all the EVE-Philosophers I know, you're the greatest.

Aranakas CEO of Green Anarchy Green vs Green

Simi Kusoni
#94 - 2012-03-28 21:37:16 UTC
Aranakas wrote:
Vigilant Archer wrote:

Oh and most importantly never ever tell somebody that something so close to the core of their being is false and stupid it serves no purpose and just makes them mad. Plus it just makes you a jerk, not some philosopher or something.

You're right. Of all the EVE-Philosophers I know, you're the greatest.

Someone just got trolled hard, and I'm not quite sure which of you it is.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Vigilant Archer
#95 - 2012-03-28 21:43:09 UTC
Aranakas wrote:
Vigilant Archer wrote:

Oh and most importantly never ever tell somebody that something so close to the core of their being is false and stupid it serves no purpose and just makes them mad. Plus it just makes you a jerk, not some philosopher or something.

You're right. Of all the EVE-Philosophers I know, you're the greatest.

One: My religious beliefs do not come from EVE, intended as a compliment or an insult you have just offended me.
Two: you have just further emphasized my point.
Three: seek to understand both sides before you make a judgement, I see where you're coming from and I find that you are blatantly wrong.
Four: do not dismiss what I have said so blatantly I have spent a long time contemplating and thinking about stuff like that and I do not appreciate it being tossed out like a banana peel.

oh and btw if you're a troll you earn a 6/10
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#96 - 2012-03-28 21:52:05 UTC
Well, it was pretty deep regardless. From now on, whenever I log in to EVE, I'll be sure to laugh and cry as often as I can.

For instance, right now I am laughing.

Aranakas CEO of Green Anarchy Green vs Green

Vigilant Archer
#97 - 2012-03-28 21:55:14 UTC
Aranakas wrote:
Well, it was pretty deep regardless. From now on, whenever I log in to EVE, I'll be sure to laugh and cry as often as I can.

For instance, right now I am laughing.

So am I.
Vigilant Archer
#98 - 2012-03-28 22:00:52 UTC
Btw now that I've finally gotten you to admit to being a troll I do believe this thread is effectively over.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#99 - 2012-03-28 22:06:31 UTC
Vigilant Archer wrote:
Btw now that I've finally gotten you to admit to being a troll I do believe this thread is effectively over.

Thank god

Aranakas CEO of Green Anarchy Green vs Green