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CCP Has turned to Americanism

First post
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#221 - 2012-03-27 23:47:33 UTC
Today I Learned people care about really inane things.

Same with every other day.

Hello, hello again.

#222 - 2012-03-27 23:57:54 UTC
Ashley SchmidtVonGoldberg wrote:
To the OP

dont blame the Americans they need to simplify everything including language

Remember that most Americans think that America won the second world war


9/11 happened because Muslims hate their freedoms.

Dont argue with them just pitty them. See what happened to the CSM when they were exposed to European strength beer.


AFK-cloaking in a system near you.

Clyde ElectraGlide
Emara Entertainment Inc.
#223 - 2012-03-28 00:01:54 UTC
Easy workaround for this: if it's not already possible, make it so the british spelling of the word links to the item just as the american spelling does.

Other than that, it's just spelling. It's not really a big deal.

In Need of a New Signature

Utremi Fasolasi
La Dolce Vita
#224 - 2012-03-28 04:58:11 UTC
Tech3ZH wrote:
OP It will be a moot point when the Samfélag fyrir íslenska menningu (Society for Icelandic Culture) succeeds in getting the government of Iceland to pass that law they want where all products made in Iceland use the Icelandic language only. Big smile

What makes this hilarious is that "moot" means the opposite in England/Australia as it does in the USA.
#225 - 2012-03-28 06:45:02 UTC
Utremi Fasolasi wrote:
Tech3ZH wrote:
OP It will be a moot point when the Samfélag fyrir íslenska menningu (Society for Icelandic Culture) succeeds in getting the government of Iceland to pass that law they want where all products made in Iceland use the Icelandic language only. Big smile

What makes this hilarious is that "moot" means the opposite in England/Australia as it does in the USA.

Oddly, it kind of works either way, dunnit?...depending on who you are...

@ Clyde - please stop being rational...this is EVE, after all!
Nu Tra
All Seeing Eye
#226 - 2012-03-28 14:11:20 UTC
AlleyKat wrote:
adopt wrote:
Might I ask why you subjugate the people who can spell and pronounce the language correctly to such fallacy? Why am I forced to spell like an American when I am English? I cannot comprehend why, I, as an Englishman, am forced to improperly spell my native language.



Times change, my friend - but I do take umbrage at your usage of the Oxford English Dictionary to try and win a point. I was born and educated in and at Oxford.

Now, I can almost guarantee that I could out-speak you in dialect, tonality, cadence, pronunciation and general debate. All the while I could do it with so much upper class snobbery and arrogance, that afterwards you'd feel the need to bend over and shine my shoes, little man.

So, I wish to call you a hypocrite, as I doubt you have any grounds to correct Americans when your own pronunciation errors would not stand up to scrutiny, or as the Americans might say; scrutinization.


I followed your argument in agreement up until you reached the point above at which I cried, “A cad and a bounder sir!” In order to show the class system at work properly the correct phrasing would have been 'f4g boy' and not 'little man' as is intimated. It is clear you are not as you claim to be a Bullingdon lad.

However the main thrust of argument is indisputable in my opinion that English is an expanding inclusive language not static as our OP would suggest although there are a few rules of grammar that must be followed. I almost never see the words 'affect' and 'effect' used correctly. In fact, misuse of these words is so common that I have come to believe that most people no longer have a clue about how they are properly used. Probably most people are not even aware that they are two separate words.

Another pair of words that I see misused far more often than not is 'than' and 'then' of which there are a few examples in this very thread. As with affect and effect, than and then are so commonly misused that I suspect that more than mere carelessness is involved. I now believe that many people are either unaware that they are two separate words, or if they are aware of the two words, they have no idea of which is which.

Unlike then, than is not related to time. Than is used in comparative statements. Then is used either as a time marker or with a sequence of events.

Josef Djugashvilis
#227 - 2012-03-28 16:50:00 UTC
adopt wrote:
But on a serious note, I do not know why I am forced to spell like a foreigner within my own language, I feel like there should be an Oxford English Localisation for those of us who cannot and will not adapt to another style of English.

You 'can' adapt, but you may choose not to.

If you 'will' not adapt, i.e. choose to not adapt, what are you going to do?

This is not a signature.

Mathias Hex
#228 - 2012-03-28 20:37:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Mathias Hex
[quote=Vila eNorvic][quote=Mathias Hex]I dont see the problem, you would be speaking german right now if US didnt exist... [/quote
Again, go back to school and learn some history. H****r gave up his plans to invade Britain long before America even thought about joining in

And the Americans would have turned up even later than they did if they hadn't been given an almighty shove when the Japanese caught them with their pants down at Pearl Harbo(u)r despite British efforts to warn them.[/quote

I actually know quite a bit a bout history World history even. Now I understand Europe being upset America didnt OFFICIALLY join earlier, but do try to understand US citizens didnt want any part of a european war since you all defaulted on our loans and drove us into a depression after WW1.

I believe the 3 major powers of that time , US,Brits, and yes the russkies after hitler bent them over. Was the only reason the allies won the war. If it werent for the US sending supplies and money and whatever else aid they could early on without decaring war, Brits would have lost africa, what ever part of spain you had, basically everything but your island.

I am aware hitler had no immediate plans to take your island but you really think he would have just left you alone??? Really? Fact is the world would be alot different if it werent for US involvement in WW2 and yes all the allies had a part in it.

This really doesnt require a answer but if US was still being taxed to death by the brits and under their control all our resources we saved up and sent to be used to fight tyranny would have been wasted in africa or god knows where else. Another fact is without our independence we wouldnt have had a massive industry in which to send all that aid and resources to basically every country not a part of the axis.

Maybe you all need to brush up on your world history a little.

And by the way Japan NEVER would have attacked us if FDR wasnt doing EVERYTHING in his power to force them to, Mainly to force US into the war.

I recall one night in a nightclub called the matrix, there I was... Mother of god there I am! Holy f**k.