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Exploration with Incarna

#1 - 2012-03-27 22:38:13 UTC
I love the idea for exploration type gameplay in EVE and thought I would jot down some of my thoughts on how this could play out.

1. Derelict spacestations should have semi-randomised layouts. Meaning the locations of rooms and interactable items within them should differ with each visit.

2. The feature should reward thoughtful gameplay. Players should have to solve various puzzles to progress from room to room. This could be by solving number puzzles to open locks for example.

3. Threat should increase with the amount of time a player spends in the station. The longer a player remains in a station the greater the stations defensive response. Think hordes of drones slowly awakening on sleeper stations, or life support systems beginning to fail (this also has the advantage of making it difficult for players to camp within stations indefinitely)

4. There must be a feeling of dread. Think about the first time you entered wormhole space. I want that feeling again.

In terms of what you find on stations. I think it would be great to find components that you can use to make implants.

Given that one of the reasons players don't PVP is because they don't want to risk the expensive implants in their head, this could be the opportunity to introduce a new type of implant. One that you don't loose at death, but only lasts for a certain period before expiring

The duration and strength of these new implants should depend the skill of the crafter - a new player may only be able to create a +1 implant that lasts for a couple of weeks. Creating them should be an active process involving multiple steps that allows player skill to come into play.

Once a player returns from a derelict station, they can then enter a research facility at their station (or POS) to create the implants. This may involve carefully extracting them from the dead bodies found on sleeper sites, analysing them to determine their properties, and then attempting to reproduce them

This same research facility environment could be used later as part of the POS revamp to provide a 3d environment where players can manage invention, drug manufacture, research etc, at a POS.
Alternative Enterprises
#2 - 2012-03-28 03:23:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Misanthra
a) lets keep the fps to dust

b) where's the risk and reward. take out pimp ship to isk grind, someone may gank you. Your idea, take covert ops to station, park in station....leave station with goodies. Short of a bubble (not in low or empire) or really bad luck with instalock there is you and your covert ops off to make and sell those implants. Very little danger there for your ship. Low or empire basically nill unless the instalock setup is a pro setup.

c)the cost of implants argument gets old. Player needs to run a clean clones or cheap implants. Good night of pvp will have you not care about a lost hour or 2 of training. Been here a few times, km's coming in nice its good times. Find semi fair fights not blobbed out and see actual tactics used its like this is way cool. Later on in hopes you have learned to fly well when running low or high grades if your clone has them. Most snaked pilots I know generally run them to enhance their already high survival ability. And if they go boom, brush it off with a I didn't want those snakes anyway.
Engineer Floyd
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2012-03-28 04:01:15 UTC
If you want the benefit of implants, you should have to risk them. One of the hallmarks of Eve is the great risk = great reward principle, so you can't drop it here.

Misanthra wrote:

b) where's the risk and reward. take out pimp ship to isk grind, someone may gank you. Your idea, take covert ops to station, park in station....leave station with goodies. Short of a bubble (not in low or empire) or really bad luck with instalock there is you and your covert ops off to make and sell those implants. Very little danger there for your ship. Low or empire basically nill unless the instalock setup is a pro setup.

I don't see why other players couldn't enter the same location you just have and shoot you in the back. If you made the fact these places were occupied visible(say you add a new variety of probe which, in addition to scanning down these new Incarna sites, also reported the life signs on board), then it would be about as dangerous as running exploration sites. Even better, it will get explorers shooting at each other.

#4 - 2012-03-28 04:12:13 UTC
Misanthra wrote:

b where's the risk and reward. take out pimp ship to isk grind, someone may gank you. Your idea, take covert ops to station, park in station....leave station with goodies. Short of a bubble (not in low or empire) or really bad luck with instalock there is you and your covert ops off to make and sell those implants. Very little danger there for your ship. Low or empire basically nill unless the instalock setup is a pro setup.


Wow. Severe lack of imagination.

Other players can gank you. You could die on the station. NPCs could spawn and attack your ship whilst you are docked. You could team up with strangers not realising that it's all a complex scheme to get you out of your ship and have you killed by some waiting thugs.
#5 - 2012-03-28 04:34:47 UTC
Engineer Floyd wrote:
If you want the benefit of implants, you should have to risk them. One of the hallmarks of Eve is the great risk = great reward principle, so you can't drop it here.

I wasn't suggesting that we should. I was suggesting a possible alternative to address a problem. Also if CCP went down the path of including implants like the one I suggested. They should not be as good as permanent ones. ie, no set bonus'

What do you think would be useful for players to find on derelict stations? Suggest something Lol
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2012-03-28 04:39:41 UTC
Like the idea, especially the first half of it. The second half sounds ok. I like how you incorporated Taiwanistan's implant retrieval idea that he posted in the WiS thread-naught.
Daeva Teresa
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2012-03-28 06:03:50 UTC
+1 I would definitely like some 3rd person action with my avatar from time to time. Not sure about the implants part.

CCP really please dont use Upgraded, Limited, Experimental and Prototype in item names. It sounds like the item is actually worse than basic meta 1 item. Use Calibrated, Enhanced, Optimized and Upgraded. Its really easy to understand that the item is better than meta 1 and its also in alphabetic order.

#8 - 2012-03-28 07:47:17 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Like the idea, especially the first half of it. The second half sounds ok. I like how you incorporated Taiwanistan's implant retrieval idea that he posted in the WiS thread-naught.

someone should let him know .. quick!!
The Hamilton
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2012-03-28 13:45:35 UTC
The crazy jumping ship idea passed by here?

An NPC ship that you have to board, which then jumps with you inside. i.e. the wormholes of ambulation. Obviously a gameplay element of escape would be provided at the end of a gauntlet ship maze that must be completed before the ship lands somewhere and gets ganked. Throw in some super cool rare things to make the stupidity of trying to complete such a task worth it.
#10 - 2012-05-04 04:16:34 UTC
Another idea that occured to me when I heard about CCPs desire to shake up ship fittings.

Exploration could be used to introduce very limited runs of modules with new abilities to the game. Like anti cloak pulses, or bombs that can be sent through stargates.

Blueprints for these items would only be discoverable for a limted period of time before a new set of items replace them.