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Backlash: The Victory of Goonswarm

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The Greater Groon
#1 - 2012-03-28 01:07:52 UTC
A Pyrrhic victory (/ˈpɪrɪk/) is a victory with such a devastating cost to the victor that it carries the implication that another such victory will ultimately cause defeat.

The victory in this case being the mandate 10,000+ vote margin for The Mittani. But why is this a pyrrhic victory for the goons?

For starters, the Goons have a very particular skillset and modus operandi. They play to grief, to sow the seeds of chaos and destruction. They entertain themselves by "ruining your game." The problem; however, is that the longer they do this the more they need to extend themselves to feel the game bend beneath their weight. When small tests of the in-game rules no longer draw an endorphin rush, they move on to bigger and better schemes. Ultimately, they have no choice but to attack the broadest parts of the game economy and do things like pick on potentially suicidal players. It is their impetus.

As they became a dominant political force in New Eden, Goonswarm became increasingly vigorious with their attempts to attack players from every angle. Not just by generating wars or ganking spaceships, but by metagaming the very development process via the CSM and extolling the virtues of RL griefing. If you follow the escapades of Goonswarm from their earliest days to the present, you notice a pattern developing. No longer are the Goons the jihadists of old, doing the populist work of god and slaying the old-money dragons like Band of Brothers. Today, goons are the sadistic nobility of the middle ages.

Just as the RL nobles who came before them, goons are now reaping a popular backlash for their wanton disregard of the population. For years now Goons have felt as though it were their birth right to drive new players out of the game, to target the most mentally unstable players for greifing, and to exacerbate issues that plague the common EVE player. When last week's event dropped and the CEO and CSM elect of Goonswarm finally brought the absolute worst of their griefing ways into the most public of EVE's venues, the last straw had been dropped.

What we are witnessing today is a direct result of the success of Goonswarm. They will be, in the coming days, directly responsible for the undermining of the laissez-faire policy that has made CCP's EVE Online a unique and enjoyable game for all of us. The succes, the pyrric victory, of goonfleet has not only decimated their popular support in the "pubbie," community; It has undermined their ability to grief in a way that still gets them off.

With each subsequent effort by the goons to up the ante, to mock the response to The Mittani's comments, to continue their pointless crusade... they come one step closer to loosing completely. There is no battle that the goons cannot win. They have a voting block that can trump any other CSM candidate. They have the isk and manpower to dominate any battlefield or in-game market. But they cannot control the response of the community or the necessary response of the men and women at CCP to justify their actions to the world.

Ultimately the backlash against their actions is going to destroy the game they love and that is a truth they cannot face. I can't say that I look forward to the shitstorm that is bound to hit CCP like a tidal wave of grief, but anyone who says that this was not a long time coming obviously has no idea what makes goons tick.

The final catch-22 is now upon us. EVE thrives on the destructive influence of players like the goons and the goons thrive on it in turn, but the envelope has been pushed and EVE cannot take it. If EVE is pushed beyond the brink, CCP will be forced to tighten their regulation and break the game. If Goons do not push EVE beyond the brink they will become bored and simply stop logging in, denying the game thousands of active players and subscribers input.

Will the goons back down and attempt to gain some perspective on their success or will they ride on, energized by this latest incident, and cause a backlash like never before? Time will tell.
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-03-28 01:11:14 UTC
Can someone who speaks pseudo-intellectual-pubbie translate this for me?
Kallynda Nai
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2012-03-28 01:12:32 UTC
Never stop stop posting.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-03-28 01:14:01 UTC
That's a lot of words.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2012-03-28 01:14:02 UTC
OfBalance wrote:
Can someone who speaks pseudo-intellectual-pubbie translate this for me?

Goons actions are self destructive in the long run.

Thats about it really.

**Space wizards are real, they can make 10058 votes vanish. "and for a moment i hurd 10k goons cry out, then silence" **

Selene Theron
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2012-03-28 01:14:17 UTC
Awesome OP. +1
#7 - 2012-03-28 01:15:45 UTC
Quite amusing OP, tbh, somewhat worth the read, altho quite obvious where it come from.

AFK-cloaking in a system near you.

Caldari State
#8 - 2012-03-28 01:16:02 UTC
RougeOperator wrote:
OfBalance wrote:
Can someone who speaks pseudo-intellectual-pubbie translate this for me?

Goons actions are self destructive in the long run.

Thats about it really.

Thanks m88
Thomas Orca
Broski is ded
#9 - 2012-03-28 01:17:10 UTC
OfBalance wrote:
Can someone who speaks pseudo-intellectual-pubbie translate this for me?

Goons are literally destroying EVE, and by destroying EVE, they will either get bored of destroying EVE or get banned.
#10 - 2012-03-28 01:17:42 UTC
Reality Check:
10,058 votes for Mittani. Let's assume they're all Goons.

59,109 votes were cast for the CSM.

Voter turnout was a measly 16.63%. Which means there were 59,109 /.1663 = 355,436 eligible voters.

10,058 / 355,436 = 2.8%

The Goons comprise at most 2.8% of the player base. Are you really saying that 2.8% of the accounts are dominating the 355,000+ accounts in Eve? If the Goons were really that bothersome, the Non-Goon portion of the player base would wipe them out.

source for numbers:

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

The Scope
#11 - 2012-03-28 01:23:30 UTC
stoicfaux wrote:
Reality Check:
10,058 votes for Mittani. Let's assume they're all Goons.

59,109 votes were cast for the CSM.

Voter turnout was a measly 16.63%. Which means there were 59,109 /.1663 = 355,436 eligible voters.

10,058 / 355,436 = 2.8%

The Goons comprise at most 2.8% of the player base. Are you really saying that 2.8% of the accounts are dominating the 355,000+ accounts in Eve? If the Goons were really that bothersome, the Non-Goon portion of the player base would wipe them out.

source for numbers:


Less than 3% of the whole subscriber base and they think that they run the whole game. The other 97% don't give a flaming **** what a measley 3% want.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#12 - 2012-03-28 01:23:52 UTC
The goons will cast themselves upon their own sword, just as the Mittani and previous goon alliances of the past, indeed!

Make the end come sooner! Occupy VFK today
T' Elk
Strategically Bad
Goonswarm Federation
#13 - 2012-03-28 01:25:39 UTC
tl;dr: here's another mittens/goons hatepost.

~Badposter since FOOOOREEEEEVAAAAAR~ I come back after 2 years to THIS? ~Now 4 years apparently

#14 - 2012-03-28 01:28:02 UTC
Diesel wrote:
The goons will cast themselves upon their own sword, just as the Mittani and previous goon alliances of the past, indeed!

Make the end come sooner! Occupy VFK today

Death by mass-autofellatio? I'll pay to see the HD video steam of that.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

#15 - 2012-03-28 01:28:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Misanth
YuuKnow wrote:
stoicfaux wrote:
Reality Check:
10,058 votes for Mittani. Let's assume they're all Goons.

59,109 votes were cast for the CSM.

Voter turnout was a measly 16.63%. Which means there were 59,109 /.1663 = 355,436 eligible voters.

10,058 / 355,436 = 2.8%

The Goons comprise at most 2.8% of the player base. Are you really saying that 2.8% of the accounts are dominating the 355,000+ accounts in Eve? If the Goons were really that bothersome, the Non-Goon portion of the player base would wipe them out.

source for numbers:


Less than 3% of the whole subscriber base and they think that they run the whole game. The other 97% don't give a flaming **** what a measley 3% want.


Me and my other six accounts will care the day I have someone to vote for. They're all **** as is. P
Oh, and so is CSM, but that's another matter. I'd still vote, even if I don't believe in it. There's just noone to vote for, simple as.

AFK-cloaking in a system near you.

The Greater Groon
#16 - 2012-03-28 01:28:45 UTC
stoicfaux wrote:

The Goons comprise at most 2.8% of the player base. Are you really saying that 2.8% of the accounts are dominating the 355,000+ accounts in Eve? If the Goons were really that bothersome, the Non-Goon portion of the player base would wipe them out.

In point of fact this is what we are beginning to see. But EVE does not make the elimination of goonswarm a possibility without serious metagaming. The upheaval against the Mittani is not simply a response to some suicidal man being pushed by bullies from This uprising is the community at-large, or at least those not aligned with the goons, doing all they can to strike back at the entity which has positioned itself firmly atop the heap.

EVE is a game of power blocks. It is a game of trust. Goons have the largest contiguous block of semi-trustworthy players as their backbone. Any entity seeking to physically remove their from their space would be met with the largest armada ever seen in the game. Any voting block attempting to usurp their candidate would be trying to corral the interests of a huge number of disparate voting communities, almost none of whom trust one another at all.

Ultimately, the only card that the anti-goons have to play is to strike at the heart of the swam. They have to undermine the very thing that keeps goonswarm logging in from day to day and that is their ability to thrive on the pain and suffering of other players. When the forums are up in arms about unseating The Mittani, banning him, or regulating the grief tactics utilized by goonswam they are doing the only thing they can to fight back against the goons.

As I alluded to in the OP, the commoners really had no official recourse for sadistic and greedy nobles in the middle ages. The violent uprisings prior to the enlightenment could have been avoided, but for the hubris of these characters. It is patently obvious that we are seeing the very same thing happening right now. The majority know that their cause is hopeless and they are doing only that which they are able to do to strike at the interests of their oppressor.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2012-03-28 01:41:37 UTC
Everything the OP said is 100% true.

Aranakas CEO of Green Anarchy Green vs Green

The Greater Groon
#18 - 2012-03-28 01:44:28 UTC
Misanth wrote:
There's just noone to vote for, simple as.

Precisely the problem that I struck upon. There is no vote against the goons. There is no attack on the goons. The goons have long since become the ultimate power in EVE tempered only by the aging vanguard of PL and other super-capital entities that do not see eye to eye with their policy.

When fighting back in-game or by the CSM became impossible these players looked for any available opportunity to take the fight back to the goons. The opportunity presented itself with The Mittani's presentation and now we are seeing just how much everyone hates the goons, enough to ruin the game for everyone.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2012-03-28 01:47:11 UTC
OfBalance wrote:
Can someone who speaks pseudo-intellectual-pubbie translate this for me?

"Har Har Har, we might be destroying EVE's reputation in the media, but we sure showed those goonies!!1"
The Greater Groon
#20 - 2012-03-28 01:47:47 UTC
T' Elk wrote:
tl;dr: here's another mittens/goons hatepost.

I do not hate The Mittani or the goons. I have not given them any labels that they themselves have not personally taken to be their own. What I have done is elucidate the reasons behind this massive groundswell of anti-goon fervor, specifically culminating in tons of players forcefully promoting bad PR for CCP.
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